Poé Kanker Dunya 2022

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4 Pébruari 2022: Di India, kanker tiasa gaduh épék sosial sareng ékonomi anu serius, biasana nyababkeun kasangsaraan kulawarga sareng ketidakadilan sosial. Di nagara demografi ngora ieu, dilaporkeun tingkat incidence kanker disaluyukeun umur masih cukup low. Dina populasi 1.3 milyar jalma, rada leuwih ti 1 juta instansi anyar kanker dideteksi unggal taun. Dina istilah anu disaluyukeun umur, ieu ngagambarkeun sakitar kaopat tina insiden lalaki sareng awéwé anu katingal di Éropa Kulon. Kanker, sabalikna, tanggung jawab pikeun diperkirakeun 600000-700000 fatalities di India dina 2012.

Poé Kanker Dunya 2022

Numutkeun kana studi IHME's Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 analisa, gambarna henteu béda-béda sacara global. Dina taun 2019, jumlah kasus kanker anyar ngaleuwihan 23 juta, naék tina 18.7 juta taun 2010. Dina taun 2019, aya 10 juta maotna kanker, naék tina 8.29 juta taun 2010. Hasil ieu nunjukkeun paningkatan 20.9 persén sareng 26.3 persén, masing-masing. .
In both developing and developed countries, cancer is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality. The majority of the population in many low- and middle-income nations, including India, does not have access to a well-organized and well-regulated cancer care system. When a person is diagnosed with cancer, they are often forced to spend a lot of money on their own health. Such expenses can push entire families into poverty and, when paired with a lack of what are considered acceptable services, can jeopardize social stability. It can be easily said that cancer treatment in India is still in a nascent stage and huge development is required in this field.
There are two major problems cancer patients and their family members face when someone is diagnosed with cancer. One is, where will they get the best and most appropriate treatment, and two, how much money will be required for treatment? Second is the most important question, as the general population in India is still devoid of health insurance. We at CancerFax addresses both these problems. We help cancer patients find most appropriate and economical cancer treatment in India and abroad. CancerFax is working with more than 100 top cancer hospitals in 10 countries like Dana-Farber, Mayo Clinic, Boston Children’s Hospital, Sheba, Asan, Apollo, BLK, Artemis to name a few.

Poé kanker dunya-artikel

CAR T-Cell therapy is a breakthrough treatment for some kinds of lymphoma, leukemia and multiple myeloma. CancerFax helps patients enroll for Terapi T-Cell mobil treatment in the USA, Israel and China. Many patients who had previously relapsed blood tumors had no evidence of cancer after CAR T-Cell therapy. It has also aided in the rehabilitation of patients who have previously failed to respond to most traditional cancer therapies. There are more than 300 ongoing clinical trials in the world’s leading cancer centers on this therapy. CAR T-Cell therapy in India is available as clinical trials now. I hope it will be available for commercial treatment very soon.

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Peran paramedics dina kasuksésan terapi CAR T Cell
Terapi T-Cell mobil

Peran paramedics dina kasuksésan terapi CAR T Cell

Paramedics maénkeun peran krusial dina kasuksésan terapi T-sél CAR ku mastikeun perawatan sabar seamless sapanjang proses perlakuan. Aranjeunna nyayogikeun pangrojong penting nalika transportasi, ngawaskeun tanda-tanda vital pasien, sareng ngalaksanakeun intervensi médis darurat upami aya komplikasi. Réspon gancang sareng perawatan ahli nyumbang kana kasalametan sareng efficacy terapi sacara umum, ngagampangkeun transisi anu langkung lancar antara setélan kasehatan sareng ningkatkeun hasil pasien dina bentang anu nangtang tina terapi sélular canggih.

Peryogi bantosan? Tim kami siap ngabantosan anjeun.

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Wilujeng sumping di CancerFax!

CancerFax mangrupikeun platform pioneering anu didedikasikeun pikeun ngahubungkeun individu anu nyanghareupan kanker tahap lanjut kalayan terapi sél anu inovatif sapertos terapi CAR T-Cell, terapi TIL, sareng uji klinis di sakuliah dunya.

Hayu urang nyaho naon bisa urang pigawé pikeun anjeun.

1) Pangobatan kanker di luar negeri?
2) Terapi T-Sél mobil
3) Vaksin kanker
4) Konsultasi video online
5) Terapi proton