Imunoterapi NK Cell - Jaman anyar dina pangobatan kanker

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What is NK-cell therapy?

Trilyun sél réplikasi dina hiji jalma unggal poé. Dina pangaruh karsinogén (udud, radiasi pangionan, Helicobacter pylori, jsb), kira-kira 500,000 nepi ka 1 juta sél bisa mutate salila prosés réplikasi unggal poé. Sababaraha sél mutant salajengna jadi sél kanker.

Legiun imun

After thousands of years of evolution, the human body has formed a sophisticated defense system, established a powerful immune corps, and stocked a large number of elite soldiers, always protecting us and keeping us away from cancer. Among them, the bone marrow is the headquarters of the immune system. Here, hematopoietic stem cells differentiate into immune fighters with different functions. They have their own army territory and job responsibilities.

Aya tilu tentara utama:

1. Legiun Inti: Limfosit

Limfosit T limfosit gumantung timus, limfosit utama dina getih sareng resirkulasi

Limfosit B berkembang dina bursa bursa atanapi organ isoaktif na (sumsum tulang), anu tiasa ngabédakeun janten sél plasma ngahasilkeun antibodi saatos dirangsang ku antigen

Sél NK, sél LAK henteu peryogi pangaruh pembunuhan sensitipitas antigen

2. Legiun Pembantu: Presentasi antigen

Mononuclear-macrophage fagositosis, hadir antigen TD, initiate réspon imun, pangaruh anti tumor, sékrési média bioaktif

Sél DC mangrupikeun sél sél hétérogén anu ngagaduhan fungsi presentasi antigen anu kuat sareng mangrupikeun hiji-hijina sél anu nampilkeun antigen anu tiasa ngaktipkeun sél T naif

3. Legiun sél imun sanés

Neutrofil, eosinofilik / granulosit dasar sareng sél mastaka, trombosit, sél getih beureum.

Naon NK Cell?

Perang imun Relay: Sél Tongkat-NK Kahiji

Perang imun dina awak urang sami sareng perang anti musuh anu dicandak dina pilem. Saperti lomba relay, éta peryogi pembagian kerja anu jelas tina tilu tentara, rencana tempur anu taliti, sareng operasi anu terkoordinasi pikeun mupus musuh dina hiji waktos.

Dina perang ngalawan sél kanker, natural killer (NK) cells bear the brunt. It is the first to directly kill cancer cells when they reach the tumor micro environment while secreting secret weapon chemokines to recruit dendritic cells (CD103 + DC). Then, activated dendritic cells carry tumor antigens to the lymph nodes, presenting the characteristics of cancer cells to killer T cells. T cells then rush to the battlefield to kill cancer cells together with NK cells.

NK Cell anu pangaruh pangperanganana paling kuat

Sél NK
Ngaran lengkep: Sél Killer Alam

Sumber: Berasal langsung tina sumsum tulang, kamekaranana gumantung kana lingkungan mikro tina sumsum tulang

Fungsi: Sél target anu dipaéhan ku sél NK utamana sél tumor, sél anu kainféksi virus, patogén anu langkung ageung (sapertos fungi sareng parasit), organ sareng jaringan anu ditransplantasikeun.

Ngaran lengkep sél NK nyaéta Natural Killer Cell (NK), nyaéta golongan katilu limfosit sajajar jeung sél T jeung B dina legiun sél inti. Sél NK gedé tur ngandung partikel sitoplasma, ku kituna disebut limfosit partikel badag. Cai mibanda tilu ciri pangbadagna:

Mimiti, éta sistem imun bawaan awak manusa. Éta pasti prajurit anu payun. Ampir sadaya sél tumor bakal diserang sél NK heula.

Kadua, éta ngagaduhan épék antitumor spéktrum lega, henteu meryogikeun pangakuan khusus-tumor, sareng henteu diwatesan ku kagiatan hambatan kompleks histokompatibilitas (MHC) utama dina permukaan sél. Waktos ngamimitian mangrupikeun panggancangna, sareng sél T kedah disayogikeun antigen sateuacan tiasa ngabédakeun antara "musuh sareng musuh".

Katilu, umpan balik kaayaan pas waktuna. Sakali "kaayaan musuh" dipendakan, éta gancang "dilaporkeun" sareng fungsi pertahanan imun sareng pembunuhan imun tina sadaya sistem imun diaktipkeun.

Ku alatan éta, pangaruh maéhan kanker kuat.

Nanging, jumlah sél NK dina awak manusa relatif alit, nyatakeun sakitar 15% tina total jumlah limfosit dina getih periferal, sareng sakitar 3% dugi 4% dina limpa. Éta ogé tiasa muncul dina paru-paru, ati sareng mukosa peujit, tapi dina timus, titik limfa sareng kateter dada jarang.

Kumaha sél NK maéhan sél kanker?

Sél NK berperan penting dina garis pertahanan kahiji ngalawan kanker. Sél NK gaduh tilu épék anti kanker:

One is the direct killing of tumor cells, killing tumor cells by releasing perforin and granzyme or death receptors; the second is that it acts as a regulatory cell of the immune system by activating cytokines and chemokines, activating T cells, etc. The lethal effect.

