Nyowani biomarker musanganiswa inogona kunyatsoongorora kenza yepancreatic

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Tsvagurudzo yakataurwa nevatsvagiri paFudan University inoratidza kuti musanganiswa mutsva wemapuroteni biomarkers anogona kunyatsoongorora pancreatic cancer(Br J Cancer. Online version November 9, 2017).

The researchers said that we believe that the development of a fast and stable method for screening target proteins in large samples may accelerate the pace of finding new protein biomarkers and drug targets, and may even be individualized in the future. Of proteomes are used in precision medicine.

Most pancreatic cancers vari padanho repamusoro rechirwere panguva yekuongororwa, uye mwero wepakati wekupona mushure mekuongororwa uri pasi pe6%. Kukurumidza kuongororwa uye kurapwa kunogona kuvandudza prognosis.

The researchers used a variety of mass spectrometry techniques to analyze 150 serum samples from healthy controls, patients with benign pancreatic diseases, and patients with pancreatic cancer, and identified 142 differentially expressed proteins. Finally, the four proteins were included in their biomarker expression profiles: APOE , ITIH3, APOA1 and APOL1.

Through the analysis of the area under the curve (AUC) method, the accuracy of a single protein marker used to distinguish pancreatic cancer patients from healthy controls was between 66.9% and 89.6%. The combination of the four markers can increase the accuracy to 93.7%. The sensitivity of the four-protein biomarker combination in the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer was 85%, and the specificity was 94.1%. If CA19-9 is included in this detection method, the AUC will be increased to 0.99, at which time the sensitivity is 95% and the specificity is 94.1%.

Vatsvaguriri vakashandisawo immunohistochemistry kusimbisa kutaura kweanenge ari pamusoro mapuroteni mamaki mune mamota sampu, vachiwedzera kuongorora kuvimbika kweiyi nyowani biomarker mubatanidzwa.

Vatsvakurudzi vakati kiriniki yekushandisa kweaya mabiomarker ichine nzira refu yekufamba. Iyo US FDA ichangobva kubvumidza mubatanidzwa wemota yekuongorora bvunzo mamaki kubva kuChirangaridzo Sloan Kettering Cancer Center inonzi IMPACT. IMPACT inogona kukurumidza kuona shanduko muma 468 magene uye mamwe mamorekuru shanduko mukuumbwa kwehunhu hwemunhu genome. 

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