Dr. Yuichiro Ohe Thoraxonkologie

Stellvertretender Direktor - National Cancer Center Hospital, Erfahrung:

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Über Doktor

Dr. Yuichiro Ohe gehört zu den besten Thoraxonkologen und Lungenkrebsspezialisten in Tokio, Japan.

Dr. Yuichiro Ohe is president of the Japanese Society of Medical Oncology (JSMO), a board of director of International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC), and a chair of Japan Clinical Oncology Group (JCOG) Lung Cancer Study Group. He has been working in NCCH in Tokyo and National Cancer Center Hospital East in Kashiwa since 1989. His research field is development of new treatments for Lungenkrebs including chemotherapy, multidisciplinary treatment, immunotherapy, and translational research.

Thoracic oncology department is consisting of seven staff physicians and residents. The department has approximately 60 beds in the hospital, and a total of more than 400 new patients with lung cancer, malignant Mesotheliom, thymic cancer, and thymoma were admitted every year. Research activities of the department can be classified into four categories: (1) phase I and phase II studies to evaluate new anticancer drugs; (2) multi-institutional phase III studies to establish new standard treatments against thoracic malignancy; (3) pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) studies to investigate interpatient variability, optimal administration schedules, and drug–drug interactions; and (4) translational research using clinical samples from bench to bedside or from bedside to bench for the development of innovative treatment strategies.


Nationales Krebszentrum, Japan


  • Thoraxonkologie

Durchgeführte Verfahren

  • Behandlung von Lungenkrebs
  • Lungenkrebsoperation
  • Malignes Mesotheliom
  • Thymuskrebs
  • Thymom
  • Malignome des Thorax

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