Cancer treatment in South-Korea


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With its cutting-edge therapies and creative methods, South Korea has become a global leader in the treatment of cancer. The nation has made great advancements in the fight against cancer thanks to its cutting-edge medical infrastructure and esteemed healthcare institutions. Cancer treatment in South-Korea is starts with early detection, personalized therapy, and cutting-edge technologies. Teams of specialists from many disciplines work together to create individualized treatment regimens for each patient. Additionally, the rapid acceptance of ground-breaking therapies is made possible by South Korea’s significant emphasis on research and clinical trials. The country’s commitment to enhancing cancer care has drawn patients from all around the world, solidifying its status as a top location for efficient and kind cancer treatment.

Table of Contents

Cancer treatment in Korea: Introduction

Due to the presence of multiple tech behemoths that foster advancement in a wide range of disciplines, South Korea is without a doubt one of the most developed and industrialized nations in the world. Because of their eagerness to learn from an early age, Koreans rank among the top OECD nations in reading literacy, mathematics, and science. South Korea also has the most well educated labour force in the developed world thanks to its desire for learning. The nation topped the Bloomberg Innovation Index’s list of the most innovative nations from 2014 to 2019. Advanced cancer treatment in South-Korea is considered to be with at par with the best cancer hospitals in the world. Top cancer hospitals in South-Korea uses latest technology and drugs to treat advanced and recurring cancer cases. 

Cancer treatment in South Korea

South Korea is also the home of cutting-edge medicine in addition to tech behemoths. South Korea provides highly affordable first-world therapies for conditions like cancer, heart and vascular disease, and organ transplants. Additionally, the medical industry in South Korea is renowned for providing excellent services in other fields like plastic surgery and dentistry.

The South Korean healthcare system is 94% private, while the universities often oversee the remaining public healthcare facilities.

The Korea International Medical Association published a report outlining the rise of medical tourism as a result of the foreign patient legislation bill in 2009. This report was in regards to providing treatment for patients globally. With the help of this law, international patients and their families will be able to get longer-term medical visas, and local hospitals will be allowed to promote medical tourism to foreigners. As a result, South Korea now serves as a host nation for those seeking high-quality, reasonably priced healthcare services.

As a result, since 2009, there have been an average of 22.7% more international patients seeking medical care in South Korea. Since South Korea is one of the most renowned healthcare service providers globally and, statistically speaking, offers one of the best prospects for life and recovery, patients from all over the world are looking to begin treatments there.

Hospitals uses cutting edge technology to treat cancer in South-Korea

According to the Korean government, breast cancer has a survival rate of 90.6% and thyroid cancer has a rate of 99.7%. Additionally, cancer mortality is steadily declining, with declines of 19% in 2006 and 21% in 2008. With these figures it can be said that cancer treatment in South-Korea is at par with the best cancer hospitals in the world.

These high survival rates can be attributed to South Korea’s ongoing research as well as to the country’s excellent medical care, technological breakthroughs in medicine, government-sponsored screening and diagnosis programmes, and government efforts in general.

In terms of developing and utilising proton beam radiation, Korea leads the globe. In order to irradiate the human body and damage the DNA within cancerous tumours, proton therapy uses hydron ions, which are 1800 times heavier than electrons. These ions are accelerated by a cyclotron. One of the most well-known cancer treatment methods in Korea is proton therapy, which is offered at the National Cancer Center in Korea.

As demonstrated above, South Korea not only provides some of the most sophisticated cancer treatments and organ transplants, but it also does it for less money than other industrialized nations. According to studies, a US patient obtaining the best medical care in South Korea should expect to pay between 30% and 80% less than he would in the US for the identical procedure.

Process of getting cancer treatment in South-Korea

Send your reports

Send your medical summary, latest blood reports, biopsy report, latest PET scan report and other available reports to

Evaluation & Opinion

Our medical team will analyze the reports and suggest best hospital for your treatment as per your budget. We will get you opinion from the treating doctor and estimate from the hospital.

