Kushanda kweCAR T-Cell kurapa kurwisa njodzi yakakura yakakura B-Cell lymphoma

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Zvita 2020: The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center researchers discovered that axi-cel, an autologous anti-CD19 chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cell therapy, is a safe and effective first-line therapy for patients with high-risk large B-cell lymphoma (LBCL), a group in desperate need of new and effective treatments.

Izvi zvakawanikwa zvakaunzwa kuAmerican Society of Hematology's chaiyo 2020 Yepagore Musangano.


CAR T Sero kurapwa kwehombe b cell lymphoma

Traditionally, around half of patients with high-risk LBCL, a subgroup of the disease in which patients have double- or triple-hit lymphoma or additional clinical risk factors identified by the International Prognostic Index (IPI), have not achieved long-term disease remission with standard treatment approaches such as chemoimmunotherapy.

This trial represents a step toward making CAR T cell kurapa a first-line treatment option for patients with aggressive B-cell lymphoma,” said Sattva S. Neelapu, M.D., professor of Lymphoma and Myeloma. “At the moment, patients with newly diagnosed aggressive B-cell lymphoma get chemotherapy for about six months. CAR T cell kurapa, if successful, may make it a one-time infusion with treatment completed in one month.

Zvichienderana netsvakiridzo yakakosha yeZUMA-1, Axi-cel parizvino ine rezenisi rekurapa vanhu vane LBCL yakadzokororwa kana kuti refractory vakatove nemitsara miviri kana kupfuura yemishonga inorongwa. ZUMA-12 muyedzo iPhase 2 open-label, single-arm, multicenter muyedzo unobva pane zvakawanikwa muyedzo yeZUMA-1 yekuongorora kushandiswa kweaxi-cel senzira yekutanga kurapwa kune varwere vane njodzi yakanyanya LBCL. .

Sekureva kweongororo yenguva pfupi yeZUMA-12, 85 muzana yevarwere vakarapwa neaxi-cel vaive nemhinduro yese, uye 74% vaive nemhinduro yakakwana. Mushure mekutevera kwepakati kwemwedzi ye9.3, 70% yevarwere vakanyorerwa vakaratidza kuenderera mberi kwemhinduro pakubviswa kwedata.

White blood cell count reduction, encephalopathy, anaemia, and cytokine release syndrome were the most common side effects linked with axi-cel treatment. By the time the data was analysed, all adverse events had been resolved.

Furthermore, when compared to when the immunotherapy products were generated from patients who had already received several lines of chemotherapy, the peak level of CAR T cells present in the blood, as well as the median CAR T cell expansion, were higher in this trial of first-line CAR T cell kurapa.

"Iyi T cell fitness inogona kubatanidzwa nekubudirira kukuru kwekurapa, zvichiita kuti pave nemigumisiro iri nani yevarwere," Neelapu akawedzera.

Kutevera mhedzisiro yakanaka yenguva pfupi yeZUMA-12, vaongorori vanoronga kuenderera mberi nekutevera varwere kuti vaone kuti maitiro avo pamushonga anogara kwenguva refu.

“A randomised clinical trial would be required to definitely demonstrate that CAR T cell therapy is superior to existing standard of care with chemoimmunotherapy in these high-risk patients if the responses are persistent after prolonged follow-up,” Neelapu said. It also begs the question of whether CAR T cell treatment should be tested in intermediate-risk patients with big B-sero lymphoma.

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