

Everyone knows that lung cancer, gastric cancer, intestinal cancer, and breast cancer are relatively easy to screen through physical examination, so cancer patients diagnosed early have a good prognosis and their survival period is greatly prolonged.

However, liver cancer, another serious life-threatening cancer that accounts for more than 55% of the world’s cancers in China, is difficult to be diagnosed early. Most patients are diagnosed late and lose the chance of surgery. Although other treatments are diverse, it is difficult to maintain long-term survival. The early diagnosis of 肝臓がん has always been a difficult problem in the tumor world.

This time, the success of Chinese scientists is particularly worthy of our pride!

On March 12, the Proceedings of the American Academy of Sciences (PNAS) released the cell-free DNA (cfDNA) and protein markers completed by the National Cancer Center, the Cancer Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Beijing Panshengzi Gene Technology Co., Ltd. The results of early screening for liver cancer in a prospective cohort of HBV carriers.

The study used the liquid biopsy method of the cfDNA gene mutation combined with protein markers independently developed by Chinese scientists—HCCscreen. After rigorous clinical verification, the research results are expected to be used for early screening of liver cancer.

In this study, early liver cancer less than 3 cm can be found. The researchers obtained peripheral blood samples of cell-free DNA mutations and protein markers, and screened 331 HBV carriers with normal alpha-fetoprotein and B-ultrasound results.

Results 24 cases were detected (possibly with liver cancer), and in the follow-up 6 to 8 months, 4 cases were found to have liver cancer. The remaining 307 patients were negative and no liver cancer was found during the follow-up period. Achieve 100% sensitivity, 94% specificity and 17% positive predictive value.

Early-stage liver cancer can be detected by blood testing from asymptomatic HBV carriers. This technology can achieve accurate detection of common mutations in liver cancer such as cfDNA point mutations, insertion deletion mutations, and HBV virus integration. At present, the research method has been further optimized, the sensitivity is stable at more than 93%, and the specificity can be increased to more than 98%.

However, at present, this technology is still in the research stage, and has not yet been officially approved for clinical screening for early liver cancer screening. However, people with a high risk or need for early cancer screening can choose to go to a regular hospital or a medical examination facility for a medical check-up for early cancer screening!

At present, many people in China like to travel and shop in Japan. By the way, complete a comprehensive medical examination, including early screening of various cancers, and give yourself a peace of mind while playing, to ensure a healthy body.


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ルテチウム Lu 177 ドタテートが、GEP-NETS を使用する 12 歳以上の小児患者向けに USFDA によって承認されました

ルテチウム Lu 177 ドタテートが、GEP-NETS を使用する 12 歳以上の小児患者向けに USFDA によって承認されました

画期的な治療法であるドタテン酸ルテチウム Lu 177 が最近、米国食品医薬品局 (FDA) から小児患者向けの承認を取得し、小児腫瘍学における重要なマイルストーンとなりました。この承認は、神経内分泌腫瘍(NET)と闘う子供たちにとって希望の光となる。NETは、まれではあるが従来の治療法に耐性があることが多い困難な形態のがんである。

ノガペンデキン アルファ インバキセプト-pmln は、BCG 非反応性の非筋浸潤性膀胱がんに対して USFDA によって承認されました

ノガペンデキン アルファ インバキセプト-pmln は、BCG 非反応性の非筋浸潤性膀胱がんに対して USFDA によって承認されました

「新しい免疫療法であるノガペンデキン アルファ インバキセプト-PMLN は、BCG 療法と併用すると膀胱がんの治療に有望です。この革新的なアプローチは、免疫系の反応を活用しながら特定のがんマーカーを標的にし、BCG などの従来の治療法の有効性を高めます。臨床試験では、患者の転帰の改善と膀胱がん管理における潜在的な進歩を示す有望な結果が明らかになりました。ノガペンデキン アルファ インバキセプト-PMLN と BCG の相乗効果は、膀胱がん治療の新時代の到来を告げるものです。」

助けが必要? 私たちのチームはあなたを支援する準備ができています。




CancerFax は、進行期がんに直面している個人を、CAR T 細胞療法、TIL 療法、臨床試験などの画期的な細胞療法と世界中で結び付けることに特化した先駆的なプラットフォームです。


1) 海外でのがん治療は?
2) CAR-T細胞療法
3) がんワクチン
4) オンラインビデオ相談
5) 陽子線治療