Mr. Rakesh (name changed), a 66-year-old individual from India, began his medical journey in April 2018. A biopsy of a mass in the left arm, along with a whole-body PET-CT scan, confirmed the diagnosis of Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL). This initiated a stringent treatment protocol designed to address the disease.
Mr. Rakesh underwent a total of six cycles of the R-EPOCH chemotherapy regimen, followed by three cycles of the R-GDP regimen, and subsequently received two additional cycles of the same regimen. This intensive chemotherapy regimen occurred from April 2018 to October 2019, marked by perseverance and resilience amid challenges.
During the October 2019 PET-CT re-evaluation, new metabolic irregularities were identified in the right calcaneus and the right distal femur, despite the challenging treatment regimen. Mr. Rakesh, recognizing a hospital in Beijing as the leading CAR-T center worldwide, pursued its expertise.
In November 2019, Mr. Rakesh initiated a new phase of treatment with our medical team. Comprehensive examinations indicated dim-positive CD19 and markedly strong positive CD22, suggesting significant residual tumor activity. Based on these findings, the decision was made to implement CD19+CD22 CAR-T cell therapy, an advanced method aimed at addressing the ongoing malignancy.
Post-infusion, Mr. Rakesh exhibited a manageable grade 2 Cytokine Release Syndrome (CRS) and subsequently recovered rapidly. In January 2020, he was discharged following favorable results from a recent PET-CT scan, which indicated tumor regression and a significant reduction in metabolic activity.
Mr. Rakesh’s journey highlights the significant impact of advanced medical interventions in oncology. In initiating a long-term outpatient follow-up regimen, the emphasis is on maintaining the achieved vitality and preventing disease recurrence.