La leucemia infantile e il suo trattamento

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Leucemia nell'infanzia

Leucemia è il tumore più comune nei bambini e negli adolescenti, rappresentando quasi 1 tumore su 3. La maggior parte delle leucemie infantili lo sono leucemia linfocitica acuta (ALL) ed leucemia mieloide acuta (LMA). Le leucemie croniche sono rare nei bambini. Trattamento della leucemia pediatrica

Leucemia mieloide acuta pediatrica

AML (acute myeloid leukaemia) is a blood and bone marrow malignancy that affects children. AML, also known as acute myelogenous leukaemia or acute nonlymphocytic leukaemia, is a kind of leukaemia that affects the blood cells. Acute cancers usually progress swiftly if they are not treated. Chronic cancers typically worsen over time. Myeloid stem cells in AML normally grow into myeloblasts, a type of immature white blood cell (or myeloid blasts). In AML, the aberrant myeloblasts, or leukaemia cells, do not mature into healthy white blood cells. Leukemia cells can accumulate in the blood and bone marrow, making it difficult for healthy white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets to thrive. Infection, anaemia, and simple bleeding are all possible outcomes. Outside of the blood, leukaemia cells can travel to other regions of the body, such as the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord), skin, and gums. Leukemia cells can sometimes produce a solid tumour termed a myeloid sarcoma. Granulocytic sarcoma, or chloroma, is another name for myeloid sarcoma.

Trattamento della leucemia mieloide acuta

La chemioterapia per la maggior parte dei bambini affetti da leucemia mieloide acuta (LMA) è divisa in due fasi:
  • Induzione
  • Consolidamento (intensificazione)
I bambini con AML dovrebbero essere curati in centri oncologici o ospedali che hanno esperienza con questa malattia a causa dell'intensità del trattamento e del potenziale di gravi conseguenze.

Chemioterapia di induzione nei pazienti con leucemia promielocitica

La daunorubicina (daunomicina) e la citarabina (ara-C), entrambe somministrate per diversi giorni consecutivi, sono i farmaci chemioterapici più comunemente utilizzati per il trattamento della leucemia mieloide acuta. A seconda dell'intensità del trattamento che i medici desiderano, il regime di trattamento può essere ripetuto in 10 giorni o 2 settimane. Intervalli di trattamento più brevi possono essere più efficaci nell'eradicare le cellule leucemiche, ma possono anche provocare effetti avversi più gravi. chemioterapia nella leucemia infantile As part of their induction treatment, some children with AML may get a dose of the targeted medication gemtuzumab ozogamicin (Mylotarg) in addition to chemo. If the doctors believe the leukaemia will not react to just two chemo medications, they may add another chemo agent like etoposide or 6-thioguanine to the mix. This group includes children who have a high number of white blood cells or whose leukaemia cells have particular genetic defects. The chemo medicines are given again and again until the bone marrow reveals no more leukaemia cells. This usually happens after two or three therapy cycles. Most children with AML will also get intrathecal chemotherapy (chemotherapy delivered directly into the cerebrospinal fluid, or CSF) to help prevent leukaemia from relapsing in the brain or spinal cord. The use of brain radiation therapy is becoming less common. After induction therapy, between 85 percent to 90 percent of children with AML go into remission. This indicates that no symptoms of leukaemia have been identified using normal lab tests, but it does not necessarily imply that the leukaemia has been healed.

Si cresce

After the induction phase, the consolidation (intensification) phase begins. The goal is to use a more aggressive treatment to kill any remaining leukaemia cells. Some youngsters have a sibling who would be a suitable stem cell donor. Once the leukaemia is in remission, a stem cell transplant may be advised for these children, especially if the AML has some unfavourable prognostic markers. Most studies have shown that while this improves long-term survival over chemotherapy alone, it also increases the risk of significant consequences. Some clinicians may propose only delivering aggressive chemotherapy to youngsters with good prognostic criteria, and saving the stem cell transplant until if the AML relapses. Consolidation consists of heavy doses of the chemo medication cytarabine (ara-C) for most children who do not have a good stem cell donor. It’s also possible to use daunorubicin. It is normally given for a period of at least a few months. If the targeted medicine gemtuzumab ozogamicin (Mylotarg) was given during induction, it will almost certainly be given again during this stage of treatment. For as long as intensification continues, intrathecal chemo (into the CSF) is normally given every 1 to 2 months. Children with AML do not require maintenance chemotherapy (other than those with APL). Supportive care is a key element of AML treatment (proper nursing care, nutritional support, antibiotics, and blood transfusions). The aggressive therapy for AML frequently destroys much of the bone marrow, resulting in significant blood cell shortages, as well as other catastrophic consequences. The current high remission rates would not be conceivable without antibiotic treatment of infections or transfusion assistance.

