Fai attenzione ai primi sintomi della leucemia e tieni i bambini lontani dalle minacce

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Nel campo clinico della medicina, la leucemia è anche chiamata cancro del sangue e appartiene alla categoria dei tumori maligni. Si divide principalmente in due tipologie: leucemia acuta e leucemia cronica. La differenza sta nella velocità e nel grado di insorgenza. Leukemia is deteriorating faster, and it is often difficult to cure once it has leukemia. Adolescents are more frequent people with leukemia, so parents should always pay attention to the child’s physical condition and clearly distinguish the early symptoms of leukemia.

Allora quali sono i sintomi della leucemia?

1. La febbre persiste

Acute leukemia usually occurs among adolescents, the onset is very rapid, and the treatment time of the disease is very short, often only a few months. Therefore, once the child has a fever, he should be vigilant. The cause of fever is mostly an infection. For example, caused by pneumonia, stomatitis, or ear inflammation, it may sometimes be the symptoms of acute leukemia itself, without any other concomitant infection.

2. Emorragia anormale

Leukemia patients may bleed from all parts of the body, such as the gums, skin, ear, and even the retina. The most common one is nosebleeds. Sometimes women have excessive menstrual periods, or they may be the first sign of leukemia..

3. Anemia

Patients with leukemia may first develop myelodysplastic syndrome and then slowly develop leukemia. The bone marrow is the main part of the body’s hematopoiesis. Therefore, patients may have anemia, weakness, paleness, etc. due to insufficient hematopoiesis. Symptoms such as palpitations, shortness of breath, and swollen lower extremities may also occur. Patients with various types of leukemia are likely to have signs of anemia, and usually the elderly are more prone to anemia.

4. Dolore alle ossa e alle articolazioni

Leukemia patients suffer from bone pain and joint pain due to the infiltration of the bone and periosteum. The pain can be distributed in the limbs; it can also be diffused in the back; or local joint pain may occur. Bone and joint pain is also one of the significant manifestations of leukemia. If sudden joint and bone pain is unexplained, it is likely that you have leukemia.

5. Ingrandimento di fegato, milza e linfonodi

Fifty percent of patients with leukemia will have symptoms of hepatospleen and lymphadenopathy, and leucemia linfoblastica acuta has the most obvious lymphadenopathy. The swollen lymph nodes are usually soft or medium-hard, with a smooth surface, no pain when pressed, and no adhesions.

6. Lesioni sulla pelle e sulle mucose

The skin damage of leukemia patients manifests as nodules, lumps, and spots. Mucosal lesions refer to the swelling and ulcers of the oral mucosa, nasal mucosa, and respiratory mucosa. Pay attention to distinguish them from general ulcer diseases.

Leukemia is mainly caused by the increase of red blood cells and platelets in patients, and abnormal bone marrow, mainly affected by environmental factors and genetic factors. Therefore, it is recommended that patients adjust their daily diet to include more blood and nourishing foods, enhance bone health, and help prevent leukemia.

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Ci faccia sapere che cosa possiamo fare per lei.

1) Cure contro il cancro all'estero?
2) Terapia CAR T-Cell
3) Vaccino contro il cancro
4) Consultazione video online
5) Terapia protonica