A First Global Oncology do MD Anderson Cancer Center oferece serviços de consulta e encaminhamento para pacientes com câncer

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MD Anderson Cancer Center is a global cancer diagnosis and treatment institution. It is a training hospital that countless domestic doctors aspire to. It is also the most hopeful hospital for cancer patients around the world. How to choose the channels to obtain consultation services from American experts is the most important issue for cancer patients ? Global Oncologist Network and the United States MD Anderson Cancer Center’s first Global Oncology Medical Company in cooperation with the United States MD Anderson Cancer Center cancer expert diagnosis and treatment services for patients .

First Global Oncology Medical Co., Ltd. is a joint venture company of MD Anderson Cancer Center in the United States. It has the exclusive patent license of MD Anderson Cancer Center and is the regular channel for consultation and referral of MD Anderson Cancer Center. Based on the cooperation with experts from MD Anderson Cancer Center, First Global Oncology can provide professional treatment planning and consulting services for cancer hospitals and cancer patients, and help cancer patients get consultation opinions from American experts in the country, so that the treatment of cancer patients and the world Hospital synchronization.

The Global Oncologist Network officially cooperates with First Global Oncology to help cancer patients get expert consultation from MD Anderson Cancer Center. For suitable patients, assist patients to be referred to MD Anderson Cancer Center for treatment. All consultations and referrals were provided by the First Global Oncology Medical Institution, a joint venture company of the MD Anderson Cancer Center in the United States, and went to the Anderson Cancer Center for medical treatment. Patients and doctors who need more information can directly consult the customer service of CancerFax at +91 96 1588 1588.

Our No. 1 Global Oncology Research Center and Service Center is located at the Texas Medical Center, the world’s largest medical center. We join the recognized world cancer center-MD Anderson Cancer Center, invest in and manage cancer centers worldwide, provide the most advanced technical support and quality control services, and jointly build world-class cancer centers and radiotherapy centers.

We have an expert advisory team of the world’s best and experienced doctors and physicists. Our experts provide remote treatment consultation for cancer patients around the world, and also provide first-class radiotherapy technology services for hospitals at all levels, assisting hospitals to establish advanced radiotherapy quality control models.

With the exclusive authorization of MD Anderson Cancer Center, First Global Oncology is based on a database of clinically-accumulated experts in the most advanced cancer hospitals in the United States, and is backed by web services and high-performance computing platforms. The system has achieved a key breakthrough in the quality and efficiency of clinical precision radiotherapy.

We conduct collaborative research with MD Anderson Cancer Center and other international medical institutions, including the Tianjin Medical University Cancer Hospital, the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, etc., with the goal of helping and saving cancer patients worldwide, and constantly developing new anti-cancer technologies.

We provide education and training services for hospitals, doctors and physicists around the world, help medical experts to establish a platform for sharing experience, and promote appropriate and effective diagnostic technologies.

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CancerFax é uma plataforma pioneira dedicada a conectar indivíduos que enfrentam câncer em estágio avançado com terapias celulares inovadoras, como terapia com células T CAR, terapia TIL e ensaios clínicos em todo o mundo.

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