Leucemia linfoblastica acuta infantile (ALL)

Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in children (also known as ALL or acute lymphocytic leukaemia) is a blood and bone marrow malignancy. If left untreated, this type of cancer usually worsens swiftly. Too many stem cells turn into lymphoblasts, B lymphocytes, or T lymphocytes in a child with ALL. Leukemia cells are another name for these cells. These leukaemia cells do not function like normal lymphocytes and are unable to effectively fight infection. In addition, when the number of leukaemia cells in the blood and bone marrow rises, there is less room in the blood and bone marrow for healthy white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. Infection, anaemia, and simple bleeding are all possible outcomes.

Trattamento della leucemia linfoblastica acuta infantile

I bambini affetti da leucemia linfoblastica acuta potrebbero ricevere una varietà di trattamenti (ALL). Alcuni trattamenti sono tradizionali (già in uso), mentre altri sono sottoposti a test clinici. Una sperimentazione clinica sul trattamento è uno studio di ricerca che mira ad aiutare i pazienti affetti da cancro a migliorare i trattamenti esistenti o a saperne di più sui potenziali trattamenti. Quando gli studi clinici dimostrano che un nuovo trattamento è superiore allo standard attuale, il nuovo trattamento può essere adottato come standard.

Sono disponibili quattro diversi tipi di opzioni di trattamento

Chemotherapy is a cancer treatment that involves administering chemicals to cancer cells in order to limit their growth, either by killing them or preventing them from growing. Chemotherapy medications enter the bloodstream and can reach cancer cells all throughout the body when taken by mouth or injected into a vein or muscle (systemic chemotherapy). Chemotherapy that is administered directly into the cerebrospinal fluid (intrathecal), an organ, or a bodily cavity such as the abdomen targets cancer cells primarily in specific regions (regional chemotherapy). Combination chemotherapy is a type of cancer treatment that involves the use of multiple anticancer drugs. The method of chemotherapy administration is determined by the child’s risk group. Anticancer medications are given in higher doses to children with high-risk ALL than to those with standard-risk ALL. Childhood ALL that has spread or may spread to the brain and spinal cord is treated with intrathecal chemotherapy.

Radioterapia nei casi di leucemia infantile

Radioterapia in TUTTI

La radioterapia è un trattamento del cancro che prevede l'uso di alta energia radiografie or other forms of radiation to kill or stop cancer cells from developing. External radiation therapy involves sending radiation from a machine outside the body to the cancerous spot. Childhood TUTTO che è progredito al cervello, al midollo spinale o ai testicoli può essere trattato con radioterapia esterna. È anche possibile utilizzarlo per preparare il midollo osseo per un trapianto di cellule staminali.

Chemioterapia con trapianto di cellule staminali

Chemotherapy is a treatment that is used to kill cancer cells. Total-body irradiation is used in conjunction with chemotherapy in children aged 3 and up. The cancer treatment also kills healthy cells, including blood-forming cells. A stem cell transplant is a procedure that replaces blood-forming cells in the body. Stem cells (immature blood cells) are extracted from a donor’s blood or bone marrow, frozen, and stored. The stored stem cells are thawed and delivered to the patient via an infusion after the patient has completed chemotherapy and radiation therapy. These stem cells develop into (and replenish) blood cells in the body. For children and adolescents with ALL, stem cell transplantation is rarely used as a first-line treatment. It’s being utilized increasingly frequently as part of relapse treatment for ALL.

terapia mirata

Targeted therapy is a type of treatment that uses drugs or other substances to identify and attack specific cancer cells. Targeted therapies usually cause less harm to normal cells than chemotherapy or radiation therapy do. There are different types of targeted therapy: Tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKIs) therapy: This treatment blocks the enzyme, tyrosine kinase, that causes stem cells to develop into more white blood cells than the body needs. Imatinib mesylate and dasatinib are TKIs used in the treatment of children with Philadelphia chromosome–positive ALL. Ruxolitinib is a TKI that is being studied in the treatment of newly diagnosed high-risk ALL. Monoclonal antibodies: Monoclonal antibodies are immune system proteins made in the laboratory to treat many diseases, including cancer. As a cancer treatment, these antibodies can attach to a specific target on cancer cells or other cells that may help cancer cells grow. The antibodies are then able to kill the cancer cells, block their growth, or keep them from spreading. Monoclonal antibodies are given by infusion. They may be used alone or to carry drugs, toxins, or radioactive material directly to cancer cells. Blinatumomab and inotuzumab are monoclonal antibodies being studied in the treatment of refractory childhood ALL. Blinatumomab is also being studied in the treatment of standard-risk ALL.

