Ukwelashwa kwe-Proton kunikeze impilo entsha esigulini somdlavuza wesibindi

Yabelana ngalokhu okuthunyelwe

Isizinda somdlavuza wesibindi

A local man in Cincinnati unfortunately suffered from a rare form of liver cancer. The doctor told him that he only had a life span of 3-6 months. However, because of a cancer treatment team at the University of Cincinnati, Roberto had a second life. The man unfortunately suffered from umdlavuza wesibindi proton therapy gave him a second life. Like ordinary people, Roberto has been living for dreams, carrying a beautiful bride, driving a dream car, galloping on the open road … But, one day, Roberto was admitted to the hospital because of physical discomfort, As a result, the doctor directly told him that he might have to deal with the aftermath … High-tech images show that Roberto has a rare liver cancer in adults, which is a very fatal cancer, and he has only a long life. 3-6 months. 

Ukwelashwa kwe-Proton yomdlavuza wesibindi

 However, Dr. Kharofa, his attending doctor, also suggested that he might try an advanced form of radiotherapy-proton therapy, which can shape the radiation dose for certain isisu types in a better way, only target tumor lesions, and retain as much as possible. The rest of the liver. Roberto listened to the doctor’s suggestion and performed proton therapy at the UC Health Proton Therapy Center in the United States. This is one of only a few proton therapy centers in the United States. Dr. Kharofa said that because Robert’s type of liver cancer is very rare, we are not sure about the effect before treatment. As a result, his response is very good and the treatment is very successful.  

Kuyini ukwelashwa kwe-proton?

 I-Proton therapy iyi-radiotherapy esezingeni eliphakeme engavikela ngempumelelo izicubu ezizungezile ekulimaleni. Kungenzeka ukuthi ubungalwazi lolu hlobo lwenqubo ye-radiotherapy. Ukwelashwa kwayo kwe-parenchymal kuyindlela “esezingeni eliphezulu” ye-radiotherapy. I-proton iyizinhlayiyana lapho i-athomu ye-hydrogen ilahlekelwa i-electron. I-Proton therapy ukusebenzisa i-cyclotron noma i-synchrotron ukusheshisa i-electron nucleus ifinyelele isivinini sokukhanya esingaba ngu-70%. Ingena emzimbeni futhi ifinyelele kumaseli omdlavuza ngalesi sivinini esisheshayo. Endaweni ethile, isivinini siyehla ngokuzumayo bese siyama, kwakheka umthamo ophakeme obukhali ekugcineni kobubanzi, obizwa ngokuthi i-Bragg Peak, ekhulula amandla amakhulu futhi ibulale amaseli omdlavuza. Ukwelashwa kwe-proton kungavikela ngempumelelo izicubu ezizungezile ezijwayelekile ngasikhathi sinye, kube nemiphumela emibi emincane. Isibonelo, inhliziyo namaphaphu azungeze isibindi yizitho ezibaluleke kakhulu. Ukwelashwa kwe-Proton isengakwazi ukwelapha izimila ngempumelelo kuyilapho ivikela imisebenzi yalezi zitho ezibalulekile noma izakhi. Ukwelashwa ngeke kube nomthelela, okuyi-radiotherapy evamile. akunakwenzeka. Ukwelashwa kweProton kulula futhi kuyashesha ezigulini ngaphandle kokulaliswa esibhedlela. Isikhathi sokwelashwa kwe-proton singaba sifushane njengemizuzu emihlanu, kodwa isikhathi sokumisa somshini ne-laser beam sithatha cishe imizuzu engama-30. Kanye ngosuku, njalo ngoLwesihlanu, ngokuvamile izikhathi ezingu-15-40 inkambo yokwelashwa. Izinzuzo zokwelashwa kwe-proton zokwelashwa ngokushesha kwezimila zingase zingabi sobala, kepha inzuzo izoba sobala ngemuva kweminyaka embalwa, ikakhulukazi ezigulini ezisencane, ngoba ukwelashwa kwe-proton kunemiphumela emibi emincane futhi ngeke kubangele noma yimuphi umonakalo emzimbeni. 

