Ukufakelwa komnkantsha we-Bone eNdiya

Ukufakelwa komnkantsha we-Bone eNdiya
Bone marrow transplant (BMT) is a specialist surgery carried out in India to address different blood diseases and specific forms of cancer. Bone Marrow Transplantation (BMT) is a medical procedure that entails the substitution of impaired or diseased bone marrow with robust stem cells in order to reinstate the generation of healthy blood cells. Prominent hospitals and medical facilities throughout India provide cutting-edge bone marrow transplantation (BMT) methods, encompassing both autologous and allogeneic transplants. India's proficiency in bone marrow transplantation (BMT) lures people from all over the globe who are in need of top-notch healthcare and cost-effective treatment alternatives.

Yabelana ngalokhu okuthunyelwe

Ukufakelwa komnkantsha we-Bone eNdiya

Bone marrow stem cell transplants in India are performed by some of the leading cancer centres. To date, more than 10,000 successful bone marrow stem cell transplants have been performed in India. Patients from across the world visit India for bone marrow stem cell transplant.

Kuyini ukufakelwa kwe-bone marrow stem cell?

As per NCI dictionary of cancer terms bone marrow transplant is a procedure in which a patient receives healthy blood-forming cells (stem cells) to replace their own stem cells that have been destroyed by disease, radiation or high doses of anticancer drugs that are given as part of the procedure. The healthy stem cells may come from the bone marrow of the patient or a donor. A bone marrow transplant may be autologous (using a patient’s own stem cells that were collected from the marrow and saved before treatment), allogeneic (using stem cells donated by someone who is not an identical twin), or syngeneic (using stem cells donated by an identical twin). Also called BMT.

In simple terms when bone marrow is damaged or destroyed by disease, infection or chemotherapy then it is replaced by new stem cells which travels to the bone marrow where they produce new blood cells and promote growth of new marrow.

Umnkantsha ungenye yezingxenye ezibaluleke kakhulu zomzimba futhi udala izingxenye ezilandelayo zegazi:

  • amangqamuzana abomvu egazi, athwala umoya-mpilo nezakhi emzimbeni wonke
  • amangqamuzana amhlophe egazi, alwa nezifo
  • ama-platelet, anesibopho sokwakheka kwamahlule

Ukufakelwa komnkantsha kungena esikhundleni samangqamuzana akho alimele ngamaseli anempilo. Lokhu kusiza umzimba wakho ukuthi wenze amangqamuzana egazi amhlophe anele, ama-platelet noma amangqamuzana egazi abomvu ukuze ugweme izifo, ukuphazamiseka kwegazi, noma i-anemia.

Isiguli silungiselelwa ukufakelwa i-bone marrow stem cell eNdiya

Kungani kwenziwa ukufakelwa kwe-bone marrow stem cell?

Bone marrow transplants, also knows as BMT, are performed when a patients marrow isn’t healthy enough to function properly. Some of the reasons of bone marrow transplant are :

  • I-aplastic anemia: in this disorder, the bone marrow stops making new blood cells.
  • Cancers like leukemia, lymphoma & multiple myeloma affect the bone marrow badly.
  • Umnkantsha ulimala ngenxa ye-chemotherapy.
  • I-Congenital neutropenia, okuyisifo esitholakala ngofuzo esidala izifo eziphindelelayo
  • I-Sickle cell anemia, okuwukuphazamiseka kwegazi okuzuzwa njengefa okubangela ukungahleleki kahle kwamangqamuzana egazi abomvu
  • Thalassemia is an inherited blood disorder where the body makes an abnormal form of hemoglobin, an integral part of red blood cells.

How is a bone marrow stem cell transplant performed?

Prior to bone marrow transplant, several tests are performed to determine what type of stem cells are required. There is a possibility that the patient undergo chemotherapy or radiation therapy to kill all the cancer cells or marrow cells before they get the new stem cells.

During the course of treatment, there is a huge vulnerability to immune system of the body. This causes the body to fight any kind of infections. Hence, patients are kept in a very special section of the hospital that’s reserved for people receiving bone marrow transplants.

The procedure of a bone marrow transplant is similar to that of a that of a blood transfusion.

If the patient is going for an allogenic transplant, bone marrow cells will be harvested from the donor a day or two before your procedure. If own cells are used, then they are retrieved from the stem cell bank.

During a bone marrow harvest, cells are collected from both hipbones through a needle. You’re under anesthesia for this procedure, meaning the patient will be asleep and free of any pain.

