Dr Michael Lanuti Gjoks tumor Kirurgji

Drejtor - Kirurgji Torakale Onkologjike , Përvoja: 27 vjet

Emërimi i Librit

Rreth Doktorit

After receiving a Bachelor of Science in Bioengineering from the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Lanuti received his M.D. degree from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. He completed his internship and residency in Surgery at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and a two year research fellowship in a Thoracic Oncology Laboratory focusing on novel treatments for lung cancer. He continued with sub-specialty training, and completed a Cardiothoracic Fellowship at the Massachusetts General Hospital. He has been on staff in the Division of Thoracic Surgery since 2004, and holds a parallel appointment as Associate Professor of Surgery at Harvard Medical School. He has been the Friedman-Lambert Scholar in Academic Thoracic Surgery at MGH/HMS since 2004.  He is the Director of Thoracic Oncology for the Division of Thoracic Surgery and the Thoracic Surgery liaison to the MGH Cancer Center.  Clinical interests include minimally invasive surgery for lung cancer, complex airway tumors, multimodality treatment of kanceri i ezofagut, mediastinal tumors,  navigation bronchoscopy, percutaneous and bronchoscope thermal ablation of lung tumors, and surgery for hyperhidrosis.


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Mirë se vini në CancerFax!

CancerFax është një platformë pioniere e dedikuar për të lidhur individët që përballen me kancer në fazë të avancuar me terapi novatore të qelizave si terapia me CAR T-Cell, terapia TIL dhe provat klinike në mbarë botën.

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4) Konsultimi online me video
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