Medical visa and travel

We help you in getting your medical visa and arrange for travel to the country of treatment. Our representative will receive you at the airport and arrange for consultation and treatment.

Treatment and follow up

Our representative will help you in doctor appointment and other necessary formalities locally. He will also help you with any other local help required. Once the treatment is finished our team will keep follow up from time to time.​

Best doctor’s for cancer treatment in South-Korea

We connect you with the best doctor’s for cancer treatment in South-Korea. Check the list of doctor’s below.

Park Han-seung Asan Hospital South Korea

Dr. Park Han-Seung (MD, PhD)


Profile: Among the top hematologist in Seoul, South-Korea. He is known for his work in treating leukemia, lymphoma, multiple-myeloma and CAR T-Cell therapy in Korea.

Dr. Kim Kyu-Pyo Best doctor for pancreatic cancer treatment in Seoul South Korea

Dr. Kim Kyu-Pyo (MD, PhD)

GI oncologist

Profile: Among the top doctor’s in Seoul, South-Korea for the treatment of GI based, stomach, pancreatic, liver, bile-duct and colorectal cancers.

Dr. Kim Sang-We best doctor for brain tumor treatment in seoul south korea

Dr. Kim Sang-We (MD, PhD)

Neurological cancers

Profile: Among the top doctor’s in Seoul, South-Korea for the treatment of neurological cancers like gliomas, glioblastoma and CNS tumors.

How much does cancer treatment cost in Korea?

Cancer treatment in South-Korea may cost anything between $30,000 – 450,000 USD depending upon many factors like stage of cancer, type of cancer and hospital chosen for the treatment. 

Comprehensive and frequently pricey treatments are required for cancer, a severe threat to human health. A variety of top-notch cancer therapies are available in South Korea, which is renowned for its sophisticated healthcare system. Understanding the financial costs of receiving cancer treatment in Korea is crucial, though.

Cost variables: Depending on a number of variables, the cost of cancer treatment in Korea might vary dramatically. These factors include the cancer’s type and stage, the method of therapy, how long it lasts, the patient’s preferred hospital or clinic, and their insurance policy.

Treatment Options: Surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapy, and precision medicine are just a few of the cancer treatments available in Korea. Each type of treatment has a unique set of expenses, which might vary greatly.

Insurance coverage: South Korea has a national health insurance programme that pays for a sizable amount of the costs associated with cancer treatment. The extent of coverage is determined by the kind of insurance and the particular type of therapy. Patients with national health insurance may have co-payment and deductible requirements, but people with private insurance may have more coverage options or pay higher premiums.

Out-of-pocket fees: Despite having insurance coverage, patients may still have to pay deductibles, co-payments, and additional fees for diagnostic tests, supportive care services, and medicines.

Choices of Hospital and Clinic: The total cost of cancer treatment in Korea may vary depending on the hospital or clinic that is selected. Although prestigious universities may provide state-of-the-art equipment and professional knowledge, their costs may be higher than those of local or smaller facilities.

The type of cancer, the technique of therapy, insurance coverage, and the medical facility of choice are some of the variables that affect the price of cancer treatment in Korea. Despite the fact that the national health insurance system offers significant coverage, patients should be ready for possible out-of-pocket costs. For a more precise estimate of the costs involved, it is advised for people seeking cancer treatment in Korea to speak with medical professionals and insurance companies. Making judgements while taking into account the financial costs and the quality of care can also be aided by researching various treatment alternatives and hospitals or clinics.

How to get medical visa to South-Korea?

CancerFax representative will guide you through the complete medical visa process, guidelines, fees and time lines. You can connect with our representative on WhatsApp (+1 213 789 56 55) or email to

Modern healthcare facilities and cutting-edge medical procedures are increasingly popular in South Korea. South Korea offers a variety of specialized therapies that draw patients from all over the world thanks to its cutting-edge hospitals, highly qualified medical staff, and ground-breaking medical research. For foreign patients looking for top-notch medical care in South Korea, obtaining a medical visa is a crucial step.