The third is the formation of ADCC (antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity). When B cells find cancer cells, they will quietly leave specific IgG antibodies on the cancer cells as a mark to remind NK cells to see this mark. NK cells see each other and kill them. With the help of macrophages and B cells, the morale of cancer-killing increased greatly.

Sél NK ngancurkeun sél kanker

Sél NK aya dina getih manusa sareng "réspondén munggaran". Éta ibarat pulisi anu parantos bertugas dina awak. Nalika getih ngalir ngurilingan, sél NK teras-terasan ngahubungi sél sanés nalika patroli. Sakali hiji kalainan aya dina awak Sél, langsung stabil, akurat, tanpa kejam ngantosan waktos pikeun nungkulan. Aranjeunna nyerang sareng ngaleupaskeun partikel sitotoksik anu ngandung perforin sareng granzyme dina mémbran sél target sateuacan sél T dikerahkeun, memicu ngancurkeun nyalira sél kanker. Éta ogé tiasa ngaleungitkeun sél sirung kanker anu beredar dina awak sareng ngabantosan nyegah metastasis.

Imunoterapi basis sél NK

Sanaos aranjeunna tiasa sacara gancang ngabélaan sareng langsung nyerang sél tumor, sél NK ngan ukur bagian alit tina sistem imun, ngan ukur 10% sél getih bodas. Sareng panilitian mendakan yén saatos 25 taun umur, imunitas manusa turun sareng jumlah sél NK janten kirang. Jumlah sareng kagiatan sél NK di pasién penderita sareng pasién saatos bedah tumor parantos robih dugi ka tingkat anu pasti, sareng aranjeunna sacara épéktip moal tiasa mangaruhan pangaruh antikanker.

Panalungtik ayeuna fokus kana "nyokot" sél NK terapi-ngumpulkeun sél NK ti donor patali raket jeung injecting kana penderita. Ieu geus kabuktian aman, sarta teu saperti terapi sél T, sél NK henteu ngabalukarkeun kasakit graft-versus-host dina jaringan panarima.

Strategi sél NK internasional ayeuna pikeun tumor immunotherapy nyaéta:

1. In vitro diaktipkeun terapi sél NK autologous atanapi allogeneic;

2. Ngagabungkeun sél NK jeung antibodi monoklonal (kayaning sambetan checkpoint imun) pikeun dipicuna sitotoksisitas antibodi-spésifik;

3. Ngawangun imunoterapi sél CAR-NK.

Aktipkeun reséptor sél NK: Blokir reséptor panghambat dina mémbran sél NK sareng antibodi, atanapi ngarangsang aktiva
ting reséptor pikeun ningkatkeun kagiatan lisis sél NK

Dina kombinasi sareng sambetan pos-pos imun: Terapi pamariksaan digabungkeun sareng imunoterapi anu dipandu ku NK sanés tiasa sasaran sababaraha jinis tumor anu ayeuna henteu ngaréspon therapies anu aya.

Sél NK dirobah ku reséptor antigen chimeric: nyata bisa ngaronjatkeun spésifisitas of efficacy sél NK. Gagasan ieu sami sareng pangwangunan CAR-T: CAR kalebet domain pangakuan ekstrasélular (sapertos scFv) pikeun mikawanoh antigén khusus tumor; domain transmembran, sareng domain sinyal intrasélular (ranté CD3ζ) tiasa nyababkeun aktivasina sél NK.

Naon bedana sél NK sareng terapi sél T?

Dina bidang imunoterapi kanker, jalma-jalma parantos fokus kana mobilisasi sél anti anti tumor. Ayeuna, FDA parantos nyatujuan dua terapi sél CAR-T.

Duanana sél T sareng sél NK tiasa mikawanoh sareng maéhan sél kanker, tapi sél éta diteruskeun ku cara anu béda pisan.

Sél T kedah "nampilkeun" sababaraha bagian sél targétna pikeun sél imun anu sanés pikeun mikawanoh éta salaku sél asing sareng agrégat sél T kana pola serangan.

NK cells recognize the pattern of cancer cell changes and are the first line of defense of the immune system. Unlike T cells, they directly detect and destroy infected and malignant cells without having to be activated or “trained” to respond to cancer cells. However, it is now well known that exposure to cytokines, which are components of the immune system, activates NK cells more effectively.

