Antioxidants may carry risk during breast cancer chemotherapy

Use of certain supplimnets like antioxidants may be risky during breast cancer chemotherapy. Cheap breast cancer chemotherapy drugs in India, economical breast cancer chemotherapy in India.

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New studies have found that taking supplements like antioxidants may carry significant risk during breast cancer chemotherapy. A small study found out that patient taking supplements during breast cancer chemotherapy have higher chances of cancer recurrence leading to deaths. However, taking multivitamins is not found to be risky. The study was published online December 19, 2019 in the Journal of Clinical Oncology. It was led by researchers at the SWOG Cancer Research Network, funded by the National Cancer Institute.

Purpose of this study was to find out widespread use of dietary supplements during cancer treatment, few empirical data with regard to their safety or efficacy exist. Because of concerns that some supplements, particularly antioxidants, could reduce the cytotoxicity of chemotherapy, we conducted a prospective study ancillary to a therapeutic trial to evaluate associations between supplement use and breast cancer outcomes.

In the above-mentioned study 1134 patients who were undergoing chemotherapy in breast cancer were asked questions with respect to the supplement they are consuming. Questions were asked with respect to supplements like Vitamin A, C, E, carotenoids and Coenzyme Q10. It was found out that 41% of the patients are likely to have a recurrence and 40% of them are likely to die.

Co-author Christine B. Ambrosone, PhD, says cancer patients should be cautious about taking supplements while in chemotherapy. “People diagnosed with any cancer should talk with their doctors about whether they should be taking vitamins or other supplements,” she said in a statement. “I’d recommend that they try to get their vitamins and minerals – including antioxidants – from food. With a healthy and balanced diet, you can get all the nutrients your body needs, even while undergoing chemo.”


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