Kako Kitajska vodi razvoj CAR T-Cell terapije?

Razvoj celične terapije CAR T na Kitajskem
Število poskusov terapije CAR-T na Kitajskem je do leta 2018 zaradi tega uspešnega ekosistema preseglo število poskusov v Združenih državah. Od junija 2022 so kitajska podjetja izvedla 342 kliničnih preskušanj CAR-T. Maligne bolezni linije B so bile med najpogostejšimi manifestacijami. Dva izdelka CAR-T imata komercialno uporabo, Yescarta junija 2021 in Relma-cel septembra 2021, med številnimi kandidati za zdravila.

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2023 marec: CAR-T-cell therapy is a novel and effective cancer treatment modality that has revolutionized the treatment of cancer, particularly blood cancers. This therapy achieves a therapeutic effect or cures disease by repairing or reconstructing genetic materials that have been damaged. Since Roseberg first isolated tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) to treat melanoma in 1986, the development of modified T cell therapy has gained significant momentum. Since the FDA approved the first CAR-T terapija, Kymriah, in 2017, the CAR-T market has grown rapidly. According to Frost & Sullivan, the global CAR-T market size is projected to increase from USD 10 million in 2017 to USD 1.08 billion in 2020, and then to USD 9.05 billion in 2025, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 55% from 2019 to 2025, making it the fastest-growing segment of the global cell and gene therapies (CGT) market.

CAR-T therapy is one of CGT therapy’s subsegments. On the basis of the origin of T cells, CAR-T therapy can be divided into two categories. Autologous CAR-T-cell therapy, which employs the patient’s own immune cells, and allogeneic CAR-T-cell therapy, which employs T cells from donor blood or occasionally umbilical cord blood,. The majority of CAR-T therapies are autologous CAR-celične terapije, which typically involve the steps outlined below:

Morda boste radi prebrali: CAR T Celična terapija na Kitajskem

1) celice T se odvzamejo iz bolnikove periferne krvi;

2) Viral vectors such as AAV then modify T cells with CAR genes that are directed against a specific cell-surface protein on cancer cells;

3) The modified CAR-T cells population is expanded according to the patient’s weight;

4) The expanded CAR-T cells are then reinfused back into the patient. The entire manufacturing procedure lasts between one and three weeks and requires GMP compliance in an ultra-clean environment.

CAR-T therapy has reached a level of success that has never been seen before in treating B-cell cancers that are resistant to or refractory to chemotherapy, including R/R, B-ALL, NHL, and MM. The effectiveness of treating solid tumours is also currently under investigation. CD19-targeting and BCMA-targeting CAR-T therapies achieve the greatest clinical success among all CAR-T therapies. Four of the six CAR-T therapies approved by the FDA target CD19, while two target BCMA.

The most significant advantage over small and large molecule drugs is that patients can replace lifelong treatment of chronic disease with a limited number of doses, or even just one.

The United States pioneered the development of the CAR-T industry. However, by the middle of the 2010s, China had learned quickly and was catching up to the United States. Principally, the key drivers can be attributed to the Chinese government’s support for the development of a CGT ecosystem comprised of biotech companies, academics, healthcare providers, investors, and the government. Following the prioritization of biotechnology in the thirteenth five-year plan, the Chinese government emphasized its strategy to accelerate the innovation and development of biotech industries, including cell therapy. In addition, pertinent ministries have issued encouraging action regulations.

Po objavi Mnenj Državnega sveta o reformi sistema vrednotenja, presoje in potrjevanja zdravil in medicinskih pripomočkov v letu 2015 se je razgibal tudi trg kapitala. Pri skupni letni stopnji rasti 45 % so kitajska podjetja za celično terapijo med letoma 2.4 in 2018 zbrala približno 2021 milijarde USD sredstev.

Morda boste radi prebrali: CAR T Cena celične terapije na Kitajskem

The number of CAR-T therapy trials in China surpassed those in the United States by 2018 as a result of this thriving ecosystem. As of June 2022, Chinese companies had conducted 342 clinical CAR-T trials. Malignancies in the B lineage were among the most prevalent manifestations. Two CAR-T products have commercial applications: Dakarta junija 2021 in Relma-cel in September 2021, among numerous drug candidates.

Po podatkih Frost & Sullivan naj bi se domači trg CAR-T povečal z 0.2 milijarde CNY v letu 2021 na 8 milijard CNY v letu 2025 in nato na 28.9 milijarde CNY v letu 2030, pri CAGR 45 % od leta 2022 do 2030. Kljub dejstvo, da je kitajski trg CAR-T še vedno v povojih, obstaja močna gonilna sila.

Although the two approved CAR-T products are from Sino-US joint ventures Fosun Kite and JW Terapeutics, domestic players have made breakthroughs and caught up to global players in recent years. Legend Biotech, IASO Biotherapeutics, and CARsgen Therapeutics all obtained NDA approval for their BCMA CAR-T products, establishing them as the leaders in BCMA CAR-T therapy. CD19 CAR-T products are a focus for Juventas Therapeutics, Gracell Biotechnologies, Hrain Biotechnology, ImunoPharm, Shanghai Cell Therapy Group, and numerous domestic companies. Juventas Therapeutics is the leader in Chinese CD19 CAR-T terapija now that the NMPA has accepted its NDA for CNCT19. CARsgen Therapeutics is a global leader in solid tumours, and CT041 is the first CAR-T candidate for treating solid tumours to enter Phase II kliničnih preskušanj. Bioheng Biotech in BRL Biotech (kitajsko: ) ustvarjata nove alogenske trge CAR-T.

Morda boste radi prebrali: CAR T Celična terapija za multipli mielom na Kitajskem

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CAR T-celična terapija

CAR T celična terapija na osnovi človeka: preboji in izzivi

Terapija T-celic CAR, ki temelji na ljudeh, spremeni zdravljenje raka z genetskim spreminjanjem bolnikovih lastnih imunskih celic za ciljanje in uničenje rakavih celic. Z izkoriščanjem moči imunskega sistema telesa te terapije ponujajo močno in osebno prilagojeno zdravljenje s potencialom za dolgotrajno remisijo pri različnih vrstah raka.

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CAR T-celična terapija

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Sindrom sproščanja citokinov (CRS) je reakcija imunskega sistema, ki jo pogosto sprožijo nekatera zdravljenja, kot je imunoterapija ali zdravljenje s celicami CAR-T. Vključuje prekomerno sproščanje citokinov, kar povzroča simptome, od vročine in utrujenosti do potencialno smrtno nevarnih zapletov, kot je poškodba organov. Upravljanje zahteva skrbno spremljanje in intervencijske strategije.

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CancerFax je pionirska platforma, namenjena povezovanju posameznikov, ki se soočajo z napredovalim stadijem raka, z revolucionarnimi celičnimi terapijami, kot je CAR T-Cell terapija, TIL terapija in kliničnimi preskušanji po vsem svetu.

Sporočite nam, kaj lahko storimo za vas.

1) Zdravljenje raka v tujini?
2) CAR T-celična terapija
3) Cepivo proti raku
4) Spletno video posvetovanje
5) Protonska terapija