Mikrobläschenbehandlung von Leberkrebs

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Hepatitis C is primarily to blame for liver cancer, one of the deadliest cancers. In addition, complications of fatty liver disease are also a cause of liver cancer. At present, researchers are trying to treat liver cancer by improving microbubbles. Microbubbles, including the sturdy outer shell and small gas bubbles inside the gas, insert glass radiation beads into the liver, and then inject the microbubbles into the blood. It is usually used in combination with radiation therapy for the treatment of advanced Leberkrebs.

Dr. John Eisenbrey, a radiology researcher at Thomas Jefferson University, said, “focusing the ultrasound beam on the liver Tumor, the bubbles participate in the blood circulation in the body. The ultrasound only focuses on the tumor itself, and it does not affect the surrounding healthy tissue, and only generates bubbles inside the tumor. The blood supply through the catheter is only deposited in the tumor. When the bubbles burst, it will enhance the radiation effect. This therapy is to destroy the blood supply and starve the tumor, and then the tumor begins to shrink over time. It is still in The early stages of clinical trials have shown good results.

At present, researchers are using commercial bubbles outside the label, and at the same time working with chemists and engineers to put chemotherapy drugs, oxygen and other compositions into microbubbles to circulate in the blood to achieve the purpose of shrinking tumors and extending the life of patients.

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