Category: Pancreatic cancer

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Obezitatea juvenilă este asociată cu un risc crescut de cancer pancreatic

Adolescent obesity is associated with many health problems in later life, and a large Israeli study has shown that the increased risk of fatal pancreatic cancer is one of them. For more than 20 years, researchers have tracked..

Un medicament pentru cancerul de sân poate fi utilizat pentru a trata cancerul pancreatic

The survival rate of pancreatic cancer is very low. In the past 40 years, the survival rate has not changed significantly. Finding effective treatments is an urgent challenge for researchers. For many years, tamoxifen has been us..

Oamenii de știință dezvăluie cel mai bun mod de a trata cancerul pancreatic

Specific molecular signals released by pancreatic cancer cells have been determined. Pancreatic cancer is usually detected after the disease has spread, and chemotherapy often has no effect on slowing the development of cancer. ..

Iese o nouă terapie adjuvantă pentru cancerul pancreatic

In a recent interview, Dr. Afsaneh Barzi, assistant professor of clinical medicine at the University of Southern California Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, told you about existing and emerging new adjuvant therapies for patien..

Descoperirea de noi proteine ​​ajută la tratamentul și prevenirea cancerului pancreatic

New research has found that pancreatic cancer cells rely heavily on a protein to grow and spread. The research results can bring new treatment and prevention strategies for pancreatic cancer.The American Cancer Society estimates ..

Mutația genică poate crește riscul femeilor de a face cancer pancreatic

A recent study published in the journal Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology showed that a gene mutation called ATRX may lead to an increased risk of pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer in women. This study marks ..

Premiul Nobel a murit de cancer pancreatic

Dr. Thomas A. Steitz died on October 9, 2018 at the age of 78, and died of pancreatic cancer. Steitz is the co-winner of the 2009 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.Steitz's research on the ribosome has had a profound impact, making the at..

Noi medicamente pentru tratamentul cancerului pancreatic

Ruiwen Zhang and Robert L. Boblitt from the University of Houston have developed a new pancreatic cancer drug. The research was published in the Journal of Cancer Research. The drug targets two genes at the same time, and this b..

Acidul folic și vitamina B6 pot preveni cancerul pancreatic

A recent study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that diet may play a key role in preventing pancreatic cancer. The study investigated the link between pancreatic cancer risk and the intake of certain..

Cum se tratează tumorile neuroendocrine pancreatice nerezecabile?

Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) usually grow slowly, and the laboratory monitors the tumor for signs of growth through imaging tests. Patients with NET spreading out of the pancreas usually have symptoms such as diarrhea ..

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CancerFax este o platformă de pionierat dedicată conectării persoanelor care se confruntă cu cancer în stadiu avansat cu terapii celulare inovatoare, cum ar fi terapia CAR T-Cell, terapia TIL și studiile clinice din întreaga lume.

Spune-ne ce putem face pentru tine.

1) Tratamentul cancerului în străinătate?
2) Terapia cu celule T CAR
3) Vaccinul împotriva cancerului
4) Consultare video online
5) Terapia cu protoni