Segni silenziosi di cancro al fegato

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The traditional symptoms of liver cancer, such as a swollen abdomen or an enlarged liver, have many subtle signs that can easily be missed. Never ignore these signs, because early detection can get timely treatment.

“Reader’s Digest” compiled a silent sign of liver cancer:

l Know that the incidence of cancro al fegato is rising. Liver cancer is quite rare, but the incidence has doubled since 1990. By understanding the increasing incidence of liver cancer, regular screening should be done, because the symptoms usually do not appear before the advanced stage of liver cancer.

I have a history of hepatitis C

Those who have previously had hepatitis C are likely to develop liver cancer 10 years after diagnosis. Hepatitis C itself can be treated, but because of its connection with liver cancer, patients with a history of hepatitis C should always be vigilant.

I Have a history of hepatitis B or have never been vaccinated

Hepatitis B can cause liver cancer. People with a history of hepatitis B or who have never been vaccinated should have an ultrasound examination at least once a year to screen for cancer.

Eccessivo consumo di alcol

Whether present or in the past, regular and large amounts of alcohol consumption can damage liver tissue and replace it with scar tissue. According to the American Cancer Society, if not treated properly, it can lead to liver cancer.


Over the years, obesity and diabetes have been the main causes of liver cancer. Although being overweight does not necessarily make a person at high risk of liver cancer, risk factors do increase to some extent.

Unusual abdominal pain

Dr. Brawly of the American Cancer Society pointed out that most people with liver cancer have pain in the upper right side of the abdomen. Although it does not necessarily indicate liver cancer, it should be checked in time, because some other diseases, such as hepatitis, gallbladder and pancreas problems, may also rise from abdominal pain.

Weight loss, loss of appetite

Weight loss and loss of appetite are a symptom of liver cancer, but it is also a common symptom of other diseases. The best solution is to consult a doctor, because no attempt to lose weight and other invisible symptoms and other signs may be related to liver cancer. Cancer can always make people lose their appetite. As Ghassan Abou-Alfa, a medical oncologist at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, said, cancer produces too much fluid in the abdomen, which may make people feel fuller faster than usual.

Yellowing of skin and eyes (jaundice)

Yellowing of the skin and eyes is a symptom that many people are not aware of, and it is also a symptom of liver cancer.

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Ci faccia sapere che cosa possiamo fare per lei.

1) Cure contro il cancro all'estero?
2) Terapia CAR T-Cell
3) Vaccino contro il cancro
4) Consultazione video online
5) Terapia protonica