Tag: Hepatitis

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Lewerkanker na radikale genesing van hepatitis C-virusinfeksie

A study reported by Yasuhito Tanaka of the Nagoya City University Medical Department in Japan showed that the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the TLL1 gene is related to the occurrence and development of hepatocellular car..

Hepatitis ontwikkel in lewerkanker met behulp van immuunselle

Chronic inflammation can cause a variety of malignant tumors including liver cancer. Previously, it was generally believed that inflammation directly affects tumor cells and stimulates their differentiation to protect them from de..

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Welkom by CancerFax!

CancerFax is 'n baanbrekerplatform wat toegewy is om individue wat kanker in die gevorderde stadium in die gesig staar te verbind met baanbrekende selterapieë soos CAR T-Cell-terapie, TIL-terapie en kliniese proewe wêreldwyd.

Laat weet ons wat ons vir jou kan doen.

1) Kankerbehandeling in die buiteland?
2) CAR T-Cell terapie
3) Kanker-entstof
4) Aanlyn video konsultasie
5) Protonterapie