Category: CAR NK-Cell therapy

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Can CAR T cell therapy shortcomings be avoided by NK Cell therapy

Can CAR T cell therapy shortcomings be avoided by NK Cell therapy?

NK Cell therapy vs CAR T-Cell therapy The FDA's approval of the first CAR T cell therapy in 2017 was widely celebrated as a significant advancement in cancer treatment. The method enabled a focused assault on cancer cells by util..


FDA approves clinical trial application of specific CAR-NK therapy FT536 in the treatment of solid tumors

May 2022: FDA approves clinical trial application of specific CAR-NK therapy FT536 in the treatment of solid tumours in a CAR-NK clinical trial. The FDA approved an Investigational New Drug Application in January 2022 for the CAR-..

Killer cell immunotherapy can treat advanced pancreatic cancer

Researchers at the University of New South Wales in Sydney and the California Institute of Biomedicine (CALIBR) have demonstrated that "specially cultured killer cells" can be used to treat pancreatic cancer. In the study, the te..

Latest immunotherapy in liver cancer treatment

Liver cancer Liver cancer is currently the fifth most common cause of cancer-related death in the world. The current first-line systemic treatment drug is mainly sorafenib, but usually only prolongs the overall survival of 3 mont..

NK Cell immunotherapy in advanced liver cancer cases

Cases of NK cell immunotherapy for advanced liver cancer 92-year-old advanced cancer patient has complete remission Seven years ago, Ms. M, who was in her 80s, was diagnosed with hepatocellular carcinoma (caused by cancer in the p..

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N K Cell immunotherapy – A new era in the treatment of cancer

What is NK-cell therapy? Trillions of cells replicate in a person every day. Under the influence of carcinogens (smoking, ionizing radiation, Helicobacter pylori, etc.), about 500,000 to 1 million cells can mutate during the repl..

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CAR NK therapy has an effective rate of 73%

Immunotherapy in treatment of cancerCancer CAR-NK therapy has an effective rate of 73%, and is being recruited in domestic clinical trials.Immunotherapy has revolutionized the way cancer is treated. Cancer immunotherapy is divide..


CAR natural killer cell therapy – MD Anderson partners with Takeda

The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center and Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited have entered a restrictive understanding and research consent to develop and market chimeric antigen receptor directed natural killer (CAR..

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CAR-NK therapy – New immunotherapy in cancer treatment

CAR-NK therapy is a new type of immunotherapy in the treatment of cancer treatment. Immunotherapy has revolutionized the way cancer is treated. Cancer immunotherapy is divided into two categories: one is immune checkpoint inhibit..

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CancerFax is a pioneering platform dedicated to connecting individuals facing advanced-stage cancer with groundbreaking cell therapies like CAR T-Cell therapy, Gene therapy, TIL therapy, and clinical trials worldwide.

Let us know what we can do for you.

1) CAR T-Cell therapy
2) Gene therapy
3) Gamma-Delta T Cell therapy
4) TIL therapy
5) NK Cell therapy