Dr Narikazu Boku Gastro-intestinale mediese onkologie

Adjunkdirekteur - Nasionale Kanker Sentrum Hospitaal, Japan, ervaring:


Oor dokter

Dr. Narikazu Boku is een van die voorste en top GI kankerkenner in Tokio, Japan.

Dr. Narikazu Boku is van die departement van gastroïntestinale mediese onkologie en is adjunkdirekteur, Nasionale Kankersentrum-hospitaal, Japan.

The division of Gastrointestinal Medical Oncology focuses on the development of new drugs and establishment of standard chemotherapy regimens including multimodality treatment with surgery and/or radiotherapy for advanced esophageal/gastric/colorectal cancers, gastrointestinal stromal tumor, and other gastrointestinal (GI) malignancies. The team does not only participate in many industry-sponsored trials but also conduct investigator-initiated trials, which are associated with translational research, in collaboration with many clinicians and basic researchers in Japan, Asia, and worldwide. Recently, the team has investigated biomarkers using pretreatment tumor and blood samples, including circulating tumor cell and cell-free DNA. Because easy access to tumor samples by endoscopy is a strong point in GI malignancy, the team is now preceding to translational research using repeated biopsy samples after administering investigational drugs.


Nasionale Kankersentrum, Japan


Gastro-intestinale mediese onkologie

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CancerFax is 'n baanbrekerplatform wat toegewy is om individue wat kanker in die gevorderde stadium in die gesig staar te verbind met baanbrekende selterapieë soos CAR T-Cell-terapie, TIL-terapie en kliniese proewe wêreldwyd.

Laat weet ons wat ons vir jou kan doen.

1) Kankerbehandeling in die buiteland?
2) CAR T-Cell terapie
3) Kanker-entstof
4) Aanlyn video konsultasie
5) Protonterapie