Kunnen patiënten met hoofd-halskanker genieten van een pittige hete pot tijdens protontherapie?

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Meneer Xu is een typische inwoner van Chongqing. Hij is van nature pittig en ongelukkig. Van al het pittige eten is de pittige hete pot van Chongqing zijn favoriet. Helaas werd er een kwaadaardige tumor met een parotisklier gevonden, een vorm van hoofd-halskanker. Hoewel de diagnose een kwaadaardige tumor is, is de locatie van de tumor duidelijk en wordt chirurgische behandeling aanbevolen, gevolgd door adjuvante therapie.

When I heard that I had to have surgery and radiotherapy, Mr. Xu was hesitant. After all, the tumor grew on my face. Without mentioning surgery, the treatment may affect the appearance, but the side effects of radiotherapy are definitely inevitable. He doesn’t want radiotherapy. Don’t want to operate. So, he found the frontline treatment of head and neck cancer online and went to Taiwan to do proton therapy. Therefore, he embarked on the path of seeking medical treatment in Taiwan.

He learned in detail the principle of proton therapy: Taiwan Changgeng proton therapy technology is different from other traditional X-ray therapy technology, the difference is the use of heavy particles in the atomic nucleus-proton as a radioactive source. After the high-energy proton beam penetrates into the body from the human body, it initially releases very little energy due to its fast speed; when it is near the end of its range, all energy is suddenly released, forming the highest energy peak-the Prague peak . The Prague peak stopped on the tumor and concentrated energy to attack the tumor. When killing the tumor cells, it also effectively protected normal tissues and effectively reduced the toxic and side effects of radiotherapy.

Om verlamming van de aangezichtszenuw te voorkomen en de kwaliteit van leven te beïnvloeden, voert dhr. Li een operatie uit om de aangezichtszenuw te behouden. De operatiewond is niet groot en u hoeft zich geen zorgen te maken over het uiterlijk. Vervolgens wordt protonentherapie gestart. Protontherapietechnologie kan de straling nauwkeurig regelen om de dosis radiofarmaceutica te maximaliseren en alle kankercellen te richten zonder de normale celweefsels rond de tumor te beschadigen.

The doctor arranged for Mr. Xu to “proton radiation therapy for 6 weeks and a half, once a week”. In the third week of treatment, Mr. Xu only had the side effects of redness and desquamation on the right side of the skin, but the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat did not cause any harm. The diet and work schedule were the same as normal. However, Mr. Xu had been thinking about spicy hot pot. After suffering from cancer, he dared not touch spicy food again, and finally could not bear it. He secretly ran to eat spicy hot pot. Later, he told the doctor truthfully, the doctor said that although the soup of the spicy hot pot will stimulate the mucous membrane and increase the uncomfortable side effects, because Mr. X’s mouth and throat are  completely normal, plus spicy is not related to  carcinogenesis, so He told him that as long as he feels  uncomfortable, eating spicy pot will not affect the treatment and illness.

Toen hij hoorde wat de radiotherapeut-oncoloog zei, genoot meneer Xu, de fijnproever, om de week weer echt van de pittige hete pot. Als gevolg hiervan had meneer Xu na het eten van een pittige hete pot geen ongemak, behalve wat erytheem, droge desquamatie op de huid die eerder door protonen was bestraald, en behalve de noodzaak om naar het protonencentrum te gaan om elke maandag tot vrijdag protonenbestralingstherapie te krijgen. tijdens de behandeling Een normaal leven leiden.

After receiving proton therapy at Chang Gung Hospital in Taiwan, after more than a month of rest, Mr. Xu’s skin has gradually returned to normal. Moreover, the tracked MRI images have no abnormalities. Except for an inconspicuous scalpel scar on the right, there are no other signs. According to the treatment results of Mr. Xu, the health consultant of Hong Kong Health stated that the treatment effect of Mr. Xu was very good, and the tumor was also cleared. Mr. Xu did not expect that he could still enjoy a spicy hot pot during  treatment. Now that his  condition has gradually healed, Mr. Xu plans to call friends and friends again to eat a spicy hot pot to celebrate.

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