Dr Luqman Mazlan Colorectale chirurgie

Consultant - GI & Colorectal Surgeon, Ervaring:

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Dr. Luqman Mazlan is een van de beste colorectale en algemene chirurgen in Kuala Lumpur, Maleisië.

Dr Luqman completed his general surgical training in 2010 and then proceeded to sub-specialisation training in colorectal surgery in UKMMC, Hospital Kuantan and Hospital Seremban. He spent a year as a clinical fellow at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney in 2014 training in pelvic exenteration surgery for recurrent and locally invasive colorectal and pelvic cancers. Dr Luqman has a special interest in recurrent and locally invasive colorectale kankers and regularly performs complex laparoscopic colorectal surgeries as well as pelvic exenteration surgery for cancers with multi-organ cancer involvement. He also manages functional colorectal diseases including fecal incontinence and chronic constipation, peri-anal diseases such as hemorrhoids, fistula-in-ano and fissures and inflammatory bowel disease. He had extensively published in the field of colorectal surgery and was involved in many international trials and research on colorectal cancer and clinical nutrition. Dr Luqman is actively involved as a speaker and facilitator of educational workshops and courses on colorectal surgery and clinical nutrition in Malaysia and internationally and is Treasurer of the Malaysian Society of Colorectal Surgeons and a Council Member of the Parenteral and Enteral Society of Malaysia (PENSMA).


Pantai Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, Maleisië


  • Colorectale kanker, diverticulitis
  • Aambeien, Fistel-in-ano
  • Inflammatoire darmziekte, darmpoliepen
  • Anale fissuren, hernia's
  • Functionele darmstoornissen - chronische constipatie en incontinentie

Uitgevoerde procedures

  • Laparoscopische en open colorectale chirurgie
  • Laser en nietmachine Hemorrhoidopexy
  • Algemene en colorectale noodsituaties
  • Laparoscopische Hernia-reparatie
  • Operaties voor Fistula-in-ano
  • Colonoscopie en bovenste GI-endoscopie
  • Transanale procedures
  • Endo-anale echografie

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