NK Cell immunotherapy - Nguva nyowani pakurapa gomarara

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What is NK-cell therapy?

Trillions of cells replicate in a person every day. Under the influence of carcinogens (smoking, ionizing radiation, Helicobacter pylori, etc.), about 500,000 to 1 million cells can mutate during the replication process every day. Some mutant cells further become cancer cells.

Chikwata chemuviri

After thousands of years of evolution, the human body has formed a sophisticated defense system, established a powerful immune corps, and stocked a large number of elite soldiers, always protecting us and keeping us away from cancer. Among them, the bone marrow is the headquarters of the immune system. Here, hematopoietic stem cells differentiate into immune fighters with different functions. They have their own army territory and job responsibilities.

Kune matatu makuru mauto:

1. Core Legion: Lymphocyte

T lymphocyte Thymus-inoenderana nema lymphocyte, iwo makuru ma lymphocyte muropa uye kudzokororazve

B ma-lymphocyte anokura mu bursa ye bursa kana nhengo dzayo dzisingaoneki (mwongo wemabhonzo), iyo inogona kusiyanisa kuita masero anodzivirira eplasma mushure mekukurudzirwa neantigen

NK maseru, LAK maseru haadi iyo yekuuraya mhedzisiro yeantigen senitization

2. Anobatsira Eboka: Mharidzo yeantigen

Mononuclear-macrophage phagocytosis, iripo TD antigen, inotanga immune immune, anti-tumarara mhedzisiro, kuchengetedza kweiyo bioactive midhiya

DC maseru iboka remasero akasarudzika ane simba rakasimba rekuratidzira antigen uye ndiwo ega maseru anoratidzira antigen-anogona kuita maseru eT maseru.

3. Mamwe mauto ema immune

Neutrophils, eosinophilic / basic granulocytes uye mast maseru, maplatelet, masero matsvuku eropa.

Chii chinonzi NK Cell?

Immune Relay Hondo: Yekutanga Tsvimbo-NK Cell

Hondo yekuzvidzivirira mumuviri wedu yakangofanana nehondo yekurwisa-muvengi yakadzikiswa mumuvhi. Senge mujaho wekumhanya, zvinoda kupatsanurwa kwakajeka kwevashandi vemauto matatu, hurongwa hwekurwisa zvine hungwaru, uye mashandiro ekubatanidza kudzima muvengi mune imwe swoop swoop.

Mukurwisana kenza masero, natural killer (NK) cells bear the brunt. It is the first to directly kill cancer cells when they reach the tumarara micro environment while secreting secret weapon chemokines to recruit dendritic cells (CD103 + DC). Then, activated dendritic cells carry tumor antigens to the lymph nodes, presenting the characteristics of cancer cells to killer T cells. T cells then rush to the battlefield to kill cancer cells together with NK cells.

NK Cell ine simba rekuuraya

NK masero
Zita rizere: Natural Killer Cell

Kwayaka: Inotorwa yakananga kubva kumongo wemapfupa, kuvandudzwa kwayo kunoenderana neiyo microenvelo yemafupa

Basa: Masero anotarirwa anourawa nemasero eNK anonyanya masero ebundu, masero ane utachiona, zvirwere zvakakura (zvakadai sefungi uye utachiona), allotransplanted nhengo uye tishu.

Zita rakazara remasero eNK ndere Natural Killer Cell (NK), rinova boka rechitatu remalymphocyte anoenderana neT uye B masero mucore cell legion. NK masero akakura uye ane cytoplasmic particles, saka anonzi mahombe-particle lymphocytes. Iine matatu makuru maitiro:

Kutanga, ndiyo immune yemukati yemuviri wemunhu. Ichokwadi kuti musoja ari kumberi. Anenge ese mamota maseru anotanga kurwiswa neNK maseru kutanga.

