Tecentriq en Avastin eerstelijnsbehandeling bij hepatocellulair carcinoom

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Swiss pharmaceutical giant Roche announced the PD-L1 tumor immunotherapy Tecentriq (atezolizumab) combined with Avastin (bevacizumab, bevacizumab) in the treatment of unresectable or advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) at ESMO 2018 in Munich, Germany ) The latest data from the Phase Ib clinical study (NCT02715531).

The efficacy evaluation group included all patients who received combination therapy and were followed for at least 16 weeks, with a median survival follow-up time of 7 months. In terms of complete response rate (CR), the CR assessed by INV according to RECIST v1.1 was 1 case (1%), the CR assessed by IRF according to RECIST v1.1 was 4 cases (5%), and the CR assessed by IRF according to HCC mRECIST was 8 cases (11%). The disease control rate (DCR, ie experienced remission or stable condition) was consistent in all forms of evaluation, INV’s DCR was 77% according to RECIST v1.1 (n = 56/73), IRF was based on RECIST v1.1 And the DCR according to HCC mRECIST is 75% (55/73). The median duration of remission (DOR) and overall survival (OS) have not been reached.

In the safety-evaluable group (n = 103), 27% of patients (n = 28/103) experienced grade 3-4 treatment-related adverse events and 2% (n = 2/103) experienced treatment-related grade 5 adverse events event. In addition to the safety profile of existing single drugs, no new safety signals related to combination therapy have been found.

In July this year, based on the overall data of the ongoing phase Ib study, the US FDA has granted Tecentriq + Avastin combination therapy as a first-line treatment for advanced or metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma (BTD). This is also the 23rd BTD awarded in Roche’s product portfolio to date and the 3rd BTD awarded by Tecentriq to date.

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Alectinib is door de USFDA goedgekeurd als adjuvante behandeling voor ALK-positieve niet-kleincellige longkanker

De recente goedkeuring door de FDA van alectinib markeert een aanzienlijke vooruitgang in het behandelingslandschap voor ALK-positieve niet-kleincellige longkanker (NSCLC). Als adjuvante therapie biedt alectinib hernieuwde hoop voor patiënten na een operatie, waarbij het zich richt op resterende kankercellen en het risico op herhaling vermindert. Deze mijlpaal onderstreept het belang van op maat gemaakte therapieën bij het verbeteren van de resultaten voor patiënten met specifieke genetische mutaties, waarmee een nieuw tijdperk van precisiegeneeskunde in de oncologie wordt ingeluid.

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