Dr. Liu Hong Ginecología oncológica

Consultor - Ginecólogo Oncólogo, Experiencia: 12 años

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Acerca del doctor

Liu Hong, female, chief physician, master tutor. He graduated from Hebei Medical University with a doctor’s degree. Good at radiotherapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy and immunotherapy of gynecological cancer. He is especially good at braquiterapia of recurrent pelvic tumors. The first author and corresponding author published more than 20 papers related to this major, and 3 papers were included in SCI. He has won 2 second prizes for scientific and technological progress in Hebei Province and 3 first prizes for medical science and technology in Hebei Province. 1 invention patent. Served as: member of the gynecological tumor Professional Committee of Hebei Cancer Association; member of the pain Professional Committee of Hebei Cancer Association; member of the cancer Psychology Professional Committee of Hebei Province; member of the Standing Committee of the health science popularization Professional Committee of Hebei Preventive Medicine Association; member of the Gynecological Tumor Rehabilitation and treatment cooperation group of the gynecological tumor Professional Committee of Hebei Cancer Association.


Hospital de cáncer de Hebei, Hebei, China


  • Ginecología oncológica

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CancerFax es una plataforma pionera dedicada a conectar a personas que enfrentan cáncer en etapa avanzada con terapias celulares innovadoras como la terapia con células T con CAR, la terapia TIL y ensayos clínicos en todo el mundo.

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1) ¿Tratamiento del cáncer en el extranjero?
2) Terapia de células T con CAR
3) vacuna contra el cáncer
4) Videoconsulta en línea
5) terapia de protones