Immunotherapy inobvisa maronda mukenza yepamusoro kara

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Kudya "kunodya" kenza yakajeka

Muna 2014, VaYang vane makore makumi matanhatu nemashanu ekuberekwa pamwe nemudzimai wavo vakaenda kunze kwenyika. Munguva iyi, kusagadzikana kwepamuviri uye zviratidzo zvekuzvimbirwa zvakaitika, asi havana kunyatsoteerera panguva iyoyo, vachifunga kuti havana kugutsikana nevhu nemvura. Mushure mekudzokera kuChina, zviratidzo zvakadzikira zvishoma nezvishoma.

On National Day in 2014, when his son, daughter-in-law, and grandson went home for the holiday, Mr. Yang suddenly had nausea and vomiting when he went to the restaurant to eat. Everyone quickly took him to a nearby large hospital for an examination. Immediately apply for hospitalization.

However, even greater bad news fell from the sky. Further examination showed that Mr. Yang had not appendicitis but kenza yakajeka.

MunaNovember, VaYang vakaitwa laparoscopic resection yesemicolon chaiyo. Kazhinji, kufungidzira kwekenza yemavara kuruboshwe kurudyi kwakanyanya kupfuura iko kuruboshwe, asi nerombo rakanaka, VaYang vakaiwana nekukurumidza uye kuvhiya kwaive kwakatsetseka. Iyo pathology inoratidza kuti idanho repiri, iro rinenge kutanga.

Mushure mekuvhiya, VaYang vakadzokera kuhupenyu chaihwo mushure menguva yekuzorora.

Chemotherapy is not effective, the genetic test is negative, is there any help for advanced colorectal cancer?

In May 2016, Mr. Yang clearly felt that he was always tired and fatigued. Sure enough, CT review showed nodules in the anastomosis of the previous operation. Further  examination confirmed the recurrence of colorectal cancer and the  metastasis of peritoneum and lymph nodes.

He immediately received the FOLFIRI ± cetuximab regimen, but the effect was not satisfactory. Under the advice of the doctor, he conducted a genetic test, and now there are many targeted and immunotherapy mishonga pamusika. Kana paine shanduko, inogona kunge ichiri Kuine sirivha. Zvisinei, migumisiro yacho yakanga isingafadzi. Muedzo hauna kuwana shanduko ine musoro, uye iyo microsatellite yakagadzikana, zvinoreva kuti immune checkpoint inhibitors inoonekwa semashanga anoponesa hupenyu nevarwere vegomarara haigone kushandiswa.

Dendritic cell vaccine inobvisa maronda ese

Just when the whole family was in despair, a friend in the medical circle recommended Mr. Yang to go to Japan to try dendritic cell vaccine treatment.

This is a dendritic cell vaccine that specifically identifies cancer cells in patients by extracting their own tumor cell antigens, because this is an advanced cell immunotherapy, has no side effects, and even cooperates with normal chemotherapy and targeted therapy Can also increase the effect.

I asked the attending doctor in China, and it was also recognized. The doctor said that although it is impossible to cure, Japan’s cell immunotherapy is indeed at the global leading level. If the economic conditions allow, you can try to achieve the purpose of prolonging survival and improving the quality of life.

MunaAugust 2016, VaYang nemudzimai wavo vakasvika muJapan.

Vanachiremba vekuJapan vakatanga vaita bvunzo dzese dzekubata immune yavo uye vakaona kuti huwandu hwemasero eT mumuviri hwakadzikira kwazvo, ndiko kuti, simba remuviri kuuraya cancer maseru haina kukwana. Huwandu hweizvi hunobatsira chemotherapy uye gare gare dendritic jekiseni kurapwa, uku uchikwevera ropa kugadzirira dendritic masero majekiseni.

Achangopedza kudzoreredzwa kwake kwekutanga, kunzwa kwaVaYang kuri pachena ndekwekuti ainzwa kuzara nesimba mumuviri wake. Aigara achinzwa kupera simba uye kushaya simba, uye zviratidzo zvekurwadziwa zvakadzikiswa. Nekuda kudya, aigona kudya chikafu chakareruka. chikafu.

Muna Gumiguru 2016, VaYang vakatanga kujoina kurapwa kwe dendritic cell vaccine kamwe chete pasvondo mbiri.

