Malignant fibrous histiocytomas

Malignant fibrous histiocytomas


Malignant fibrous histiocytomas (MFH) are one of the subtypes of sarcoma that are more frequently diagnosed. Malignant cancer with a propensity for men rather than women, it typically affects older persons between the ages of 50 and 70 and develops in fibrous tissues. Although they can develop in virtually any area of the body, tumours most frequently affect the extremities.

The early stages of this illness show very few symptoms, which is a trait shared by the majority of sarcomas. The best person to make the diagnosis would be a doctor with experience in sarcoma identification. Specialists, like the doctors at the Sarcoma Oncology Center, advise that suspicious growths should be examined by a doctor even though some symptoms can be hazy and potentially attributed to one of numerous other diseases. Doctors who specialise in sarcoma oncology warn that symptoms frequently go unnoticed until the disease has progressed to the point where immediate medical attention is required. The best defences we have against a major illness like sarcoma are being aware of changes in our health and implementing preventive measures.


Symptoms of malignant fibrous histiocytomas


Even though many strange growths are not malignant, it is crucial to visit your doctor as soon as you notice one. Soft tissue masses can grow rapidly within a few months without causing any pain, but once they are sufficiently large and pressing against a nerve, a tumour may eventually cause discomfort.

Keeping in mind that MFH, or other sarcoma types, is frequently located in the soft tissue of an arm or leg, symptoms tend to affect a limb, including:

  • Restricted movement with an arm or leg
  • Pain from compressed nerves or muscles
  • Pain due to compressed muscles
  • Limping


Diagnosis of MFH


Your doctor will conduct a physical examination and inquire about your medical history, as well as any changes or issues you’ve observed.

The tumours can be seen on an X-ray. To see more information and how much of your bone is impacted, you could get a CT scan or MRI. To determine whether it has spread, your doctor might also perform a bone scan or PET scan.

The lungs are typically where this cancer progresses to when it does. So, a chest X-ray or chest CT scan may also be performed. A biopsy is the only method to confirm that it is cancer. The presence of cancer cells is examined in a little piece of the tumour that is removed.


Treatment of MFH

Sarcomas are often fairly advanced by the time they are detected and treated, therefore, require a multidisciplinary approach. An important part of treatment includes careful evaluation of both medical and personal factors including:

  • Tumor location
  • Tumor size and stage
  • Patient’s age and medical history
  • Patient lifestyle and physical condition
  • First diagnosis or recurrence


A treatment plan is usually a combination of two or more of the following methods:

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  • June 29th, 2022

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