Štúdia KRITIKY - ASCO 2016

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The 2016 American Conference of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) is about to be held in Chicago as one of the most talked about academic conferences in the field of oncology. The new research and progress made by each ASCO conference are the focus of everyone’s attention.

Marcel Verheij scholars from the Netherlands will soon announce the results of a phase III multi-center clinical study (CRITICS) from Europe at the 2016 ASCO conference. For gastric cancer patients who have undergone neoadjuvant chemotherapy, postoperative chemotherapy and postoperative chemoradiation are combined There was no significant difference in survival rate. The study will be presented orally at 8:00 am on June 6, 2016.

The study included a total of 788 patients with operable gastric cancer in the three countries of the Netherlands, Sweden and Denmark, all of whom underwent 3 cycles of ECC / EOC (eprubicin + cisplatin / oxaliplatin + capecitabine) Treatment, divided into chemotherapy group (n = 393, continue with another 3 cycles of ECC / EOC treatment) or chemotherapy group (n = 395,45 Gy + cisplatin + capecitabine) after operation, with an average follow-up of 50 months, mainly The study endpoint was overall survival (OS), and the secondary endpoints were disease-free survival (DFS), safety, and quality of life. The results showed that the 5-year OS in the chemotherapy group was 41.3%, and the 5-year OS in the chemotherapy group was 40.9%. There was no significant difference between the two groups. In terms of safety, it is mainly hematology and gastrointestinal adverse events.

The main cure for gastric cancer is radical surgical resection, but in Western countries, the long-term survival of advanced gastric cancer is poor (about 25%), and local recurrence occurs in about 80% of patients. Postoperative chemoradiation and perioperative chemotherapy have been shown to have survival benefits, but continued chemotherapy after neoadjuvant chemotherapy is inconclusive compared with postoperative chemoradiation.

The results of the CRITICS study suggest that for postoperative gastric cancer patients, there may be no significant difference in survival benefit between postoperative chemotherapy and postoperative chemoradiation.

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1) Liečba rakoviny v zahraničí?
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3) Vakcína proti rakovine
4) Online video konzultácia
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