Category: Oral cancer

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Both e-cigarettes and ordinary tobacco are associated with oral cancer

At the 96th Congress of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR), Benjamin Chaffee of the University of California, San Francisco published a report on nicotine and carcinogens in tobacco.Tobacco use is still the m..

Ayurvedic cancer treatment & rehabilitation in India

Ayurvedic cancer treatment and rehabilitation in India

Ayurvedic cancer treatment & rehabilitation in India is done at many centers these days. These are government approved centres in both north and south India. Primarily, these centres are located in south India, in Kerala. Bes..

Oral Cancer Detection Kit Which Can Detect Cancer 6 Years In Advance

Oral cancer detection kit which can detect cancer 6 years in advance

Oral cancer detection kit First-of-its kind oral cancer diagnosis test kit, which includes a dual test. This very simple test will diagnose oral cancer at a precancerous stage, thus preventing cancer from even happening. Dr Zahra..

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