Darmkrebs erfordert nach 6 Monaten keine vollständige Chemotherapie

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According to the results of a unique global clinical trial study, some patients with stage III colon cancer who undergo surgical resection of their tumors and lymph nodes may not require standard six-month chemotherapy after chemotherapy. In contrast, for many low-risk patients, three months of chemotherapy does not significantly increase the rate of cancer recurrence and can prevent harmful side effects, including nerve damage caused by the chemotherapy drug oxaliplatin, or permanent pain, numbness and tingling .

This is a global trial launched in 2007 on the International Duration Assessment of Adjuvant Chemotherapy (IDEA). Six parallel Phase III trials in 12 countries in North America, Europe and Asia enrolled 12,834 eligible patients. Patients with stage III Darmkrebs usually use FOLFOX or CAPOX chemotherapy for standard treatment after surgery. The researchers randomly assigned patients to treatment groups of three or six months.

Results: Three months of chemotherapy is not suitable for all patients. Instead, the data shows that the duration of chemotherapy should be determined based on the combination of drugs used and the individual characteristics of the patient ’s cancer: the degree of Tumor deposition on the colon wall and the number of lymph nodes that the cancer has spread to. For low-risk patients-those with shallow tumors and affected lymph nodes-treatment with CAPOX for 3 months has been shown to be safe and effective, with little side effects, the same as the progression-free survival (PFS) of six months of treatment. However, in some cases, a six-month course of treatment is better for high-risk patients.

Dr. Anthony Shields, Professor an der Medizinischen Fakultät der Wayne State University, sagte, dass ich diese neuen Standards in der Praxis auf Patienten mit Darmkrebs mit geringem Risiko angewendet habe, was ihnen viel Behandlungszeit spart und auch die Toxizität von verhindern kann sechs Monate Chemotherapie. Weltweit betrachten rund 400,000 Patienten die Behandlung auf Oxaliplatin-Basis als postoperative Chemotherapie, sodass diese Ergebnisse einen enormen Einfluss haben werden.

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