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Bariatric surgery can reduce the risk of melanoma

In addition to rapid and lasting weight loss and other health benefits, bariatric surgery is now associated with a 61% reduced risk of malignant melanoma, which is the deadliest skin cancer most closely associated with excessive s..

Bone marrow transplant in India - A patient story
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Bone marrow transplant in India – A patient story

This story is about bone marrow transplant in India. Mukhtar, who is from Assela in Ethiopia, suffers from deadly aplastic anemia. He travels to India for his stem cell transplant. Read the entire story here. Mukhtar Mukhtar is ..

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Welcome to CancerFax !

CancerFax is a pioneering platform dedicated to connecting individuals facing advanced-stage cancer with groundbreaking cell therapies like CAR T-Cell therapy, TIL therapy, and clinical trials worldwide.

Let us know what we can do for you.

1) Cancer treatment abroad?
2) CAR T-Cell therapy
3) Cancer vaccine
4) Online video consultation
5) Proton therapy