Durchbruch bei Hirntumor-Medikamenten im Kindesalter

Breakthrough In Childhood Brain Tumor Drugs
Recent breakthroughs in childhood brain tumor drugs promise improved outcomes. Innovative therapies target specific genetic mutations, minimizing side effects and enhancing efficacy. Clinical trials show promising results, offering hope for children facing these challenging diagnoses. These advancements mark a significant step forward in pediatric oncology, driving optimism for better treatment options.

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Es gibt einen großen Durchbruch bei der Entwicklung von Medikamenten gegen Hirntumoren bei Kindern. Hirntumore bei Kindern sind eine häufigere bösartige Erkrankung bei Kindern. Jüngste Forschungen haben ergeben, dass ein neues Cocktail-Medikament häufige Hirntumore bei Kindern behandeln kann.

Cancer Cell” magazine recently announced that in the UK, about 400 children develop brain Tumoren each year, of which the prevalence of boys is slightly higher than that of girls.

Are we able to take advantage of the results of tumor gene testing and tailor-made treatments, a strategy often referred to as personalized medicine? This treatment strategy can produce very good results for patients with brain tumors.

Neural myeloblastoma (medulloblastoma) is one of the most common bösartige Tumoren of the cerebellum. This Gehirntumor grows rapidly and most often occurs in children around the age of 5. Behandlungsmöglichkeiten include surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. Although great progress has been made in treatment methods and techniques, the success rate of treating myeloblastoma still lags far behind other children’s malignancies. In particular, myeloblastoma is a highly aggressive malignancy. Only 40% of patients with Medulloblastom survive, compared with other tumors of a less severe type-with a survival rate of more than 80%.

Researchers in the United States have discovered a new combination therapy for the treatment of highly aggressive Neuroblastom. In laboratory tests, the drug killed Krebs cells without any toxicity to normal cells, and researchers hope to conduct clinical trials of the drug. Robert Wechsler-Reya, an adjunct professor at the Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Institute, said: “Our goal is to confirm that the drug has low toxicity properties. Because doctors and patients in this case urgently require new clinical treatment options, we will soon apply the drug from the laboratory to clinical treatment.

Durch die Kombination mit anderen Arzneimitteln werden neue Verbindungen, die Tumore hemmen, in vitro und in vivo getestet.

Klinische Studien for neuroblastoma are often very challenging because of the limited number of patients. In addition, coupled with the variability of the disease, most treatments are only effective for one subtype of patient. Understanding which patients will respond to this treatment is one of the main goals of the trial.

„Wenn wir maßgeschneiderte Behandlungen auf der Grundlage von Tumorgenen entwickeln können – eine Strategie, die allgemein als individualisierte Behandlung bezeichnet wird – könnte dies Patienten mit bestimmten Tumoren ein großes Evangelium bringen.“

Es gibt vier verschiedene Arten von Neuroblastomen, und Patienten mit einer dritten Gruppe von Tumoren haben die schlechteste Prognose – nur 40 % der Patienten überleben langfristig. Im Gegensatz dazu ist das Langzeitüberleben anderer Neuroblastome relativ optimistisch, und etwa 80 % der Patienten können langfristig überleben.

Die meisten Patienten der dritten Gruppe mit Neuroblastomen weisen eine hohe Expression des MYC-Onkogens auf, das die Ursache für unkontrollierbare Zellteilung und Tumorbildung ist.

There was a study on mice with a third type of neural tube Zelltumoren that showed histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACIs) and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibitors (PI3KIs) might stop mice and people from making neurotubular glioblastomas without doing too much damage to normal cells.

We found several histone deacetylase inhibitors that can kill MYC oncogene-activated neural tube cell tumors without harming normal cell agents (HDACIs),” said Pei Yanxin, an assistant professor at the National Children’s Medical Center in Washington, DC

The most effective of these compounds is panobinostat, which has entered clinical trials in other Arten von Krebs, but has not yet been tested on neuroblastoma.” Dr. Kun-Wei, a postdoctoral researcher at Stanford University, added: “Several other studies have revealed that the mechanism of action of panobinostat is to promote the activation of the FOXO1 gene that can interfere with the oncogenes of MYC.

Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibitors (PI3KIs) are also thought to have the effect of activating the FOXO1 gene. We hypothesized that panobinostat and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibitors (PI3KIs) could work together to block Krebszelle Überleben.

“It is true that the combined treatment of these two drugs can significantly increase the survival of patients with tumors carrying the MYC gene compared to using a single drug alone.”

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