Odokotela abafakela umnkantsha eNdiya


Leukapheresis is a process in which a donor is given five shots to help the stem cells move from the bone marrow into the bloodstream. Blood is then drawn through an intravenous (IV) line, and a machine separates out the white blood cells that contain stem cells.

A needle called a central venous catheter, or port, will be installed on the upper right portion of the patient’s chest. This allows the fluid containing the new stem cells to flow directly into the patient’s heart. The stem cells then disperse throughout the patient’s body. They flow through the patient’s blood and into the bone marrow. They’ll become established there and begin to grow.

The port is left in place because the bone marrow transplant is done over several sessions for a few days. Multiple sessions give the new stem cells the best chance to integrate themselves into the patient’s body. That process is known as engraftment.

Ngalesi sikhumulo, uzothola ukumpontshelwa igazi, uketshezi, kanye nemisoco. Ungase udinge imithi yokulwa nezifo futhi usize umnkantsha omusha ukhule. Lokhu kuncike ekutheni uziphatha kahle kangakanani izindlela zokwelapha.

Phakathi nalesi sikhathi, isiguli siqashwe ngeso lokhozi ukuze kubonakale izinkinga.

Izinhlobo zokufakelwa kwe-bone marrow stem cell

Kunezinhlobo ezimbili ezinkulu ze-Bone Marrow Transplant. Uhlobo lokufakelwa oludingekayo luncike esizathwini esidingeka ngaso i-BMT.

I-Autologous Transplants

Autologous transplant use the own bone marrow to replace damaged stem cells. This is done by harvesting your cells before beginning a damaging therapy for them, like chemotherapy or radiation. However, this type of transplant can only be done if you have healthy bone marrow.

Ukufakelwa kwe-Allogenic

Allogenic transplant is done when patient’s bone marrow is completely damaged and unable to function properly. This involves use of cells from the donor. Donor must be close genetic match. HLA typing test is conducted on the donors and patient and then it is matched. However, these patients have very high risk of complications, such as GVHD. Patient is also put on medications to suppress the immune system so that body doesn’t attack the new cells. The success of an allogenic transplant depends on how closely donor cells match the patient’s cells.

Izinkinga ezihlobene nokufakelwa kwe-stem cell yomnkantsha

Bone marrow transplant or BMT, is a major medical procedure and lot of precision and care is required along with requisite infrastructure in the hospital to carry out the procedure. One may experience following after BMT –

  • ukwehla komfutho wegazi
  • ikhanda elibuhlungu
  • isicanucanu
  • ubuhlungu
  • ukuphelelwa umoya
  • amakhaza
  • umkhuhlane

Ngaphandle kwalokhu kungase kuphinde kubangele ezinye izinkinga kodwa ngokuvamile kuncike eminyakeni yobudala, impilo, isifo esilashwe kanye nohlobo lokufakelwa umuntu akutholile.

Izinkinga zingaba mnene noma zibe zimbi kakhulu, futhi

  • i-graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), okuyisimo lapho amangqamuzana anikelayo ehlasela umzimba wakho
  • ukwehluleka kokuxhunyelelwa, okwenzeka lapho amaseli atshalwe kabusha engaqali ukukhiqiza amaseli amasha njengoba kuhleliwe
  • ukopha emaphashini, ebuchosheni nakwezinye izingxenye zomzimba
  • i-cataracts, ebonakala ngokufiphala kwe-lens yeso
  • ukulimala kwezitho ezibalulekile
  • ukuphuma esikhathini sokuqala
  • i-anemia, eyenzeka lapho umzimba ungakhiqizi amaseli abomvu egazi anele
  • izifo
  • isicanucanu, isifo sohudo, noma ukuhlanza
  • i-mucositis, okuyisimo esibangela ukuvuvukala nokuba buhlungu emlonyeni, emphinjeni, nasesiswini.

Izibhedlela ezihamba phambili zokufakelwa kweseli lomnkantsha eNdiya

  1. Isibhedlela iBLK, eNew Delhi
  2. Isibhedlela i-Artemis, iGurugram, iDelhi NCR
  3. I-Oncology yaseMelika, iHyderabad
  4. EMazumder Shaw Narayana, Bangalore
  5. Isibhedlela iNarayana Multispecialty, eHowrah
  6. Isibhedlela saseFortis, eGurgaon
  7. I-Apollo Cancer Institute, eHyderabad
  8. Isikhungo somdlavuza i-Apollo, eChennai
  9. Imithi yaseMedanta, iGurgaon
  10. Isibhedlela iDharamshila, eDelhi

Izindleko zokufakelwa kweseli lomnkantsha eNdiya

An allogenic, fully matched bone marrow stem cell transplant in India cost approximately $ 25,000 USD e-India.