The advantages of a medical visa to Korea

A medical visa for South Korea offers patients seeking medical care various benefits:

Access to World-Class Medical Facilities: South Korea is home to a number of medical centres that are well-known on a global scale for their competence in fields including plastic surgery, organ transplantation, cancer treatment, and more. Patients can gain entry to these premier medical facilities with a medical visa.

Modern technologies and cutting-edge treatment choices are available in South Korea, which is at the forefront of medical innovation. Patients can gain access to cutting-edge treatments and procedures that would not be offered in their own countries.

Medical Staff with High Skill Levels: The nation has a pool of medical professionals with high skill levels who have had extensive training and experience in their professions. Throughout their medical journey, patients can get specialised attention and professional direction.

Seamless Coordination: Those in need of medical visas can turn to specialised travel services that assist with visa applications, travel plans, lodging, and hospital appointments. For patients, these organisations provide a simple and hassle-free experience.


Getting a medical visa for South Korea gives you access to cutting-edge medical procedures and services of the highest calibre. South Korea continues to draw patients looking for top-notch healthcare solutions thanks to its excellent medical facilities, cutting-edge technologies, and knowledgeable medical staff. For those looking for the best possible medical results and a happy healthcare experience, South Korea is a desirable location due to the medical visa procedure as well as the knowledge and care on offer there.

Breast cancer treatment in South-Korea

Globally, breast cancer is a major cause for concern, but South Korea has achieved great strides in the field of therapy. The nation’s healthcare system is renowned for its cutting-edge innovations and first-rate medical care, both of which have significantly improved the prognosis for patients with breast cancer.

A multidisciplinary strategy is used in South Korea to treat breast cancer, bringing together specialists from different disciplines like pathology, medical oncology, and radiation oncology. Patients will receive comprehensive, individualized care that is catered to their unique needs thanks to this cooperative effort.

The use of cutting-edge surgical methods is one of the significant developments in the treatment of breast cancer in South Korea. Breast-conserving surgery and sentinel lymph node biopsy are two minimally invasive treatments that are frequently used to remove malignant tissues while maintaining the breast and reducing adverse effects.

Breast cancer treatment in south korea

Additionally, South Korea has embraced the use of precision medicine and tailored medicines in the treatment of breast cancer. It is possible to pinpoint specific mutations or biomarkers that may affect treatment choices by using genetic testing and molecular profiling. This enables the selection of more potent and less harmful tailored medicines, improving patient outcomes and minimizing adverse effects.

Intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) and image-guided radiation therapy (IGRT), for example, are both available in South Korea’s radiation oncology facilities. With the help of these cutting-edge methods, radiation may be delivered precisely, causing the least amount of harm to healthy tissues while efficiently killing cancer cells.

South Korea also has extensive survival programmes to assist breast cancer patients during their course of treatment. To assist patients in managing the long-term effects of treatment and improving their quality of life, these programmes offer psychiatric support, rehabilitation services, and survivorship care plans.

As a result, South Korea has made major advancements in the treatment of breast cancer, including a multidisciplinary strategy, cutting-edge surgical methods, targeted medicines, cutting-edge radiation technology, and extensive survivorship programmes. These developments help breast cancer patients in South Korea achieve better results and a higher quality of life.

CancerFax has a lot of experience working with different Korean institutions. We value our patients’ experiences very much. As a result, our coordinators thoroughly evaluate the hospitals, physicians, and medical personnel. This wealth of knowledge enables us to offer personalized advice based on the diagnosis and preferences of our clients.

NOTE: A few hospitals in Korea treat cancer with an experimental form of therapy called NK (natural killer) cells. Utilizing your own NK cells is this way. Cells are collected using standard blood collection methods, multiplied by millions in the lab, and then intravenously injected back into the patient. Utilizing your own immune system to combat cancer is made easier by this technique. Suitable for cancer patients in both the initial stage and the terminal stage.

Since the breast is located in close proximity to vital organs, a detailed examination is carried out to determine the stage of disease spread and the presence of metastasis.

