Tag: Healthcare tourism

What is This / Gevestigde jaar

mediese visum na Indië
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Hoekom kies Indië vir mediese behandeling?

June 2023: India has become a popular place for medical tourism, with people coming from all over the world to get high-quality healthcare at a low cost. India is known as a hub for medical care because it has state-of-the-art med..

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Welkom by CancerFax!

CancerFax is 'n baanbrekerplatform wat toegewy is om individue wat kanker in die gevorderde stadium in die gesig staar te verbind met baanbrekende selterapieë soos CAR T-Cell-terapie, TIL-terapie en kliniese proewe wêreldwyd.

Laat weet ons wat ons vir jou kan doen.

1) Kankerbehandeling in die buiteland?
2) CAR T-Cell terapie
3) Kanker-entstof
4) Aanlyn video konsultasie
5) Protonterapie