Muna Ndira 2017, mhedzisiro yePET bvunzo yakashamisa munhu wese, uye maronda anowanzoitika akanyangarika.

Muna Ndira 2018, Mr. Yang kuongororwa zvakare mhinduro kwakaratidza zvakare kuregererwa kwakazara, uye maronda mumuviri abviswa zvachose.

Parizvino, chirongwa chaVaYang chekurapa chakagadziriswa kuti chidzoke kamwe chete pamwedzi mitanhatu kudzivirira kudzokazve. Parizvino, VaYang vari muchimiro chakanaka uye vadzokera kuhupenyu hwese.

Chii chinonzi dendritic cell vaccine kurapwa?

After reading Mr. Yang’s case, I believe that many patients who are not effective for chemotherapy and whose genetic testing does not have targeted drugs see hope.

Dendritic cell vaccine is an ideal therapy. We all know that one of the reasons for the formation of cancer is that cancer cells hide very well. Dendritic cells cannot recognize cancer cells. Imagine that you can put your own cancer cells and dendrites. The cells are fused to form dendritic cells that carry specific antigens on the surface of various cancer cells. These dendritic cells have the ability to recognize tumarara cells. When we put these cells back into the conductor, he will teach somatic cells to recognize different Cancer antigen cancer cells, one group to find a antigen, one group to find b antigen cancer cells, all of them are eliminated, and at the same time used in combination with the adjuvant therapy of interleukin 12, which enhances T cells in the body, can effectively increase killer T cells The number, so as to achieve the best anti-cancer effect.

Zvitatu zvakanakira dendritic maseru majekiseni

1. Kubva pane yakanyanya yakatarwa systemic uye emuno maseru maseru ekuvakazve, inotariswa zvakanyanya, yakajeka uye inoshanda pakubvisa gomarara maseru.

Kuitika kwezvirwere zvakasiyana siyana zvinotapukira zvehutachiona uye mamota emuviri zvakanangana nekurasikirwa kana kuremara kwemuviri weDC basa, nekudzoreredza yakatarwa DC basa mumuviri kunova kiyi yekurapa nekudzivirira kwezvirwere zvakadaro. Nekuda kwekushandiswa kweakanyanya epitope peptides, T-DC inogadzira akamisirwa T maseru akanangana uye akananga, uye kugadzirisa, kudzorera uye kunatsiridza yemurwere wega maseru immune immune, kutyora immune systemic uye kushivirira kwenzvimbo Kugamuchira nyika, kuitira kuti uwane kuvakazve kwemuviri wese uye yemuno immune immune.

2. Enderera kutanga yekubvisa michina neisina-cytolysis seyakadzika yekuuraya maitiro, ine yakanyanya kuchengetedzeka

Zvidzidzo zvakaratidza kuti T-DC inonyanya kushandisa kuunganidza ma cytokines akasiyana mumuviri senzira huru yekubvisa tarisiro, izvo zvinoita kuti immune system yakagadzirwazve ideredze zvakanyanya kukuvara kwemasero akajairika ichibvisa chinangwa.

3. Iine mhedzisiro yenguva refu yehunhu hwekudzivirira uye inoziva iyo organic kusangana kwekudzivirira uye kurapwa

Iyo DC yakavakirwazve mu vitro inogona kumisikidza maseru eT akazorora kuti agadzire ekutanga immune immune kana aiswazve mumuviri, uye akaomeswa maseru eT anogona kukwidziridzwa uye kuwedzera kuwedzera. Imwe dendrite inogona kumisikidza 100-3000 T masero. Mazhinji anogadzira T maseru anoita basa mukubvisa hutachiona, uye chimwe chikamu chichapona kwemakumi emakore kusvika makumi emakore kuti ave ndangariro T maseru. Inotevera nguva iyo pavanoratidzwa kune yakaderera-dose maantigen, yakakwira-yakasimba kusimba immune mhinduro ichaitika. Naizvozvo, immune system inoenderana neT-DC kugadzirisa uye kuvakazve inogona kuramba ichishanda kwemakumi emakore, uye inogona kupinda zvakare kutenderera kuti iite pasi pemamiriro akakodzera.

Ndeapi varwere vegomarara vanogona kuwana dendritic cell vaccine kurapwa?