Chechipiri, ine yakawandisa-antitumor mhedzisiro, haidi chiremerera-yakatarwa kuzivikanwa, uye haina kutenderwa neakakura histocompatibility complex (MHC) inhibitory chiitiko pasero pevhu. Nguva yekutanga ndiyo inokurumidza, uye T maseru anoda kuiswa nemaantigen vasati vagona kusiyanisa pakati pe "muvengi nemuvengi".

Chechitatu, mamiriro emamiriro ezvinhu akakodzera. Kana iyo "mamiriro emuvengi" yawanikwa, inokurumidza "kutaurwa" uye immune immune uye immune kuuraya mashandiro eiyo immune system yese aitwa.

Naizvozvo, iyo yekuuraya kenza ine simba.

Nekudaro, iyo nhamba yemasero eNK mumuviri wemunhu idiki, inoverenga ingangoita gumi muzana muzana yehuwandu hwema lymphocyte muropa remukati, uye ingangoita 15% kusvika ku3% mudumbu. Ivo vanogona zvakare kuoneka mumapapu, chiropa uye ura mucosa, asi mune thymus, lymph node uye Chest catheter isingawanzo.

NK masero anouraya sei cancer maseru?

NK maseru anoita basa rakakosha mumutsara wekutanga wekudzivirira maringe nekenza. NK maseru ane matatu anopesana nekenza mhedzisiro:

One is the direct killing of tumor cells, killing tumor cells by releasing perforin and granzyme or death receptors; the second is that it acts as a regulatory cell of the immune system by activating cytokines and chemokines, activating T cells, etc. The lethal effect.

The third is the formation of ADCC (antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity). When B cells find cancer cells, they will quietly leave specific IgG antibodies on the cancer cells as a mark to remind NK cells to see this mark. NK cells see each other and kill them. With the help of macrophages and B cells, the morale of cancer-killing increased greatly.

NK masero anoparadza cancer maseru

NK maseru aripo muropa revanhu uye "anotanga kupindura". Zvakafanana nemupurisa anga ari pabasa mumuviri. Ropa parinomhanya-mhanya, masero eNK anoramba achibata mamwe maseru achitenderera. Kamwe kusanzwisisika kunowanikwa mumuviri Masero, ipapo yakagadzikana, yakarurama, isina tsitsi inomirira nguva yekutarisana nayo. Vanorwisa nekusunungura ma cytotoxic particles ane perforin uye granzyme pane yakanangana nesero membrane pamberi peT maseru anotumirwa, zvichikonzera kuzviparadza kwecancer maseru. Vanogona zvakare kubvisa cancer maseru maseru anotenderera mumuviri uye kubatsira kudzivirira metastasis.

NK cell-yakavakirwa immunotherapy

Kunyangwe ivo vachigona nekukurumidza kudzivirira uye kurwisa zvakananga maseru emota, masero eNK anongova chikamu chidiki chema immune system, achiverengera chete gumi muzana yemasero machena eropa. Uye chidzidzo chakawana kuti mushure memakore makumi maviri nemashanu ekuberekwa, hutachiona hwevanhu hunodzikira uye huwandu hwemasero eNK hushoma. Huwandu uye chiitiko cheNN maseru mune vane tumarara varwere uye varwere mushure mekuvhiyiwa kwechirwere zvachinja kusvika pamwero wakati, uye ivo havagone kuita zvine mutsindo anticancer maitiro.

Vatsvakurudzi vave kutarisa nezve "adoptive" NK cell therapy-kuunganidza NK masero kubva kune vanopa hukama hwepedyo uye kuvabaya muvarwere. Izvi zvakaratidza kuve zvakachengeteka, uye kusiyana neT cell therapy, NK masero haakonzeri chirwere chegraft-versus-host mumatishu anogamuchira.

