Таргетные препараты для лечения рака печени

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Liver cancer is mainly caused by hbv, and middle-aged men are the main group of people with liver cancer. The stage of liver cancer is mainly divided into early, middle and late stages. It is relatively easy to treat in the early and middle stages, and you do n’t have to worry about affecting patients. Life is safe, and once it reaches the advanced stage, patients often only have a few months to survive. The hope of treatment is relatively slim, and targeted therapy is mainly aimed at advanced liver cancer, which can control the spread of cancer cells.


If the tumor only exists in the liver, and is less than 5cm, and the number does not exceed 3, it is “early” liver cancer. For this part of patients, local treatment (including surgery, radiotherapy, ablation, freezing, etc.) can solve the problem without targeting. treatment;

If the liver tumor has grown relatively large, or the number of lesions is relatively large, but there is no invasion of blood vessels or metastasis in other parts, then the tumor has developed to the “middle stage”. These liver cancer patients can be treated from surgery, intervention, radiotherapy, etc. Obtain long-term survival through treatment;

If the tumor further develops, has already invaded the blood vessel or has already metastasized in other parts, then the tumor is already “advanced”, in this case, targeted therapy is an indispensable treatment method.

At present, the only targeted drugs for the treatment of advanced liver cancer in the world are sorafenib (dojime) and rifafenib (baiwango). Among them, rifafenib has not been approved for liver cancer indications in China. In other words, sorafenib is the only regular treatment for advanced liver cancer in China.

For the research of liver cancer drugs, many clinical trials of targeted drugs have been carried out from 2007 to 2017, and almost no results have been achieved. These drugs include sunitinib, brivanib, linivanib (linifanib), dovitinib (dovitinib), nintedanib (nintedanib), etc.

Only a few drugs have achieved unexpected results in the treatment of liver cancer

Lenvatinib (Lenvatinib), also known as 7080 in China, is the earliest used for the treatment of thyroid.

Carbotinib, another vasostatic agent similar to levatinib, is called 184 in some domestic patients. According to research data, the drug can shrink the tumor of 5% of liver cancer patients, and 66% of liver cancer patients no longer have a tumor. At present, large-scale clinical research on carbotinib in the treatment of liver cancer is underway, and the trial results of this drug are worth looking forward to.

However, it should be noted that most of the advanced liver cancer drugs have not been approved by the State Drug Administration. At the same time, foreign imported drugs have the disadvantages of high prices and unstable effects. Therefore, patients must try to choose regular professional Consultation in large hospitals, you must choose under the advice of a doctor when using drugs.

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