Ukulinganisa kwesigamu se-Allogenic kuzobiza phakathi $29,000 futhi $35,000 USD

Ukufakelwa kwe-Aulogous stem cell kuzobiza phakathi $ 16,000 and $20,000 USD

Bone marrow stem cell transplant in India are commonly performed now. Patients from many countries like USA, UK, Europe, Africa, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, UAE etc  now a days come to India for bone marrow stem cell transplant.


UDkt Dharma Choudhary - Isikhungo Sokufakelwa Kwamathambo se-BLK, eNew Delhi ngokungangabazeki ungudokotela ohamba phambili waseNdiya wokufakelwa i-bone marrow stem cell nokufakelwa okuyimpumelelo okungaphezu kuka-2000 esikweletini sakhe. Uyaziwa ngomsebenzi wakhe ophumelelayo njengodokotela ohlinzayo ophezulu we-BMT, ubuchwepheshe bukaDkt. Choudhary ku-Thalassemia Bone Marrow Transplant, i-Thalassemia Stem Cell Transplant. UDkt. Dharma Choudhary uyingqalabutho e-India ngomsebenzi wakhe ku-Allogenic Bone Marrow Transplant ye-Thalassemia Major kanye ne-Aplastic Anemia phakathi nesikhathi sakhe esibhedlela sase-Sir Ganga Ram eDelhi. UDkt. Dharma Choudhary ungenile ohlwini lwe-Hematologists eyi-10 ephezulu kanye Nochwepheshe Wokufakelwa Kwamathambo Walesi sizukulwane e-India. Waziwa ngezinga lakhe eliphezulu lempumelelo ekufakweni kwe-Bone Marrow, uDkt. Dharma Choudhary uyilungu lempilo yonke le-Indian Society of Hematology & Transfusion Medicine. Uyathandwa futhi phakathi kweziguli zomhlaba wonke ezivela emagumbini ahlukene omhlaba ikakhulukazi ezivela e-Afghanistan, Iraq, Oman, Uzbekistan, Sudan, Kenya, Nigeria naseTanzania.

UDkt Sanjeev Kumar Sharma uyi-Hematologist esebenza ngokuhlangenwe nakho kweminyaka eyi-19. Uhlala eNew Delhi. UDkt. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma usebenza e BLK Super Specialty Hospital eNew Delhi. Isibhedlela iBLK Super Specialty Hospital sise-5, eRadha Soami Satsang Rajendra Place, Pusa Road, eNew Delhi. USanjeev Kumar Sharma uyilungu elihlonishwayo leLungu Elibhalisiwe i-Indian Society of Hematology and Blood Transfusion (ISHTM), ilungu elibhalisiwe leDelhi Medical Association (DMA) Ilungu elibhalisiwe le-Indian Society of Hematology and Blood Transfusion (ISHTM), ilungu elibhalisiwe leDelhi Medical Association ( DMA) kanye neLungu le-Indian Society for Atherosclerosis Research (ISAR).
Walandela i-MBBS yakhe ngonyaka we-1999 esuka e-University Of Delhi, eDelhi. Uqede iMD yakhe ngonyaka we-2006 e-University Of Delhi, eDelhi. Ubuye wenza i-DM yakhe ngonyaka we-2012 evela ku-All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, eNew Delhi.
UDkt Sanjeev uklonyeliswe ngeBest Citizen of India Award.

UDkt Revathi Raj nguHematologist nodokotela wezingane ku Isibhedlela i-Apollo, Teynampet, Chennai futhi unokuhlangenwe nakho kweminyaka engama-24 kule mikhakha. UDkt Revathi Raj usebenza e-Apollo Specialty Cancer Hospital eTeynampet, Chennai nase-Apollo Children's Hospital eThousand Lights, eChennai. Uqede i-MBBS eMadras University, Chenai, India e1991, iDiploma yeChild Health (DCH) evela eThe Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University (TNMGRMU) e1993 nase FRC.PATH. (UK) evela eRoyal College of Pathologist e2008. Uyilungu le-Indian Medical Association (IMA). Ezinye zezinsizakalo ezihlinzekwa ngudokotela yilezi: I-Eosinophilia Treatment, Neck Pain Treatment, i-Chelation Therapy, i-Biochemistry kanye ne-Blood Transfusion njll. UDkt Revathi ubalwa nochungechunge olukhulu kakhulu ekufakweni komnkantsha ezweni. Uphathe ngempumelelo isifo se-hemophilia & sickle cell Unesifiso esikhethekile sokuphazamiseka kwegazi ezinganeni.