Ikozvino yepasi rose NK cell nzira dzebundu immunotherapy vari:

1. In vitro activated autologous or allogeneic NK cell therapy;

2. Combine NK cells and monoclonal antibodies (such as immune checkpoint inhibitors) to induce antibody-specific cytotoxicity;

3. Gadzira CAR-NK cell immunotherapy.

Activate NK cell auto receptors: Block inhibitory receptors pane NK cell membranes nema antibodies, kana kukurudzira activa
ting receptors kuti iwedzere NK cell lysis chiitiko

Mukubatana ne immune checkpoint inhibitors: cheki yekuongorora yakasanganiswa neimwe NK-inotungamirwa immunotherapy inogona kunongedza akawanda marudzi emamota ayo asiri kupindura aripo marapirwo aripo.

NK cells modified by chimeric antigen receptor: can significantly improve the specificity of NK cell efficacy. This idea is similar to the construction of CAR-T: CAR includes extracellular recognition domains (such as scFv) to recognize tumor-specific antigens; a transmembrane domain, and an intracellular signaling domain (CD3ζ chain) can induce NK cells activation.

Ndeupi musiyano uripo pakati peNK cell uye T cell kurapwa?

Mumunda wekenza immunotherapy, vanhu vanga vachitarisa mukukurudzira anti-bundu T masero. Parizvino, iyo FDA yakabvumidza maviri maCAR-T masero ekurapa.

Ose maviri masero eT uye masero eNK anokwanisa kuona nekuuraya maseru ekenza, asi anoenderera munzira dzakasiyana.

T maseru anofanirwa "kuisa" zvimwe zvikamu zvemaseru avo akananga kune mamwe maseru ekudzivirira kuitira kuti avabvume semasero ekunze uye kuunganidza maT maseru kuita maitiro ekurwisa.

NK cells recognize the pattern of cancer cell changes and are the first line of defense of the immune system. Unlike T cells, they directly detect and destroy infected and malignant cells without having to be activated or “trained” to respond to cancer cells. However, it is now well known that exposure to cytokines, which are components of the immune system, activates NK cells more effectively.

Maseru anouraya echisikirwo anoratidzwa mune yakasvibirira kurwisa mbeva matumbu. NK maseru anogona kuve kiyi kune cancer cancer. Bhuruu inoratidza mitsipa yeropa. Mufananidzo sosi: Dr. Michele Ardolino uye Dr. Brian Weist

Makomborero eNK cell therapy

1. Immune cell therapy ndiyo nzira yechina yekurapa mushure mekuvhiyiwa, chemotherapy uye radiotherapy. NK cell therapy inosanganiswa neradiotherapy uye chemotherapy inogona kunyatsobvisa masero emamota asingagoni kubviswa zvachose nekuvhiyiwa;

2. NK cell therapy inosanganiswa ne radiochemotherapy inogona kuvandudza kushanda kweradiochemotherapy uye kudzikisira mhedzisiro.

3. For advanced cancer patients who are not suitable for surgery, radiotherapy, or chemotherapy, NK cell therapy is a better choice;

4. Kugara uchirapwa neNK maseru mushure mekuvhiyiwa kunogona kudzivirira kudzokazve uye metastasis yekenza;

5.Sunungura marwadzo ekenza, kunatsiridza kurara, kugadzirisa hupenyu hwevarwere, uye kuwedzera hupenyu hwevarwere;

6. Kune vanhu vane utano hwakanaka, kushandiswa kweNK cell therapy kunogona kuderedza dambudziko rekenza.

NK Cell Therapy Yenyika Dzose

ChiJapan NK cell immunotherapy

In order to improve the activity and number of NK cells in the body, Japanese scientists have invented a multiplier method, which is to extract 50ml from human blood, isolate a small amount of NK cells and then expand the culture to increase the number to the original 1000 times, the number reaches 1 billion to 5 billion and is then returned to the body, a large number of NK cells will circulate 3000 to 4000 times with the blood system, killing cancer cells, aging cells, diseased cells, bacteria and viruses in the body Once again, to achieve the purpose of anti-cancer, improve immunity and prolong survival.

