Yiziphi izidakamizwa ezihlosiwe ze-lymphoma?

Yabelana ngalokhu okuthunyelwe


The lymph in the human body is actually complicated. Lymphoma is the fastest and the highest death in malignant tumors, because the lymphatic system of the human body has a great effect on the whole body. Once cancer cells appear, they will spread along the blood , It will be spread all over the body, which makes the treatment more difficult. Lymphoma targeted drugs are not completely free of side effects. The patients who use them must carefully observe their changes bit by bit and communicate with the doctor in time to be able to reduce.

Ingabe izidakamizwa ezihlosiwe ze-lymphoma ziyasebenza?

Early malignant lymphoma is actually lymphoma. When using targeted drugs, you must first perform genetic testing on the patient. When you find the corresponding targeted drugs, the targeted drugs have a direct killing effect on cancer cells. The advantage is that the damage to normal cells is not too great. Although there are side effects and drug resistance, it depends on the patient’s physical function, good physical fitness, high immunity, and the best therapeutic effect. Therefore, patients with lymphoma have to find ways to improve their immune function and enhance their resistance to tumors while using targeted drugs.

Targeted drug therapy affects the biological processes of cells, acting in different ways, preventing cancer cells from growing or dividing, causing cancer cells to die or using their own immune system to help the body kill cancer cells. Compared with chemotherapy, targeted drugs can act more precisely on lymphoma cells and reduce the impact of treatment on healthy cells, thereby reducing the side effects of treatment while being more effective.

Yiziphi izidakamizwa ezihlosiwe ze-lymphoma?

Rituximab is the first targeted immunotherapy drug used to treat lymphoma. There are many other targeted drugs for the treatment of patients with lymphoma, some have been approved for marketing, and many drugs are still in clinical trials.

1. I-lymphocytic leukemia engapheli (CLL) / i-leukemia encane ye-lymphocytic (SLL)

  • I-Ibrutinib (Ibutinib, Imbruvica Eke)

  • Idelalisib (Edelalis, Zydelig)

  • I-Obinutuzumab (Atoruzumab, Gazyva)

  • I-Rituximab (i-rituximab, i-Rituxan merova)

  2. Isikhumba (isikhumba) T cell lymphoma

  I-Brentuximab Vedotin (iBentuximab, Adcetris)

  3. Ukusabalalisa i-B-cell lymphoma enkulu

  • I-Rituximab (i-rituximab, i-Rituxan merova)

  4. I-lymphoma elandelayo

  • Idelalisib (Edelalis, Zydelig)

  • I-Obinutuzumab (Atoruzumab, Gazyva)

  • I-Rituximab (i-rituximab, i-Rituxan merova)

  • I-Ibritumomab Tiuxetan (Timobizumab, Zevalin)

  5. I-Classic Hodgkin lymphoma

  I-Brentuximab Vedotin (iBentuximab, Adcetris)

  • I-Nivolumab (i-Navuliu monoclonal antibody, i-Opdivo)

  • Pembrolizumab (Pambrolizumab, Keytruda)

  6. I-B-cell lymphoma eyisisekelo esiphakathi

  • I-Rituximab (i-rituximab, i-Rituxan merova)

  7. Mantle iseli lymphoma

  • IBortezomib (i-bortezomib, iVelcade Velcade)

  • I-Ibrutinib (Ibutinib, Imbruvica Eke)

  ILenalidomide (Lenalidomide, Revlimid)

  • I-Temsirolimus (ye-sirolimus, iTorisel)

  8. Isistimu ye-anaplastic enkulu yeseli lymphoma

  I-Brentuximab Vedotin (iBentuximab, Adcetris)

Asikho isibalo esijwayelekile sentengo yezidakamizwa ezihlosiwe ze-lymphoma

Izidakamizwa ezibhekiswe ku-Lymphoma ikakhulukazi i-rituximab (umjovo we-rituximab), inkambo yokwelashwa cishe ingu-10,000 noma i-20,000. Okucacile kuncike esimweni sesiguli uqobo. Uma kungekho ukumelana nemithi, ungaqhubeka nokuyiphuza. Uma kunemiphumela engemihle noma ukungazweli emthini, udinga ukumisa isikhashana noma usebenzise ezinye izindlela zokwelashwa. Ngakho-ke, intengo ayinqunyelwe. Kuzoba nezinguquko.

Igazi elihlanzekile emzimbeni liphethwe uhlelo lwe-hematopoietic, futhi uhlelo lwe-lymphatic luyimenenja. Kunemikhiqizo eminingi ye-elekthronikhi manje, futhi imisebe ikuyo yonke indawo, futhi kukhona ukutheleleka ngamagciwane okuvela noma nini. Lezi yizikhuthazo ezibulalayo ze-lymphoma, kufanele unake kakhulu ukuhlala kude nama-lymphomas empilweni, futhi ukukhetha kwemithi ehlosiwe yama-lymphomas akuyona into engahleliwe.

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Iqhaza labezimo eziphuthumayo empumelelweni yokwelashwa kwe-CAR T Cell
Ukwelashwa kwe-CAR T-Cell

Iqhaza labezimo eziphuthumayo empumelelweni yokwelashwa kwe-CAR T Cell

Abezimo eziphuthumayo badlala indima ebalulekile empumelelweni yokwelashwa kwe-CAR T-cell ngokuqinisekisa ukunakekelwa kwesiguli okungenamthungo kuyo yonke inqubo yokwelashwa. Banikeza ukwesekwa okubalulekile ngesikhathi sokuthutha, ukuqapha izimpawu ezibalulekile zeziguli, nokuphatha ukungenelela kwezokwelapha eziphuthumayo uma izinkinga ziphakama. Ukusabela kwabo okusheshayo kanye nokunakekelwa kochwepheshe kunomthelela ekuphepheni okuphelele nasekusebenzeni ngempumelelo kokwelashwa, kusiza uguquko olushelelayo phakathi kwezilungiselelo zokunakekelwa kwezempilo kanye nokwenza ngcono imiphumela yesiguli endaweni eyinselele yezindlela zokwelapha ezithuthukisiwe zamaselula.

Dinga usizo? Ithimba lethu likulungele ukukusiza.

Sifisela ukululama okusheshayo kothandekayo wakho futhi oseduze.

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ICancerFax iyinkundla yokuphayona ezinikele ekuxhumaniseni abantu ababhekene nomdlavuza oseqophelweni eliphezulu ngemithi yokwelapha yamangqamuzana efana ne-CAR T-Cell therapy, ukwelashwa kwe-TIL, nezivivinyo zomtholampilo emhlabeni wonke.

Sazise ukuthi yini esingakwenzela yona.

1) Ukwelashwa komdlavuza phesheya?
2) Ukwelashwa kwe-CAR T-Cell
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