Зерттеу көрсеткендей, көбірек кофе ішу бауыр ісігі қаупін азайтады

Осы жазбаны бөлісу

A study showed that drinking more coffee can reduce the risk of developing the most common primary liver cancer. Researchers from the University of Southampton and the University of Edinburgh found that the more coffee you drink, the less likely it is to develop гепатоцеллюлярлы карцинома (HCC). Drinking a cup of caffeinated coffee every day can reduce the risk of liver cancer by 20%, and drinking two cups of coffee can reduce the risk of бауырдың қатерлі ісігі by 35%. If you drink as many as five cups of coffee a day, the risk of бауырдың қатерлі ісігі will be halved. For people who drink coffee for a long time and those who do not drink coffee often, this protective effect of coffee is the same. The more coffee you drink, the greater the effect of preventing liver cancer-although more than five cups of coffee a day There is very little data. Caffeine-free coffee is also beneficial for preventing бауырдың қатерлі ісігі, although the effect is not so obvious. The data of 26 observational studies were carefully analyzed and included more than 2.25 million participants. This latest study calculated the relative risk of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) among people who drink one to five cups of caffeinated coffee every day. It is generally believed that coffee has many health benefits, and these latest research results show that coffee has a significant impact on бауырдың қатерлі ісігі risk. We do not recommend that everyone drink five cups of coffee every day. It is necessary to discuss more about the potential hazards of ingesting caffeinated coffee in large quantities. There is already evidence that in certain groups (such as pregnant women) should avoid drinking too much coffee. Compound molecules found in coffee have beneficial properties such as anti-oxidation, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer. Scientists believe that this can be used to explain that people who drink coffee are less likely to suffer from chronic liver disease and liver cancer. Studies have shown that the effect of coffee on reducing liver cirrhosis and liver cancer is dose-dependent. There have also been reports that coffee can reduce the risk of death from many other causes. As long as coffee is not excessive, it is an excellent natural medicine. Dr. Kennedy said the next step is to investigate whether increasing coffee intake is effective for people at high risk of liver cancer through randomized trials. https://medicalxpress.com/news/2017-05-coffee-liver-cancer.html

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Цитокинді босату синдромын түсіну: себептері, белгілері және емі

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