Immunoterapia cellulare per la prevenzione, recidiva e metastasi del cancro al fegato

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The incidence of liver cancer in China is very high, because liver cancer is difficult to find in the early stage of the disease. Once the diagnosis is often in the middle and late stages, the optimal treatment time is often missed. The traditional treatment for liver cancer is surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, etc. However, such treatment methods generally have a relatively high recurrence rate, and the survival rate of patients is relatively low. To prevent recurrence and metastasis of liver tumors, cell immunoterapia può essere provato in questo momento.


Due to the limitation of liver tumore size, growth location, and relationship with the position of large blood vessels and biliary tract, some patients with special small liver cancer, huge liver tumor, and middle-advanced liver cancer with multiple metastatic lesions often lose the opportunity for surgery.

However, for these patients, the expert’s approach is to first use argon-helium ultra-cold knife minimally invasive treatment, through physical freezing and thawing to destroy the cell structure of tumor tissue in a short period of time, promote tumor tissue necrosis and close tumor small blood vessels. At the same time, combined with interventional therapy, embolization of tumor large vessels and local high-concentration chemotherapy, the combination of the two therapies can inhibit the growth of liver cellule tumorali and eliminate tumor lesions in a short period of time.

In general, most of the primary tumori al fegato are large undetectable liver cancers, which are accompanied by tumor thrombi in the internal and external portal vein system. The recurrence rate within one year after radiotherapy and chemotherapy is as high as 60%, and the 3-year survival rate is less than 30%. Therefore, the most important thing for liver cancer surgery is to prevent recurrence, but traditional radiotherapy and chemotherapy have large side effects, which can easily lead to liver cirrhosis and even liver function damage.

A relatively new treatment method-biological cell immunity

(CIK cells) have a significant effect on advanced liver cancer. This therapy can help clear the remaining cancer cells in the patient’s body, restore the patient’s immune function of identifying and killing cancer cells, and thus prevent and control tumor metastasis.

CIK cells are cytokine-induced killer cells, which are mononuclear cells isolated from peripheral blood, bone marrow or umbilical cord blood. After a certain period of time in the laboratory, they are induced, proliferated, and then reinfused into the patient to directly kill the blood, Tumor cells in the lymph also regulate and enhance the patient’s immune function.

According to clinical statistics, 9 patients with stage 4 liver cancer undergo more than 3 cycles of cell immunotherapy after surgery, which can better prevent recurrence of liver cancer after surgery. The average survival time after treatment is 20 months, and the recurrence rate within 1 year is only 22.2%, and the discomfort symptoms of most patients are improved

The above simple understanding of preventing liver tumor recurrence and metastasis, you can try cell immunotherapy, cell immunotherapy is a relatively new method of treating cancer, such as biological cell immunotherapy, can help patients remove residual cancer cells in the body, in addition to immunity Therapy has the effect of identifying and killing cancer cells, thereby further preventing the spread and metastasis of tumors.

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Ci faccia sapere che cosa possiamo fare per lei.

1) Cure contro il cancro all'estero?
2) Terapia CAR T-Cell
3) Vaccino contro il cancro
4) Consultazione video online
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