Terapia con cellule T CAR

Il sistema immunitario viene utilizzato per combattere il cancro Terapia con cellule T CAR, un modo nuovo e innovativo per trattare la leucemia linfoblastica acuta (LLA). In questo trattamento, le cellule T vengono prelevate dal sangue del paziente e geneticamente modificate per produrre recettori antigenici chimerici (CAR). Questi CAR aiutano le cellule T a trovare e attaccare le cellule tumorali che presentano determinati marcatori di superficie. Quando vengono reimmesse nel corpo del paziente, queste cellule T ingegnerizzate crescono e attaccano le cellule tumorali in modo molto preciso, il che spesso si traduce in remissione. Trattamento delle cellule T CAR ha molto potenziale, ma può presentare problemi come la sindrome da rilascio di citochine e la neurotossicità. Ciò dimostra quanto sia importante continuare a ricercarlo e migliorarlo.

Ti potrebbe piacere leggere: Terapia con cellule T CAR in Cina

I casi di leucemia pediatrica possono essere trasferiti ad altri fratelli?

Alcuni giovani hanno un fratello che potrebbe essere un donatore di cellule staminali idoneo. Una volta che la leucemia è in remissione, per questi bambini può essere consigliato un trapianto di cellule staminali, soprattutto se la leucemia presenta alcuni marcatori prognostici sfavorevoli. La maggior parte degli studi ha dimostrato che, sebbene ciò migliori la sopravvivenza a lungo termine rispetto alla sola chemioterapia, aumenta anche il rischio di conseguenze significative. Alcuni medici potrebbero proporre di somministrare chemioterapia aggressiva solo a giovani con buoni criteri prognostici e di riservare il trapianto di cellule staminali fino a quando la leucemia mieloide acuta non recidiva.

Ti potrebbe piacere leggere: Costo della terapia CAR T-Cell in Cina

Perché scegliere noi?

Our ability to completely comprehend the biology of your child’s cancer is one of our greatest assets and sets us apart from most paediatric leukaemia programmes. We have the tools, experience, and resources to investigate the roots of your child’s illness down to the most fundamental molecules, thanks to a strong partnership between our paediatric leukaemia clinicians and researchers, the Department of Pathology, and the Pediatric Translational Medicine Program. Our staff evaluates your child’s cancer to check if there are any genetic alterations present. The results of these tests can assist us in determining the most effective treatment. We are convinced that our paediatric haematology department, which has more than 20 years of expertise treating young leukaemia cases, will handle this case and ensure that the patient is in complete remission as soon as possible. Our clinical genetics experts can help you and your family understand how genetics plays a role in your child’s leukaemia and whether any genetic alterations may affect other family members. We’ll be there for you every step of the way, from the initial consultation to the follow-up care. We provide the direction and assistance you and your family require.

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Comprensione della sindrome da rilascio di citochine: cause, sintomi e trattamento
Terapia con cellule T CAR

Comprensione della sindrome da rilascio di citochine: cause, sintomi e trattamento

La sindrome da rilascio di citochine (CRS) è una reazione del sistema immunitario spesso innescata da alcuni trattamenti come l’immunoterapia o la terapia con cellule CAR-T. Implica un rilascio eccessivo di citochine, causando sintomi che vanno dalla febbre e affaticamento a complicazioni potenzialmente pericolose per la vita come danni agli organi. La gestione richiede un attento monitoraggio e strategie di intervento.

Ruolo dei paramedici nel successo della terapia con cellule CAR T
Terapia con cellule T CAR

Ruolo dei paramedici nel successo della terapia con cellule CAR T

I paramedici svolgono un ruolo cruciale nel successo della terapia con cellule CAR T garantendo un'assistenza continua al paziente durante tutto il processo di trattamento. Forniscono supporto vitale durante il trasporto, monitorano i segni vitali dei pazienti e somministrano interventi medici di emergenza in caso di complicazioni. La loro risposta rapida e l’assistenza esperta contribuiscono alla sicurezza e all’efficacia complessive della terapia, facilitando transizioni più fluide tra i contesti sanitari e migliorando i risultati dei pazienti nel difficile panorama delle terapie cellulari avanzate.

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CancerFax è una piattaforma pionieristica dedicata a connettere individui affetti da cancro in stadio avanzato con terapie cellulari rivoluzionarie come la terapia CAR T-Cell, la terapia TIL e studi clinici in tutto il mondo.

Ci faccia sapere che cosa possiamo fare per lei.

1) Cure contro il cancro all'estero?
2) Terapia CAR T-Cell
3) Vaccino contro il cancro
4) Consultazione video online
5) Terapia protonica