Targeted mass spectrometry inogona kuona yakaipa uye yakaipa pancreatic cysts

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Zvinoenderana naJabbar et al. YeYunivhesiti yeGothenburg muSweden, yakanangwa masitrometry akavakirwa pane matatu chete biomarkers ecyst fluid anogona kunyatso kuona uye kuongorora mukana we pancreatic cysts inokura kuita pancreatic cancer . Zvakakodzera kuita zvimwe zvidzidzo kusimbisa kana iyi nzira yekuyedza inogona kubatsira mukuongororwa kwegomarara nekufamba kwenguva, kupindira nekudzivirira gomarara. (J Clin Oncol. Online version Mbudzi 22, 2017)

Cystic lesions of the pancreas are very common in imaging, and about half are pancreatic cancer lesions. Therefore, accurate and specific diagnosis is essential for the correct treatment of patients. Unfortunately, the currently used diagnostic methods cannot effectively distinguish between pancreatic precancerous lesions and malignant pancreatic cystic lesions.

Vatsvakurudzi vakashandisa cystic fluid samples yakawanikwa nekupaza pasi pekutungamira kweyakajairika ultrasound endoscopy yekuongorora Muchidzidzo cheboka chevarwere makumi maviri nevana, iyo yekutsvagisa mapuroteni biology nzira yakaratidza 24 vavhoti biomarkers iyo inogona kupa ruzivo nezve yakaipa shanduko uye yepamusoro-giredhi dysplasia / cancerous shanduko. Shure kwaizvozvo, kuwanda kweuongorori hwemakumi matatu akanyorwa ma peptides uye akafanana maitiro ekuongorora mashoma masetrometry akaitwa pavarwere makumi masere mudata seti uye 8 varwere mune yakasimbiswa seti. Nzvimbo yekupedzisira yechidzidzo ichi yaive mhedzisiro yekuvhiya hutachiona kuongororwa kana kurapwa kwekutevera.

The results show that the best markers for malignant tumors may be a group of peptides derived from MUC-5AC and MUC-2. These markers can identify precancerous lesions / malignant lesions from benign lesions. The accuracy is as high as 97%. Compared with the cystic liquid carcinoembryonic antigen and cytological detection of these standard identification methods, the accuracy of these standard methods is 61% (95% CI 46% ~ 74%, P <0.001) and 84% (95% CI 71% ~ 92%, P = 0.02). MUC-5AC combined with prostate stem cell antigen can identify high-grade dysplasia or cancer, with an accuracy of 96%, can detect 95% of malignant lesions or severe dysplasia, and the detection rate of carcinoembryonic antigen and cytology 35% and 50% respectively (P <0.001, P = 0.003).

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