American NK muchitokisi immunotherapy

United States yaisanganisira masero eNK mukenza immunotherapy miedzo!

A woman with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is dying after repeated chemotherapy failures. As a final attempt, she received an experimental cell infusion of natural killer (NK) cells donated by her son. After 4 days, the osmotic skin lesions disappeared, and soon she entered a state of relief.

Although NK cell therapy is still only in early clinical trials in the United States, clinical research is increasing.

A clinical trial led by Washington University in St. Louis showed that approximately 12 patients with AML and myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) received NK cells. Half of the patients entered the remission period.

At present, MD Anderson at Dana Faber Cancer Institute is conducting a clinical trial, which will test the efficacy of NK cell therapy in patients with hematological tumors that relapse after stem cell transplantation. Patients who want to know the details can call + 91 96 1588 1588.

Ndiani akakodzera NK cell kurapa?

1. Varwere vane muviri wakashata vasati vavhiyiwa bundu, vanononoka kupora mushure mekuvhiyiwa, uye kutya maseru ekenza yemashiripiti asiri kutsvairwa zvachose.

2. After radiotherapy and chemotherapy, the immune system is low, the side effects are obvious (such as loss of appetite, nausea, hair loss, skin inflammation, etc.), and patients expect to increase the effect of chemoradiation.

3. Varwere vanoshuvira kushandisa akasiyana marapirwo kuti vawane kurapa mhedzisiro nekuda kwekutya kwemhedzisiro mhedzisiro ye radiotherapy uye chemotherapy.

4. Varwere vane gomarara repamberi vakapararira mumuviri wese, asi nzira dzekurapa dzakajairika hadzina simba, uye varwere vanotarisira kuwedzera kurarama uye kugadzirisa hupenyu.

Maitiro ekurapa eNK cell kurapwa

1. Blood collection: Extract 30–50 ml of peripheral blood of cancer patients and extract mononuclear cells;

2. Laboratory culture: In the laboratory, conduct NK cell induction and expansion for a period of 5-7 days;

3. Return: After the NK cell culture is completed, it is returned to the cancer patient like an infusion.

Kurapa kesi yeNK cell kurapwa

Case Source: An authoritative NK cell therapy clinic in Japan

Ms. Zheng, 50, was diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer (pancreatic tail), transferred to the liver, lungs, and pleura, and was diagnosed with cancerous peritonitis (chest wall, multiple nodules in the lungs). . After one cycle of Gemcitabine Gatige, the effect was not satisfactory, CA19-9 rose from 257,531 to 318,417. On the advice of the doctor, the whole genome was sequenced, and the result did not have any meaningful mutations. The doctor said that she had three months to six months at most. According to expert recommendations, Ms. Zheng began to reinject highly activated NK cells at a frequency of once every two weeks.

Immediately after finishing the first return, Ms. Zheng’s most obvious feeling was that she felt full of energy. She was always weak, and the pain symptoms were alleviated. With appetite, you can eat some light food.

Zvisingatarisirwi, kurapwa kwaive kwakatsetseka. Mushure mekurapwa kwekutanga, CA19-9 yakadzikiswa yakananga ku7355. Mushure mekurapwa kwakanyanya kwazvo kweNK cell, yadzika kusvika pa141.

At the end of 2016, the rechecked CT images showed that metastatic lesions such as liver and lung bronchial lymph nodes had disappeared. Pancreatic cancer at the primary site has also shrunk by more than half.

Kunyangwe hazvo isina kupora zvizere, maitiro ekurapa ari mushe. Usati watanga kurapwa, gadziriro dzakaipisisa dzakaitwa, uye kunyangwe nzira yekurapa inogona kusakwanisa kuramba, asi panopera kosi yekutanga yekurapa, mamiriro emuviri wemurwere ave nani kwazvo.

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