Although more than 12,000 women in the United States are diagnosed with cervical cancer every year and about 4,000 people die of cervical cancer, cervical cancer can be prevented through regular inspections. If it is discovered and treated early, it can be cured. Almost all cervical cancers are caused by an HPV (human papilloma virus), an infection that can be passed from one person to another during sexual activity.
It is estimated that about 79 million Americans have HPV, and many people do not know that they are infected with HPV. Most HPV patients will not experience symptoms. In most cases, the infection disappears on its own. Otherwise, it will cause a variety of cancers in men and women, including cervical cancer, vulvar cancer, vaginal cancer, anal cancer, laryngeal cancer, tongue cancer, tonsil cancer and penile cancer.
Fortunately, we have HPV-type vaccines that cause most cervical cancer and genital warts. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that young girls and boys be vaccinated against HPV when they are 11 or 12 years old, but women under 26 and men under 21 can still be vaccinated. Those college students who have not been vaccinated do so regardless of gender.
Preventing HPV can help prevent cervical cancer. The best way to prevent HPV is through vaccination, safe sex, restricting the number of partners, and not smoking.
Pap test (or cervical smear) helps to find pre-cancerous lesions, the only way for cervical cells to change. If not handled properly, it may become cervical cancer. HPV testing can detect viruses that cause changes in these cells. Both tests can be performed by a doctor at the same time. Women should start regular Pap tests at the age of 21 , and women aged 30 and over are recommended to undergo joint Pap tests / HPV.
Tips: At present, only two-valent and four-valent vaccines are listed on the mainland, which protects up to four viruses. Hong Kong has already listed nine-valent vaccines to prevent nine virus infections. Global Oncologist Network can help you inject nine-valent vaccines. Full protection!
- Alysha Mendossa
- Alysha Mendossa
- Alysha Mendossa
- Alysha Mendossa