

A study reported by Yasuhito Tanaka of the Nagoya City University Medical Department in Japan showed that the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the TLL1 gene is related to the occurrence and development of hepatocellular carcinoma after radical cure of hepatitis C virus infection. (Gastroenterology. 2017, 152: 1383-1394.) The researchers established different models by combining TLL1 gene mutation with other significant risk factors to predict the risk of liver cancer in patients with different degrees of liver fibrosis. TLL1 gene variants can be used to predict the risk of 肝臓がん in patients who have achieved a sustained virological response (SVR) in clinical practice. The study included Japanese patients who still suffered from liver cancer after interferon eradication of hepatitis C virus, and used genome-wide association analysis to identify which genes were mutated. The results showed that the TNP1 gene SNP rs17047200 on chromosome 4 is closely related to the occurrence of liver cancer after eradication of hepatitis C virus. There is no obvious linkage disequilibrium between other SNPs and rs17047200, and no more promising SNPs have been found in the exons and promoter regions of TLL1. Tanaka commented: “The mutant genes of liver cancer caused by hepatitis C virus include MICA and DEPDC5, which is very different from our test results.” In a multivariate analysis, the AT / TT base pairing of rs17047200 may lead to a 78% increased risk of liver cancer (P = 0.008). In the group of patients with mild fibrosis, older age is an independent risk factor for liver cancer; in the group of severe fibrosis, postoperative alpha-fetoprotein level and low albumin level are also risk factors. In two groups of liver fibrosis rat models, the mRNA level of TLL1 has increased, but only one group of models of TLL1 mRNA level is consistent with the progress of liver fibrosis. The level of TLL1 mRNA in patients with chronic hepatitis C also increases as liver fibrosis worsens. 

Tananka pointed out: “These data initially show the relationship between TLL1 / Tll1 expression and hepatic stellate cell activation or hepatic fibrosis progression in animals or in vitro and in humans (the model is non-alcoholic steatohepatitis-related liver cancer). It may be able to clarify a new mechanism of liver fibrosis or canceration. After the patient received radical treatment for hepatitis C virus and obtained SVR, TLL1 SNP-related experiments may be used to identify people at risk of liver cancer. If TLL1 SNP is compared with The combination of age, degree of fibrosis, high alpha-fetoprotein level and other significant risk factors can help clinically predict the risk of liver cancer after SVR. No interferon oral treatment plan combined with direct-acting antiviral drug therapy , Is becoming the standard anti-hepatitis C virus therapy in developed countries. However, further research is still needed to assess whether TLL1 mutations are related to the occurrence of liver cancer after treatment with interferon-free SVR. 


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サイトカイン放出症候群を理解する: 原因、症状、治療

サイトカイン放出症候群を理解する: 原因、症状、治療

サイトカイン放出症候群 (CRS) は、免疫療法や CAR-T 細胞療法などの特定の治療によって引き起こされることが多い免疫系反応です。これにはサイトカインの過剰な放出が含まれ、発熱や倦怠感から臓器損傷など生命を脅かす可能性のある合併症まで、さまざまな症状を引き起こします。管理には慎重な監視と介入戦略が必要です。

CAR T 細胞療法の成功における救急隊員の役割

CAR T 細胞療法の成功における救急隊員の役割

救急隊員は、治療プロセス全体を通じてシームレスな患者ケアを保証することで、CAR T 細胞療法の成功に重要な役割を果たします。彼らは、輸送中に重要なサポートを提供し、患者のバイタルサインを監視し、合併症が発生した場合には緊急医療介入を行います。彼らの迅速な対応と専門家によるケアは、治療の全体的な安全性と有効性に貢献し、医療現場間のスムーズな移行を促進し、高度な細胞治療という困難な状況において患者の転帰を改善します。

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1) 海外でのがん治療は?
2) CAR-T細胞療法
3) がんワクチン
4) オンラインビデオ相談
5) 陽子線治療