Tag: Proton

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Protonterapie vir lewerkanker is deel van die riglyne

UN NCCN guidelines The US NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines: Hepatobiliary Tumor (2018.V1) was updated on February 15, 2018. The latest version of the guideline uses proton therapy as one of the standard treatments for head and n..

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Protonterapie in lewerkanker

Liver cancerIn the past two decades, the number of deaths caused by liver cancer has increased by 80%, becoming one of the fastest growing causes of cancer deaths worldwide.Liver cancer mortality ranks second in the world for canc..


Protonterapie het die lewerkankerpasiënt nuwe lewe gegee

Liver cancer backgroundA local man in Cincinnati unfortunately suffered from a rare form of liver cancer. The doctor told him that he only had a life span of 3-6 months. However, because of a cancer treatment team at the Universit..

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Welkom by CancerFax!

CancerFax is 'n baanbrekerplatform wat toegewy is om individue wat kanker in die gevorderde stadium in die gesig staar te verbind met baanbrekende selterapieë soos CAR T-Cell-terapie, TIL-terapie en kliniese proewe wêreldwyd.

Laat weet ons wat ons vir jou kan doen.

1) Kankerbehandeling in die buiteland?
2) CAR T-Cell terapie
3) Kanker-entstof
4) Aanlyn video konsultasie
5) Protonterapie