Breast ultrasound and mammography
MRI of the breasts
CT of chest and abdominal organs
Blood, urine test
PET-CT (if necessary)
Bone scintography (if necessary)
Cost: $3,000
Biopsy or revision of histological drugsBiopsy cost: from $3002
Cost of histological research: $300-$600$3
Genetic test to determine the mutation of the gene BRCA1, BRCA2 (It is recommended to do a test if among the next of kin there were more than 1 case of breast, ovarian cancer, if the patient is less than 40 years old, etc. Gene mutation increases the risk of breast cancer by 70-85%, ovarian cancer by 22-44%, in addition to this bowel cancer, pancreas, uterus, bile ducts. Children are also recommended to be screened. To reduce the risk of cancer, prescribe medications or perform special procedures.)Cost: about $3,000-$5,000$4

Preliminary treatment plans in Korea for breast cancer

  • Surgery: There are many types of operation, partial and complete are distinguished, with / without removal of lymph nodes, with / without breast reconstruction, etc. Since 2016, surgeries using the “Sa Vinci” robot have been widely common. This operation is performed through one single small incision, which helps quick recovery and provides the best aesthetic effect. The Cost: $ 11,000 ~ $ 20,000
  • Chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy. The cost: $ 500 ~ $ 5,000 for 1 course Radiotherapy
  • Hormone therapy (depending on the diagnosis)

Lung cancer treatment in South-Korea

One of the most common and difficult diseases to treat is lung cancer. However, there has been a tremendous improvement in South Korea’s ability to cure this fatal illness. As a result of its world-class oncology specialists, cutting-edge medical technologies, and robust healthcare system, the nation is currently a top location for lung cancer treatment.

Lung cancer treatment is provided in South Korea using a thorough and multidisciplinary approach. The nation’s healthcare facilities are outfitted with cutting-edge equipment and modern technology, facilitating early detection, precise diagnosis, and individualized treatment regimens. South Korean doctors use the most up-to-date diagnostic tools to pinpoint specific cancer subtypes and develop individualized treatment plans. These tools range from cutting-edge imaging methods like PET-CT scans to molecular profiling and genetic testing.

Lung cancer patients in South Korea have a variety of therapeutic options at their disposal, including surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, and cutting-edge clinical trials. High-caliber surgeons in the nation specialize in minimally invasive techniques including video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) and robotic surgery, which lessen pain, shorten hospital stays, and speed up recovery.

In addition, South Korea has a robust research environment, with top universities actively involved in ground-breaking research and clinical trials. Patients have access to cutting-edge therapies and cutting-edge treatments that may enhance results and increase survival rates.

In addition to providing top-notch medical care, South Korea’s healthcare system offers streamlined patient experiences through effective appointment scheduling, condensed wait times, and caring support services.

Overall, South Korea has become a centre for lung cancer treatment thanks to its cutting-edge medical equipment, qualified medical staff, and patient-centered philosophy. The nation’s dedication to patient care and innovation continues to fuel improvements in the treatment of lung cancer, giving patients and their families around the world hope.

The Lung and Esophageal Cancer Center at Asan Hospital is the location we suggest as the primary choice for lung cancer treatment in South Korea. In South Korea over the past ten years, the institution has first and foremost performed the most lung cancer procedures.

Lung cancer treatment in South Korea

The Cancer Center employs medical professionals from the departments of pulmonology, haematology, oncology, thoracic surgery, radiation oncology, radiology, pathology, and nuclear medicine. They are able to attain the lowest death rates in South Korea because to this combined treatment strategy.

Another outstanding medical facility in South Korea for the treatment of lung cancer is Samsung Hospital. Additionally, the Lung Cancer Center favours a comprehensive approach to care. To lessen the negative effects of chemotherapy, great effort has been made to improve its quality.

14% of all cancer cases are lung cancer, according to the oncology field. This form of cancer is the second most prevalent among all cancers, after prostate cancer, which is more common in males than women. Moreover, one-fourth of all cancer-related fatalities are attributable to lung cancer. Lung cancer affects 1 in 14 men and 1 in 17 women, despite the fact that smokers have a higher risk of developing it.