UDkt Sharat Damodar - Isikhungo Sokufakelwa Kwethambo laseNarayana Bone Marrow, eBangalore UDkt. Sharat Damodar waqeda i-MBBS yakhe evela e-St. Johns Medical College, e-Bangalore futhi kamuva waqeda i-MD yakhe evela ekolishi lase-DNB. Njengamanje ukhonza njengePhini likaMongameli weMazumdar Shaw Medical Center, eNarayana Health City. Uyisazi se-Oncologist esidumile esisebenze ngaphezu kuka-1000 I-Bone Marrow & Stem Cell Transplants futhi wazuza Umklomelo KaSihlalo WoDokotela Ongcono Kakhulu ngo-2015. Umkhakha wobungcweti kaDkt. Sharat umnkantsha kanye nokufakelwa kwe-stem cell, ukufakelwa igazi ngentambo & lymphoma. Izinqubo ezibalulekile ezenziwa uDkt. Sharat Damodar ukufakelwa kwethambo lomnkantsha kanye ne-stem cell, ukufakelwa igazi ngentambo, i-leukemia / lymphoma. UDkt. Sharat wenze ngaphezu kwe-1000 impumelelo yokufakelwa kwe-bone marrow stem cell emsebenzini wakhe kuze kube manje.

UDkt Ramaswamy NV at I-Aster Medcity, iKochi is a Hematologist with more than 18 years of experience, Dr. Ramaswamy is an expert in management of malignant and non-malignant diseases of the blood, in patients of all ages. His areas of special interest are hemato oncology and stem cell transplant. Dr. Ramaswamy is expert in bone marrow stem cell transplant, prostate cancer, lung cancer, stomach cancer, colon cancer, & blood related disorders. He is specially interested in immunosuppressive drugs, targeted therapy, hodgkins lymphoma, myeloma, lymphoma, strocytoma, osteosarcoma, stereotactic radiosurgery, blood cancer, leukemia, sickle-cell anemia, germ cell tumour (GCT), thalassemia, non hodgkin lymphoma, and all forms, type and stages of cancer.

UDkt Pawan Kumar Singh - Artemis, Gurugram, Delhi (NCR) unokuhlangenwe nakho kokufakelwa komnkantsha wamathambo angaphezu kuka-300 (okuhlanganisa i-Autologous/Allogenic/Haplo/MUD) kukho kokubili ukuphazamiseka kwegazi okuyingozi nokungewona okubulalayo okuhlanganisa i-thalassemia ne-aplastic anemia. Kwenziwe ngempumelelo i-Haplo BMT ye-SCID enganeni enezinyanga eziyi-8. Kwenziwe ngempumelelo i-MFD BMT ye-HLH ​​enganeni eneminyaka emi-2 ubudala.
Ngamunye wamisa iyunithi le-BMT eSibhedlela iJaypee futhi wenza ama-SOPs ngezinyathelo ezibalulekile zokusebenzisa ngempumelelo uphiko lwe-BMT. Kwenziwe i-BMT UNIT esibhedlela iJaypee isikhungo sokufakelwa kabusha kwe-MUD futhi yathola umkhiqizo we-PBSC ovela kuzwelonke (Datri) nakwirejista yamazwe omhlaba (DKMS).
Kwenziwe ama-BMT ama-50 ezinyangeni eziyi-18 ezedlule esibhedlela iJaypee (MSD / MFD-20; Haplo-6; Auto-2 neMUD-4).