Izvo zvinofanirwa kucherechedzwa kuti iyo dendritic cell yekudzivirira kurapwa haina maitiro akajeka pakudzora bundu revarwere vane gomarara repamberi, uye varwere vane gomarara repamberi vane mhedzisiro yekuwedzeredza hupenyu vachichengetedza hupenyu hwehupenyu; seAdjuvant Therapy mushure mekuvhiyiwa, inogona kudzora kudzokazve uye kubata Iyo mhedzisiro inogona kuchengetwa kwenguva yakareba; inosanganiswa nemamwe marapirwo akadai sekemotherapy, zvakanangwa zvinodhaka, PD1 inhibitors, mhedzisiro yacho ichave iri nani. Naizvozvo, aya marudzi mashanu evarwere ndiwo akakodzera kwazvo:

  1. Varwere vane hurombo hwemuviri vasati vavhiyiwa bundu, vanononoka kupora mushure mekuvhiyiwa, uye kutya maseru emukenza emashiripiti asiri kunyatso bviswa
  2. After radiotherapy and chemotherapy, immunity is low, and side effects are obvio
    isu (sekurasikirwa nechido, kuda kurutsa, kurasikirwa nevhudzi, kuzvimba kweganda, nezvimwewo), varwere vanotarisira kuwedzera mhedzisiro yechemoradiation.
  3. Nekuda kwekutya kwemhedzisiro ye radiotherapy uye chemotherapy, varwere vane tarisiro yekushandisa akasiyana marapirwo kuti vawane ekurapa mhedzisiro.
  4. Cancer maseru mumatumbu epamberi akapararira mumuviri wese, asi zvakajairika nzira dzekurapa hadzina simba, uye varwere vanotarisira kuwedzera kupona nekuvandudza hupenyu.
  5. Varwere vanogamuchira immune checkpoint inhibitors.

Mainly applicable to solid tumors: head and neck tumors, esophageal cancer, lung cancer, gastric cancer, breast cancer, liver cancer, pancreatic cancer, colorectal cancer, ovarian cancer, kenza yechibereko, renal cancer, prostate cancer, malignant melanoma, sarcoma, partial malignancy Lymphoma.

Varwere vekumba vanogamuchira sei dendritic cell vaccine kurapwa?

Parizvino, hapana akawanda emakiriniki ekuyedza mapurojekiti anotenderwa maseru immunotherapy muChina, uye kukosha, kuchengetedzeka uye kugona kweDC cell kurapwa hakusati kwatorwa. Zvinotendwa kuti kana gwara rese ranyatso zadziswa, rinozofambisa kuita kweanokodzera marapirwo ekurapa maitiro uye zviyero muChina uye nekuwedzera dzimwe sarudzo dzekurapa varwere vegomarara muChina MuUnited States, Germany, Japan nedzimwe nyika dzine zviyero zvekurapa zvakavandudzwa, kuvandudzwa uye kushandiswa kwemakiriniki emasero e dendritic ari pamberi pasirese. Dendritic cell majekiseni kuGerman neJapan akave akabudirira kugadzirwa uye kupinda kuchipatara kushanda. Iwe unogona kuyera uye kunyorera kuburikidza neGlobal Oncologist Network (+ 91 96 1588 1588).

Izvo zvinofanirwa kucherechedzwa kuti mhedzisiro yesero immunotherapy pane kudzikira kwemamota muvarwere vane gomarara repamberi haisi pachena. Kune varwere vane gomarara repamberi, ine mhedzisiro yekuwedzera hupenyu asi uchichengetedza hupenyu hwehupenyu; semushonga unobatsira mushure mekuvhiyiwa, inogona kudzora kudzokazve uye nemhedzisiro yekurapa Chengetedza nguva yakareba; inosanganiswa nekemotherapy, yakanangwa mishonga, PD1 inhibitors uye mamwe marapirwo, maitiro acho achave ari nani.

Cellular immunotherapy is not suitable for all cancer patients. For example, the sarcoma of Wei Zexi is a rare tumor with a high degree of malignancy. There is currently no good treatment in the world. Therefore, cell immunotherapy is naturally not suitable. Therefore, please ensure that you, family members and patients are kept away from false information on the Internet. Before choosing treatment, it must be evaluated by experts in formal and authoritative cancer hospitals. It is very important to choose carefully according to the economic conditions of the family.

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