Lung cancer can be of two primary forms. About 10% to 15% of instances of lung cancer are small cell lung cancer, or SCLC. NSCLC, often known as non-small cell lung cancer, is the second form. Doctors categorise this into three groups (adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and large cell carcinoma). It accounts for 80–85% of the cases.

Typically, lung cancer cells begin their growth in the bronchi, bronchioles, and alveoli that line the lungs (lung parts). The cells begin to outgrow their normal size and create a tumour that runs the danger of metastasizing to other parts of the body. Early illness detection is essential. Unfortunately, few instances have obvious symptoms, which makes identification challenging.

In addition, many patients delay medical testing by mistaking the symptoms of cancer for those of other respiratory illnesses. It is advised that adults aged 55 to 74 who have smoked more than 30 packs of cigarettes (about) in the last 15 years contact their doctors and consider medical screening.

Liver cancer treatment in South-Korea

South Korea’s liver cancer programme has become known for its cutting-edge research, cutting-edge medical technology, and multidisciplinary approach. Patients looking for cutting-edge and efficient liver cancer treatments have made the nation a top choice. A wide variety of treatment options are available in South Korean hospitals and medical facilities, including surgery, radiofrequency ablation, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and targeted therapies.

The world-class medical infrastructure and competence of South Korea is one of the main elements influencing the country’s success in treating liver cancer. The nation is home to cutting-edge facilities and a sizable population of highly qualified medical professionals with expertise in the treatment of liver cancer. These experts work collaboratively with other specialists, such as hepatologists, radiologists, oncologists, and surgeons, to create individualised treatment programmes that are catered to the requirements of each patient.

The dedication of South Korea to R&D is yet another important aspect. The nation’s healthcare facilities actively take part in clinical trials, investigating cutting-edge medicines and management plans to enhance patient results. These studies have produced ground-breaking improvements in the treatment of liver cancer, including tailored treatments that can target only cancer cells while causing the least amount of harm to healthy tissues.

Additionally, South Korea’s focus on patient-centric care and support is crucial to the course of treatment. To ensure that patients receive comprehensive care throughout their treatment journey, medical institutions offer comprehensive support services, including counselling, rehabilitation, and follow-up care.

Overall, the state-of-the-art technologies, multidisciplinary approach, and dedication to research make South Korea’s liver cancer treatment environment stand out. For patients with liver cancer from all over the world, the nation continues to give hope and better outcomes because to its first-rate medical infrastructure and committed medical staff.

We have a lot of experience working with many hospitals in Korea. We value our patients’ experiences very much. As a result, our coordinators evaluate the performance of medical facilities, practitioners, and employees in-depth. CancerFax wealth of knowledge enables it to offer personalized advice, taking the patient’s diagnosis and preferences into account.

NOTE: A few hospitals in Korea treat cancer patients with an experimental kind of NK cell therapy. Utilizing our own NK cells is this way. The typical blood collection method is used to extract cells. The cells are then multiplied by millions in the lab and given returned to the patient intravenously. Utilizing your own immune system to combat cancer is made easier by this technique. Suitable for cancer patients in both the early stages and the terminal stages.

How effective is liver cancer treatment in South-Korea?

There are two different approaches to treating liver cancer: radical and conservative.

The surgical removal of the tumour, liver transplantation, and tumour ablation are the first radical methods of treatment (ethanol, radiofrequency waves, etc). In addition to liver cancer, cirrhosis and advanced hepatitis are other conditions for which liver transplantation is advised as a treatment. In Korea, only living related donors are used for liver transplants on international patients.

Second, the conservative approach entails proton therapy, radiation, chemotherapy, and trans-arterial chemoembolization (TACE).

Doctors advise using harsh treatments when liver cancer is still in its early stages. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to use them in the later stages of detection. As a result, medical professionals employ conservative techniques to stop the tumor’s growth and further shrink it. After that, surgery can be done or efforts can be made to make the patient as comfortable as possible while extending their life.

