Terapia protonowa dała nowe życie pacjentowi z rakiem wątroby

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Tło raka wątroby

A local man in Cincinnati unfortunately suffered from a rare form of liver cancer. The doctor told him that he only had a life span of 3-6 months. However, because of a cancer treatment team at the University of Cincinnati, Roberto had a second life. The man unfortunately suffered from rak wątroby proton therapy gave him a second life. Like ordinary people, Roberto has been living for dreams, carrying a beautiful bride, driving a dream car, galloping on the open road … But, one day, Roberto was admitted to the hospital because of physical discomfort, As a result, the doctor directly told him that he might have to deal with the aftermath … High-tech images show that Roberto has a rare liver cancer in adults, which is a very fatal cancer, and he has only a long life. 3-6 months. 

Terapia protonowa raka wątroby

 However, Dr. Kharofa, his attending doctor, also suggested that he might try an advanced form of radiotherapy-proton therapy, which can shape the radiation dose for certain guz types in a better way, only target tumor lesions, and retain as much as possible. The rest of the liver. Roberto listened to the doctor’s suggestion and performed proton therapy at the UC Health Proton Therapy Center in the United States. This is one of only a few proton therapy centers in the United States. Dr. Kharofa said that because Robert’s type of liver cancer is very rare, we are not sure about the effect before treatment. As a result, his response is very good and the treatment is very successful.  

Na czym polega terapia protonowa?

 Proton therapy is a high-profile radiotherapy that can effectively protect normal surrounding tissues from damage. You may not have known this kind of radiotherapy technique. Its parenchymal therapy is a “high-match” form of radiotherapy. A proton is a particle where a hydrogen atom loses an electron. Proton therapy is to use a cyclotron or synchrotron to accelerate the electron nucleus to a speed of light of about 70%. It penetrates into the body and reaches cancer cells at this extremely fast speed. At a specific location, the speed suddenly decreases and stops, forming a sharp dose peak at the end of the range, called the Bragg Peak, which releases the maximum energy and kills the cancer cells. Proton therapy can effectively protect surrounding normal tissues at the same time, with little side effects. For example, the heart and lungs around the liver are particularly important organs. Terapia protonowa może nadal skutecznie leczyć nowotwory, chroniąc jednocześnie funkcje tych ważnych narządów i struktur. Leczenie nie będzie miało żadnego wpływu, co jest absolutnie w przypadku konwencjonalnej radioterapii. niemożliwe. Terapia protonowa jest wygodna i szybka dla pacjentów bez hospitalizacji. Czas terapii protonowej może wynosić zaledwie pięć minut, natomiast czas wiązania urządzenia i wiązki lasera wynosi około 30 minut. Raz dziennie, w każdy piątek, zwykle 15-40 razy w trakcie leczenia. Korzyści z terapii protonowej w natychmiastowym leczeniu nowotworów mogą nie być oczywiste, ale korzyść będzie oczywista po kilku latach, szczególnie w przypadku młodych pacjentów, ponieważ terapia protonowa ma niewielkie skutki uboczne i nie powoduje żadnych szkód dla organizmu. 

Terapia protonowa jest odpowiednia w przypadku prawie wszystkich guzów litych

 The application of proton therapy is very wide. In addition to liver cancer, proton therapy covers almost all solid tumors of the body, such as lung cancer, brain cancer, rak jajnika, and so on. For inoperable patients, patients who are intolerant to chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and have no other treatment options, proton therapy brings hope to many patients with solid tumors. Due to the almost zero side effects, proton therapy will be of great concern. Expect proton therapy to shine in the cancer field. 

 Terapia protonowa otwiera drzwi nadziei dla pacjentów chorych na raka, ale terapia protonowa nie jest panaceum. Ze względów ekonomicznych i ograniczeń wskazań lek może być obecnie skierowany tylko do niektórych pacjentów chorych na raka. Obecnie krajowy i zagraniczny terapia protonowa centers are good at treating cancer, and related equipment is also different. Patients must understand more before choosing. Patients with average family economic conditions can choose to receive treatment in the country, and patients with better economic conditions can choose to go to Japan, Germany, and the United States for treatment. 

Jak pacjenci z nowotworem przechodzą terapię protonową?

 RakFaks teamed up with a world-renowned proton center to create a domestically authoritative proton therapy evaluation consultation center. The center has well-known proton experts at home and abroad, such as Akihara Tetsuo, the first proton in Japan, and X. Ronald Zhu can provide patients with condition assessment and remote consultation. Help patients find the most suitable proton therapy center worldwide, and assist patients to receive proton therapy. At present, there are authoritative proton therapy centers in the United States, India, Germany, Japan, Taiwan and Chiny, and patients can choose according to their own condition. 

Gdzie w Indiach dostępna jest terapia protonowa?

Terapia protonowa jest obecnie dostępna w Apollo Proton Center w Chennai. W celu uzyskania drugiej opinii i wizyty pacjenci mogą dzwonić pod podane poniżej numery lub pisać e-maile. 

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