This method can reduce the risk of bowel cancer death by up to 72%

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“About 5-6 years ago, we started to see some young patients with colorectal cancer, including some people in their 20s or 30s, which had never been seen before,” Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK ) Said Dr. Julio Garcia-Aguilar, the director of the colorectal project”.

The latest AICR report shows that lifestyle factors, especially diet and physical activity, play an important role in causing or preventing colorectal cancer. It has been found that whole grains and exercise reduce the risk, while processed meat and obesity increase the risk of cancer.

Factors that reduce the risk of colorectal cancer:

■ Dietary fiber: Previous evidence shows that dietary fiber can reduce the risk of colorectal cancer, and this report is further supplemented by reporting that 90 grams of whole grains per day can reduce the risk of colorectal cancer by 17%.

■ Whole grains: For the first time, the AICR / WCRF study independently linked whole grains with colorectal cancer. The intake of whole grains can reduce the risk of colorectal cancer.

■ Exercise: Exercising can reduce the risk of colon cancer (but there is no evidence to reduce the risk of rectal cancer).

■ Others: Limited evidence suggests that fish, foods containing vitamin C (oranges, strawberries, spinach, etc.), multivitamins, calcium, and dairy products can also reduce the risk of colorectal cancer.

Factors that increase the risk of colorectal cancer:

■ Large intake (> 500g per week) of red meat and processed meat, including beef, pork, hot dogs, etc .: Previous studies have shown that red meat and processed meat are associated with cancer risk. In 2015, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the cancer agency of the World Health Organization (WHO), classified processed meat as a “carcinogenic factor for humans.” In addition, studies on premenopausal women have shown that high intake of red meat can increase the risk of breast cancer.

■ Drink ≥ 2 kinds of alcoholic beverages (30g alcohol) daily, such as wine or beer.

■ Non-starchy vegetables / fruits, foods containing heme iron: When the intake is low, the risk of colorectal cancer is high.

■ Other factors such as overweight, obesity, and height can also increase the risk of colorectal cancer.

From small polyps to fatal colorectal cancer, it usually takes 10 to 15 years, which provides a sufficient time window for early prevention and treatment, and colonoscopy is currently the preferred method of screening for colorectal cancer.

Both the lesion can be found and can be removed in time. The effect of colonoscopy on early detection of colorectal cancer has been fully recognized.

The research team of Indiana University and the American Veterans Medical Center jointly conducted a case-control study, selecting nearly 5,000 veterans with cancer and matching a control group of nearly 20,000 ages with similar factors according to the ratio of 1: 4 To determine the impact of colonoscopy on mortality of colorectal cancer.

The analysis showed that only 13.5% of the veterans in the case group had undergone colonoscopy before the diagnosis of cancer, while the control group had 26.4%, and the relative frequency of the case group was only 39%. Compared with patients who have not had colonoscopy, the overall risk of death of patients who have had colonoscopy has decreased by 61%, especially the left half of colon cancer patients who have more colonoscopy exposure.

In addition, if symptoms similar to colorectal cancer occur, it is also important to find out the cause as soon as possible! In most cases, these symptoms similar to colorectal cancer may be caused by hemorrhoids, irritable bowel syndrome, or inflammatory bowel disease. But if you have one or more symptoms, it is best to go to the hospital to find the cause.

Changes in bowel habits, such as diarrhea, constipation, or narrowing of stool, which lasts for several days

Feel like a bowel movement, but not relieve after bowel movement

Rectal bleeding

Bloody stools or black stools

abdominal pain

Fatigue and weakness

Unexplained weight loss

Finally, to stay away from colorectal cancer, it is especially important to improve lifestyle!

Eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grains, and eat less red meat (beef, pork or lamb) and processed meat (ham, sausage, luncheon meat, etc.)

Exercise regularly, it is recommended to exercise at least 150 minutes per week

Controlling body weight, being overweight increases the risk of colorectal cancer

Smoking cessation and alcohol restriction, smoking and drinking are all risk factors for colorectal cancer, it is recommended that men do not drink more than 2 servings per day, and women do not exceed 1 serving

1 serving of alcohol = 1 can (341 ml) of beer, or 1 glass (142 ml) of red wine, or 1 small cup (43 ml) of hard liquor

Reference materials:

[1] The New Age of Colorectal Cancer: People under 50

[2] Signs and Symptoms of Colorectal Cancer

[3] Six Ways to Lower Your Riskfor Colorectal Cancer


The content of this public account is only for communication and reference, not as a basis for diagnosis and medical treatment, and all consequences caused by actions made in accordance with this article are the responsibility of the actor. For professional medical questions, please consult a professional or professional medical institution. 

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