Ukwelashwa kwe-Proton kufanelekile cishe kuzo zonke izicubu eziqinile

 The application of proton therapy is very wide. In addition to liver cancer, proton therapy covers almost all solid tumors of the body, such as lung cancer, brain cancer, umdlavuza wesibeletho, and so on. For inoperable patients, patients who are intolerant to chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and have no other treatment options, proton therapy brings hope to many patients with solid tumors. Due to the almost zero side effects, proton therapy will be of great concern. Expect proton therapy to shine in the cancer field. 

 Ukwelashwa kweProton kuvula umnyango wethemba ezigulini ezinomdlavuza, kepha ukwelashwa kwe-proton akuyona i-panacea. Ngenxa yezizathu zomnotho kanye nemikhawulo yezinkomba, ingabhekisa kuphela iziguli ezinomdlavuza okwamanje. Njengamanje, abasekhaya nabangaphandle ukwelashwa kweproton izikhungo zikahle ekwelapheni umdlavuza, kanti nemishini ehlobene nayo ihlukile. Iziguli kumele ziqonde kabanzi ngaphambi kokukhetha. Iziguli ezinezimo zomnotho ezimaphakathi zingakhetha ukuthola ukwelashwa ezweni, futhi iziguli ezinezimo zezomnotho ezingcono zingakhetha ukuya e-Japan, eJalimane, nase-United States ukuze zelashwe. 

Iziguli ezinomdlavuza zilashwa kanjani i-proton?

 ICancerFax teamed up with a world-renowned proton center to create a domestically authoritative proton therapy evaluation consultation center. The center has well-known proton experts at home and abroad, such as Akihara Tetsuo, the first proton in Japan, and X. Ronald Zhu can provide patients with condition assessment and remote consultation. Help patients find the most suitable proton therapy center worldwide, and assist patients to receive proton therapy. At present, there are authoritative proton therapy centers in the United States, India, Germany, Japan, Taiwan and China, and patients can choose according to their own condition. 

Itholakalaphi i-proton therapy eNdiya?

Ukwelashwa kweProton okwamanje kuyatholakala e-Apollo Proton Center eChennai. Ukuze uthole umbono wesibili nokuqokwa, iziguli zingashayela ezinombolweni ezingezansi noma zibhale i-imeyili. 

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Ukuqonda i-BCMA: Ithagethi Yenguquko Ekulapheni Umdlavuza
Umdlavuza wegazi

Ukuqonda i-BCMA: Ithagethi Yenguquko Ekulapheni Umdlavuza

Isingeniso Emkhakheni oguqukayo njalo wokwelashwa kwe-oncological, ososayensi baphikelela befuna izinhloso ezingajwayelekile ezingakhulisa ukusebenza kokungenelela kuyilapho kunciphisa imiphumela engadingeki.

Dinga usizo? Ithimba lethu likulungele ukukusiza.

Sifisela ukululama okusheshayo kothandekayo wakho futhi oseduze.

Qala ingxoxo
Siku-inthanethi! Xoxa Nathi!
Skena ikhodi

Siyakwamukela kuCancerFax!

ICancerFax iyinkundla yokuphayona ezinikele ekuxhumaniseni abantu ababhekene nomdlavuza oseqophelweni eliphezulu ngemithi yokwelapha yamangqamuzana efana ne-CAR T-Cell therapy, ukwelashwa kwe-TIL, nezivivinyo zomtholampilo emhlabeni wonke.

Sazise ukuthi yini esingakwenzela yona.

1) Ukwelashwa komdlavuza phesheya?
2) Ukwelashwa kwe-CAR T-Cell
3) Umuthi wokugomela umdlavuza
4) Ukubonisana ngevidiyo eku-inthanethi
5) Ukwelashwa kweProton