UDkt Joydeep Chakrabartty – Kolkata uqede i-MBBS yakhe eyunivesithi eyaziwayo eCalcutta wabe eseya e-United Kingdom ezifundweni zakhe zokuphothula iziqu. Uqhubeke nokuthola iziqinisekiso ze-MRCP (UK) ne-FRC PATH (UK), kanye ne-FRCP (Glasgow) ngenkathi esebenza. Lesi sakamuva siklonyeliswa ngeqhaza lakhe ekuholeni nasekusunguleni izinsiza kwezokwelapha. Unentshisekelo ekhethekile ezindaweni zeBone Marrow Transplantation (BMT), ikakhulukazi ukufakelwa okungafani kahle kwazo zonke izimo ikakhulukazi i-Acute Leukemias. Usebenze ezikhungweni ezihlonishwayo e-UK kubandakanya iSibhedlela iSt Bartholomews nase-Bone Marrow Transplant Fellowship ehlonishwayo e-The Imperial College, eHammersmith Hospital, eLondon.

UDkt. Joydeep Chakrabartty usebenze iminyaka eminingi kwezokwelapha nasezikhungweni ezihlonishwayo zokunakekelwa okubucayi ngaphambi kokuthatha i-Hematology. Akazange ahlangabezane kuphela nazo zonke izimo eziphuthumayo ze-hematological kanye nezimo kodwa imithi yakhe yangaphambilini evamile kanye nokuchayeka e-ICU kumnika ithuba lokulawula iziguli ezigula kakhulu okungukuthi iziguli ezifakwa i-Bone Marrow Transplant, i-Acute Leukemia njll. izifo ze-hematological. Ekubuyeni kwakhe, uDkt. Chakrabartty wasiza ekwakhiweni nasekuqhubeni ngempumelelo iminyango eminingi Yokufakelwa Komnkantsha ezweni lonke. UDkt. Joydeep Chakrabartty ubhale izindatshana eziningi zamajenali ahamba phambili futhi ubhale nezahluko ezincwadini zokufunda.

UDkt Radheshyam Naik at Bangalore uyiphayona emkhakheni we-Medical Oncology eneminyaka engaphezu kwengu-25 yokuhlangenwe nakho okuqinile kwezemfundo emkhakheni wakhe. Uthole ukuqeqeshwa okuthuthukile ezikhungweni ezihola phambili emhlabeni okubalwa kuzo iMD Anderson Cancer Institute, e-USA, International School for Cancer Care, Oxford, UK, University of New South Wales, Australia, ukubala nje ezimbalwa.

Njengothathwa njengodokotela owaziwayo we-oncologist futhi onolwazi lokuvakashela izibhedlela zomdlavuza ezidumile emhlabeni wonke, uDkt Radheshyam ube nomsebenzi omuhle kakhulu wokufunda ekuphatheni zonke izinhlobo zomdlavuza kanye nokuphazamiseka kwe-haematological, enezincwadi ezimbalwa ezibuyekezwa ngontanga emaphephandabeni aholayo. Uyiphayona ekwenzeni izilingo ezahlukahlukene zezidakamizwa ezenziwe ngemithi yokwelashwa ngamakhemikhali engaphezu kwama-50 kuzilingo zikazwelonke nezamazwe omhlaba.

Unentshisekelo ekhethekile ohlelweni lwe-Bone Marrow Transplant futhi waphinde waqeqeshwa kakhulu eHadassah University, kwa-Israyeli; Isikhungo sezokwelapha iDetroit, Isibhedlela saseNew York eU.SA, Isikhungo Sezokwelapha saseCornell kanye naseHarper Hospital, eMichigan, e-USA.

UDkt Radheshyam ube negalelo elikhulu ekuthuthukiseni umkhakha weHematology neBone Marrow Transplantation eKarnataka. Wenze i-chemotherapy yokuqala ye-intra-arterial ethekwini laseKarnataka futhi ubizwa nangokuthi wenza iBone Marrow Transplant yokuqala eKarnataka.