Authorities authorize novel immunotherapy medications, targeted therapies, and other cutting-edge liver cancer treatment options every year as a result of new research and testing that emerges in the field. A recent illustration is the immunotherapy medicine Tecentricic (Atezolyumab) in combination with Avastein (Bevacizumab), which the U.S. Food and Therapeutic Administration approved as a level 1-level drug in May 2020 for the treatment of inoperable liver cancer. The technique will soon be approved in Korea after passing through a number of procedures this year.

Top hospital’s for cancer treatment in South-Korea

Top cancer hospitals in South-Korea

Top cancer hospitals in South Korea


Asan medical centre, Seoul

Based on genetic and clinical data, a patient’s unique cancer, environment, and lifestyle, precision medicine customises therapy. The Asan Medical Center (AMC) Cancer Institute in Seoul, South Korea’s largest cancer treatment facility, collaborates closely with foreign partners to strengthen the country’s position in precision cancer care.

In order to maximise South Koreans’ genome sequencing, the institute and Harvard Medical School’s Dana-Farber Cancer Institute established the ASAN Center for Cancer Genome Discovery (ASAN-CCGD) in 2011.

Asan Medical Center, one of South Korea’s top hospitals and led by President Sang-do Lee, has created a number of cutting-edge sequencing approaches, including OncoPanel and OncoMap, by utilising the specialised expertise of the AMC Center for Personalized Cancer Medicine. By 2018, AMC was handling half of South Korea’s cancer patients’ next-generation sequencing needs.

The Bio-Resource Center, a biobank of human samples for basic, translational, and clinical research, is led by the AMC Cancer Institute and houses more than 500,000 high-quality samples from around 100,000 patients.

The largest hospital in South Korea was established in 1989 and is called Asan Medical Center (AMC) in Seoul. It specialises on heart surgery, cancer, cardiology, and organ transplantation. 90% of all organ transplants in South Korea are successful, with Asan Medical Center performing almost half of all heart transplants.

Patients with liver cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, brain tumours, herniated discs, and benign prostatic hyperplasia go from all over the world to Asan Medical Center every year in order to receive better care and increase their chances of survival.

A Cancer Institute that creates treatments for Breast cancer, Lung cancer, Blood cancer, and Bone cancer is a part of Asan Medical Center. The medical staff of the Asan Cancer Center is highly skilled and focused on treating cancers of the head and neck, stomach, intestines, liver, and lymph nodes. Each year, they carry out 1500 laparoscopic tumour removals, 1900 procedures for people with stomach cancer, and 2 000 surgeries for people with breast cancer. The breast is saved in about 70% of breast cancer procedures. If the breast is not preserved after 30% of the surgeries, the doctors reconstruct the breast using implants.

Samsung Medical Centre Seoul Korea


Samsung medical centre, Seoul

The Samsung Medical Center (SMC) was established in Seoul in 1994 with the mission of enhancing the health of the country by providing the greatest medical care, leading-edge medical research, and training exceptional medical professionals. Since its founding, Samsung Medical Center has succeeded in achieving its objective by rising to the top among hospitals that put the needs of their patients first.

Patients from throughout the globe visit Samsung Medical Center every year for treatment of a wide range of cancers, including cervical cancer, breast cancer, melanoma, epilepsy, lung cancer, and brain tumours.

Samsung Medical Center (SMC) is defining a new hospital culture in Korea by being the best hospital in terms of hi-tech medical services and by providing genuine patient-centered medical services, such as the shortest wait times in the country. SMC is equipped with advanced medical service infrastructure, including outstanding medical staff, order communication system (OCS), picture archiving communication system (PACS), clinical pathology automation system, and logistics automation system.

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CancerFax is a pioneering platform dedicated to connecting individuals facing advanced-stage cancer with groundbreaking cell therapies like CAR T-Cell therapy, Gene therapy, TIL therapy, and clinical trials worldwide.

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1) CAR T-Cell therapy
2) Gene therapy
3) Gamma-Delta T Cell therapy
4) TIL therapy
5) NK Cell therapy