Sél killer alam ditingalikeun dina tumor beurit serangan héjo. Sél NK tiasa janten konci pikeun imunoterapi kanker. Biru nunjukkeun saluran getih. Sumber gambar: Dr. Michele Ardolino sareng Dr. Brian Weist

Kaunggulan terapi sél NK

1. Terapi sél imun nyaéta métode perlakuan kaopat sanggeus bedah, kémoterapi jeung radiotherapy. Terapi sél NK digabungkeun jeung radiotherapy jeung kémoterapi éféktif bisa miceun sél tumor nu teu bisa sagemblengna dipiceun ku bedah;

2. Terapi sél NK digabungkeun sareng radiochemotherapy tiasa ningkatkeun kamampuan radiochemotherapy sareng ngirangan efek samping;

3. For advanced cancer patients who are not suitable for surgery, radiotherapy, or chemotherapy, NK cell therapy is a better choice;

4. Perlakuan rutin sél NK saatos operasi tiasa nyegah kambuh sareng metastasis kanker;

5. Ngaleungitkeun nyeri kanker, ningkatkeun bobo, ningkatkeun kualitas hirup pasién, sareng manjangkeun siklus hirup pasién;

6. Pikeun jalma sub-sehat, pamakéan terapi sél NK bisa ngurangan résiko kangker.

NK Cell Terapi Pembaruan Internasional

Imunoterapi sél NK Jepang

In order to improve the activity and number of NK cells in the body, Japanese scientists have invented a multiplier method, which is to extract 50ml from human blood, isolate a small amount of NK cells and then expand the culture to increase the number to the original 1000 times, the number reaches 1 billion to 5 billion and is then returned to the body, a large number of NK cells will circulate 3000 to 4000 times with the blood system, killing cancer cells, aging cells, diseased cells, bacteria and viruses in the body Once again, to achieve the purpose of anti-cancer, improve immunity and prolong survival.

Imunoterapi sél NK Amérika

Amérika Serikat kaasup sél NK dina uji coba imunoterapi kanker!

Hiji awéwé kalayan leukemia myeloid akut (AML) is dying after repeated chemotherapy failures. As a final attempt, she received an experimental cell infusion of natural killer (NK) cells donated by her son. After 4 days, the osmotic skin lesions disappeared, and soon she entered a state of relief.

Sanaos terapi sél NK masih ngan ukur dina uji klinis awal di Amérika Serikat, panilitian klinis ningkat.

A clinical trial led by Washington University in St. Louis showed that approximately 12 patients with AML and sindrom myelodysplastic (MDS) received NK cells. Half of the patients entered the remission period.

At present, MD Anderson at Dana Faber Cancer Institute is conducting a clinical trial, which will test the efficacy of NK cell therapy in patients with hematological tumors that relapse after stem cell transplantation. Patients who want to know the details can call + 91 96 1588 1588.

Saha anu cocog pikeun terapi sél NK?

1. Pasien anu ngagaduhan fisik anu goréng sateuacan operasi tumor, pamulihan laun saatos operasi, sareng sieun sél kanker gaib henteu leres-leres dibasmi.

2. After radiotherapy and chemotherapy, the immune system is low, the side effects are obvious (such as loss of appetite, nausea, hair loss, skin inflammation, etc.), and patients expect to increase the effect of chemoradiation.

3. Pasien anu hoyong nganggo sababaraha pangobatan pikeun ngahontal épék terapi kusabab sieun akibat tina radioterapi sareng kémoterapi.

4. Pasien sareng sél kanker anu maju parantos sumebar ka saluruh awak, tapi metode pangobatan konvensional henteu gaduh kakuatan, sareng pasién anu ngarepkeun manjangkeun salamet sareng ningkatkeun kualitas kahirupan.

Prosés pangobatan terapi sél NK

1. Blood collection: Extract 30–50 ml of peripheral blood of cancer patients and extract mononuclear cells;

2. Laboratory culture: In the laboratory, conduct NK cell induction and expansion for a period of 5-7 days;

3. Return: After the NK cell culture is completed, it is returned to the cancer patient like an infusion.

Kasus pangobatan Terapi sél NK

Sumber Kasus: Klinik terapi sél NK otoritatif di Jepang

Ms. Zheng, 50, was diagnosed with advanced kanker pancreatic (pancreatic tail), transferred to the liver, lungs, and pleura, and was diagnosed with cancerous peritonitis (chest wall, multiple nodules in the lungs). . After one cycle of Gemcitabine Gatige, the effect was not satisfactory, CA19-9 rose from 257,531 to 318,417. On the advice of the doctor, the whole genome was sequenced, and the result did not have any meaningful mutations. The doctor said that she had three months to six months at most. According to expert recommendations, Ms. Zheng began to reinject highly activated NK cells at a frequency of once every two weeks.

Immediately after finishing the first return, Ms. Zheng’s most obvious feeling was that she felt full of energy. She was always weak, and the pain symptoms were alleviated. With appetite, you can eat some light food.

Teu disangka-sangka, pangobatanana lancar pisan. Saatos perlakuan anu munggaran, CA19-9 langsung dikirangan janten 7355. Saatos kaopat perlakuan sél NK kaopat parantos turun janten 141.

Dina ahir 2016, gambar CT anu dipariksa deui nunjukkeun yén lesi métastatik sapertos titik limfa bronkial ati sareng paru parantos ngaleungit. Kanker pankréas di situs primér ogé parantos ngirangan langkung ti satengah.

Sanaos henteu acan sapinuhna pulih, prosés pangobatanana lemes pisan. Sateuacan ngamimitian ngubaran, persiapan anu paling parah parantos dilakukeun, sareng bahkan prosés pangobatan panginten henteu tiasa bertahan, tapi ku akhir prosés pangobatan anu munggaran, kaayaan awak anu sabar parantos ningkat pisan.

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