UDkt USrinrin Kshirsagar yi-hematologist / hemato-oncologist nodokotela wokufakelwa umnkantsha osebenza e- Mumbai. Unesipiliyoni seminyaka engaphezu kuka-8 kulo mkhakha. Uphothule ukuqeqeshwa kwakhe okukhethekile esikhungweni sodumo iTata Medical Centre. Ubeyingxenye yeqembu elahlinza umnkantsha wamathambo angaphezu kuka-200 eminyakeni emibili. Unezincwadi eziningi zikazwelonke nezamazwe ngamazwe. Wayengumseshi oyinhloko kolunye lwesivivinyo somtholampilo emkhakheni we-leukemia.Izinqubo ezibalulekile ezenziwa uDkt. Srinath umnkantsha wethambo nokufakelwa kwe-stem cell, ukufakelwa kwegazi ngentambo, i-leukemia / lymphoma. Kuye kwenziwa intuthuko enkulu ekuqondeni i-biology ye-Leukemia emashumini ambalwa eminyaka adlule. Lokhu kuye kwahumushela ukuqashelwa kwemigomo emisha yokwelapha, izindlela zokwelapha ezintsha kanye nokwelapha okuhlosiwe okuye kwathuthukisa kakhulu imiphumela yomtholampilo yeziguli ezinoLeukemia. UDkt. Shrinath Shirsagar ungudokotela Onolwazi olunzulu lokwelashwa kweLeukemia neLymphoma ethuthukisiwe eMumbai.Ngeminyaka engu-8 yesipiliyoni Unentshisekelo ngokukhethekile emithini yokuzivikela emzimbeni, ukwelashwa okuqondisiwe, i-hodgkins lymphoma, i-myeloma, i-lymphoma, i-strocytoma, i-osteosarcoma, i-stereotactic radiosurgery, umdlavuza wegazi, i-leukemia, i-sickle-cell anemia, i-germ cell tumor (GCT), i-thalassemia, non hodgkin lymphoma, nazo zonke izinhlobo, uhlobo kanye nezigaba zomdlavuza.

Bhalisa ku-Newsletter yethu

Thola izibuyekezo futhi ungalokothi uphuthelwe ibhulogi evela kuCancerfax

Okuningi Okuzohlolwa

Ukuqonda I-Cytokine Release Syndrome: Izimbangela, Izimpawu, Nokwelashwa
Ukwelashwa kwe-CAR T-Cell

Ukuqonda I-Cytokine Release Syndrome: Izimbangela, Izimpawu, Nokwelashwa

I-Cytokine Release Syndrome (CRS) iwukusabela kwamasosha omzimba okuvame ukubangelwa izindlela zokwelapha ezithile ezifana ne-immunotherapy noma i-CAR-T cell therapy. Kuhilela ukukhululwa ngokweqile kwama-cytokines, okubangela izimpawu ezisukela kumkhuhlane nokukhathala kuya ezinkingeni ezingase zibeke ukuphila engozini njengokulimala kwesitho. Ukuphatha kudinga ukuqapha ngokucophelela kanye namasu okungenelela.

Iqhaza labezimo eziphuthumayo empumelelweni yokwelashwa kwe-CAR T Cell
Ukwelashwa kwe-CAR T-Cell

Iqhaza labezimo eziphuthumayo empumelelweni yokwelashwa kwe-CAR T Cell

Abezimo eziphuthumayo badlala indima ebalulekile empumelelweni yokwelashwa kwe-CAR T-cell ngokuqinisekisa ukunakekelwa kwesiguli okungenamthungo kuyo yonke inqubo yokwelashwa. Banikeza ukwesekwa okubalulekile ngesikhathi sokuthutha, ukuqapha izimpawu ezibalulekile zeziguli, nokuphatha ukungenelela kwezokwelapha eziphuthumayo uma izinkinga ziphakama. Ukusabela kwabo okusheshayo kanye nokunakekelwa kochwepheshe kunomthelela ekuphepheni okuphelele nasekusebenzeni ngempumelelo kokwelashwa, kusiza uguquko olushelelayo phakathi kwezilungiselelo zokunakekelwa kwezempilo kanye nokwenza ngcono imiphumela yesiguli endaweni eyinselele yezindlela zokwelapha ezithuthukisiwe zamaselula.

Dinga usizo? Ithimba lethu likulungele ukukusiza.

Sifisela ukululama okusheshayo kothandekayo wakho futhi oseduze.

Qala ingxoxo
Siku-inthanethi! Xoxa Nathi!
Skena ikhodi

Siyakwamukela kuCancerFax!

ICancerFax iyinkundla yokuphayona ezinikele ekuxhumaniseni abantu ababhekene nomdlavuza oseqophelweni eliphezulu ngemithi yokwelapha yamangqamuzana efana ne-CAR T-Cell therapy, ukwelashwa kwe-TIL, nezivivinyo zomtholampilo emhlabeni wonke.

Sazise ukuthi yini esingakwenzela yona.

1) Ukwelashwa komdlavuza phesheya?
2) Ukwelashwa kwe-CAR T-Cell
3) Umuthi wokugomela umdlavuza
4) Ukubonisana ngevidiyo eku-inthanethi
5) Ukwelashwa kweProton