Colorectal cancer yekuongorora: iyo bvunzo inogona kupedzwa mune yekumba kit

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The American Cancer Society estimates that more than 97,000 people in the United States will be diagnosed with colorectal cancer this year and will cause approximately 50,600 deaths. It is the third most common cancer in the United States and the second leading cause of cancer death.

Although colorectal cancer screening has been shown to be effective in reducing cancer deaths, researchers report that the number of screeners is too small. The current guidelines of the ACS recommend routine screening for general-risk groups 45 years of age and older, using high-sensitivity fecal examination or structural (visual) examination, and all positive results should be  colonoscopy. Despite these recommendations, the study found significant differences in screening rates, including ethnicity, geographic area, and other socioeconomic factors.

kubva kenza yakajeka is a preventable disease, efforts are being made throughout the country to increase the screening rate of colorectal cancer, but the screening rate is only about 63%, while the screening rate of low-income and other vulnerable groups is often lower.

The latest research suggests that with stool immunochemical tests, or FIT kits, they can detect blood in stool and common symptoms of colon cancer. The patient can complete the test at home and return it to the provider for analysis. Patients with a positive result of the FIT kit test will be scheduled for colonoscopy.

Muchidzidzo, 21% yevarwere vakagashira FIT kit vakapedza bvunzo yekuongorora, uye vanhu gumi nevasere vakapedza iyo FIT bvunzo vaive nemhedzisiro, uye gumi nemashanu vavo vaida colonoscopy. Pakati pevarwere gumi vakapedza colonoscopy, 18 murwere aive nemhedzisiro isina kujairika.

Vatsvagiri vanoronga kuenderera mberi vachidzidza kuti nzira iyi yekutsvaga inogona kuitwa pamwero mukuru uye kudzidza zvakawanda pamusoro pemutengo-kugona uye maitiro ekuwedzera chiyero chekutarisa chemapoka ari panjodzi.

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