dr. Takuji Okusaka Onkologija jeter in žolčnika in trebušne slinavke

Svetovalec - Rak jeter in žolčnika in trebušne slinavke, izkušnje:

Imenovanje knjige

O zdravniku

Dr. Takuji Okusaka is among the best medical oncologist for treatment of hepatobiliary and pancreatic cancer. He is from department of hepatobiliary and pancreatic cancer. The Department of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Oncology treats tumors originating from the liver, biliary system or pancreas, which include hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), biliary tract cancer, pancreatic cancer, and neuroendocrine tumor (NET)/carcinoma (NEC). As part of the multidisciplinary care given at the National Cancer Center Hospital (NCCH), the team works closely with surgeons, radiologists, psychologists, and others who have special expertise in these areas. The team also conducts early- to late-phase clinical trials and translational research and seeks to develop new and more effective diagnostic methods and treatments. The department keeps providing best and latest diagnosis, treatment and supportive care, and developing their more effective methods and techniques for all patients with hepatobiliary and rak trebušne slinavke in this country and worldwide. Among them, conducting clinical trials with novel promising agents for this disease is considered one of the most important tasks, and establishment of cutting-edge medical treatments in this field is the most significant mission for us.


Nacionalni center za boj proti raku, Japonska


Izvedeni postopki

  • Kemoterapija jetrne žolčnika in trebušne slinavke
  • Imunoterapija hepatične žolčnika in trebušne slinavke
  • Onkologija žolčnika in žlez trebušne slinavke Ciljna terapija

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Dobrodošli na CancerFax!

CancerFax je pionirska platforma, namenjena povezovanju posameznikov, ki se soočajo z napredovalim stadijem raka, z revolucionarnimi celičnimi terapijami, kot je CAR T-Cell terapija, TIL terapija in kliničnimi preskušanji po vsem svetu.

Sporočite nam, kaj lahko storimo za vas.

1) Zdravljenje raka v tujini?
2) CAR T-celična terapija
3) Cepivo proti raku
4) Spletno video posvetovanje
5) Protonska terapija