Percobaan nunjukkeun yén blinatumomab tiasa dianggo ku seueur cara pikeun ngubaran ALL

BLINCYTO® (blinatumomab) is a prescription medicine used to treat B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in patients who still have detectable traces of cancer after chemotherapy. The approval of BLINCYTO® in these patients is based on a study that measured response rate and duration of response. There are ongoing studies to confirm clinical benefit. BLINCYTO® (blinatumomab) is a prescription medication used to treat a certain type of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in adults and children. ALL is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow in which a particular kind of white blood cell is replicating out of control.

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Results from a big clinical trial show that adding blinatumomab (Blincyto) to the treatment of people with leukemia limfoblastik akut (ALL) who are in remission, even if there are no signs of their disease, can help them live longer.

In the study, giving blinatumomab along with chemotherapy made people with cancer that had gone into remission live much longer than those who only got chemotherapy, which is the current standard treatment. Patients in the trial were not only in remission, but there was no sign of their cancer. This is called having minimum residual disease (MRD)-negative ALL.

Hasil uji coba ditingalikeun dina rapat taunan American Society of Hematology (ASH) di New Orleans dina bulan Désémber 2022.

In 2018, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) cleared blinatumomab to treat people with MRD-positive ALL who were in remission but still showed signs of cancer during follow-up tests. Even though recurrences after remission are always possible, people with MRD-positive ALL have a higher chance of their cancer coming back after their first treatment than those who do not have MRD.

At the ASH meeting, the results were shown for people who did not have MRD after their first medication.

Dina 3.5 taun sanggeus dimimitian terapi pos-remisi, 83% pasien diperlakukeun kalayan blinatumomab na kémoterapi masih hirup, bari ngan 65% pasien dirawat kalayan kémoterapi nyalira masih hirup.

Blinatumomab mujarab pikeun MRD-négatip ALL ogé

B-cell ALL is the most common type of ALL in both adults and children. It is a type of kanker getih that spreads quickly and is very dangerous. Chemotherapy is the standard treatment, and it often leads to remission. However, a lot of people get sick again, even if tests done after treatment show no signs of disease.

Immunotherapy drugs have shown some promise as a way to treat cancer after it has gone into remission and lower the risk of it coming back.

Jinis tina immunotherapy called a bispecific T-cell engager (BiTE) is what blinatumomab is. It sticks to both T cells and cancer cells at the same time. This makes it easy for T cells to find and kill the cancer cell by bringing them closer together. The drug, which is given through an IV, has been shown to be more effective than chemotherapy at treating B-ALL that has come back in children and young adults who have already been treated for it.

Percobaan ieu, anu dijalankeun ku Grup Panaliti Kanker ECOG-ACRIN kalayan bantosan ti NCI, dimimitian dina 2013 pikeun ningali naha blinatumomab tiasa ngabantosan jalma anu nembé didiagnosis ku B-sél ALL.

Sanaos 488 urang nyandak bagian dina sidang sacara gembleng, hasil anu ditingalikeun dina ASH ngan ukur pikeun jalma 224 anu aya dina remisi sareng MRD-négatip saatos regimen kémoterapi awal biasa. Pasién dibéré kémoterapi langkung salian ti blinatumomab atanapi ngan ukur kémoterapi. Lajeng, sakabéh subjék meunang kémoterapi unggal genep bulan salila 2.5 taun. Sababaraha urang ogé ngagaduhan cangkok sungsum tulang upami dokter panginten éta pangsaéna.

Henteu ngan ukur nambihan blinatumomab kana kémoterapi ningkatkeun kasalametan umum, tapi ogé ngajantenkeun pasien hirup langkung lami tanpa kankerna balik deui dibandingkeun sareng anu ngan ukur ngagaduhan kémoterapi.

Dr. Litzow said that none of the people who took blinatumomab had any unexpected side effects. Some of the most common side effects of blinatumomab are fever, responses to the infusion, headaches, infections, tremors, and chills.

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