Iko kusanganiswa kutsva kwechiropa kenza chiropa zvakanyanya kuwedzera kupona

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Liver cancer treatment, liver cancer-targeted drugs, a new combination of liver cancer drugs significantly prolong survival.

Kenza & kupona mwero

The number of people that survive for five years after being diagnosed with digestive system cancers seems to be particularly low in India compared to more advanced countries. Survival rates are just 19% for stomach cancer compared to 25-30% in most countries, with 58% surviving in South Korea. In India, the survival rate for kenza yemaroni is 37% while it is 50-59% in most countries and goes up to 65% in the US. Only 4% of gomarara rechiropa patients survive for five years in India compared to 10 to 20% elsewhere. Survival rates have dipped in the case of rectal cancer in India.
Even in breast and kenza yeprostate, where medical advances have ensured that over 80% of patients survive in advanced countries, only about 60% of Indian patients survive. Ovarian cancer survival rates have declined in India from 23% in 1995-99 to 14% in 2005-09. Chirwere chemhondi survival rates are 46% compared to the global figure of 50%, but there is a slight decline in India from 47% in 2005. It is understood that there are one million new liver cancer patients worldwide each year, of which 55% are patients in China. About 110,000 people die of liver cancer each year in China, and the 5-year recurrence rate in China is as high as 70%. Liver cancer is highly malignant and highly contagious.


Zviratidzo zvekutanga zvegomarara rechiropa

1. Cough: The liver mass stimulates the diaphragm. During breathing, it causes a reflex in the lungs to cause a cough, or liver cancer has lung metastases that cause a cough.

2. Kuneta: Maseru eCancer anokanganisa kuchengetedza kwechiropa uye simba remuviri rinoderedzwa.

3. Kuonda kwekusatsanangurika: Maseru eCancer anoda simba rakawandisa uye zvinovaka muviri kupfuura zvinyama zvakajairika panguva yekukura, zvichikonzera kushomeka kwehutano mumuviri, saka varwere vanoratidza kuwedzera kuonda. Dzimwe gomarara dzinoratidzawo zviratidzo zvekuparadza.

4. Zviratidzo zvemudumbu: Zvirwere zvekudya zvinoitika. Inenge chetatu chevarwere vane gomarara rechiropa vanozoona zviratidzo zvehosha yekugaya chirwere panguva yekutanga kwechirwere, yakafanana nezvirwere zvemudumbu.

5. Fever: mostly cancerous fever, which is mainly caused by the release of pyrogens into human blood circulation after tumarara tishu necrosis.

6.Kubuda ropa: mazino anobuda ropa, kupwanya kwepashure uye zvimwe zviratidzo.

7. Pain: Hepatic pain occurs in most patients with advanced liver cancer.


Nei kune varwere vazhinji vegomarara rechiropa munyika dzichiri kusimukira? Ndezvipi zvinokonzera gomarara rechiropa?

1. Alcoholism and alcoholic hepatitis: Alcohol and its toxic metabolite acetaldehyde can cause alcoholic fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis, and even liver fibrosis and liver cancer.

2. Obesity and fatty liver: Obesity is one of the root causes of many chronic diseases. Obesity can cause fatty liver problems and even worsen into cirrhosis and liver cancer. Usually, pay attention to 7 points full of diet, good exercise habits, eat high fat and high sugar food lifestyle.

3. B / C viral hepatitis: Chronic hepatitis B and C are the main causes of liver cancer in the past, accounting for about 60 ~ 70%. With the full implementation of the hepatitis B vaccine for newborns, the proportion of hepatitis B infection has decreased. Hepatitis C was also very popular a few years ago. Hepatitis C is currently curable and the threat of viral hepatitis is decreasing.

Nzira yekudzivirira sei kenza yechiropa kubva mukudzokorora?

1. Kushanda kwakasimba kwekusimbisa. Kuvhiya uye kurapwa kwakanangana kunogona kubvisa akawanda matomu matishu, asi maseru ekenza haakwanise kubviswa zvachose. Masero egomarara akasara ane mukana wakakura wekudzokazve; saka, kurapa kwekusimbisa kunofanirwa kuitwa nenzira yakakodzera. Chinyakare Chinese mushonga uye mishonga yechiropa uye chiropa kudzivirira inogona kushandiswa kwenguva yakareba.

2. Shingairira kurovedza muviri kuti usimbise hutachiona uye kupokana nezvirwere.

3. Kudya kwakaringana, kusimbisa kudya kunovaka muviri, kuderedza kudya kwemafuta uye kuderedza kufema kwemweya une chepfu.

4. Chengetedza mafungiro akanaka, kazhinji dzidza kugadzirisa mafungiro nemanzwiro, kuwana mubatanidzwa webasa nekuzorora, uye dzivisa kushanda zvakanyanya. Kushungurudzika uye kuneta zvinogona kukonzera kushaya simba kwemuviri, izvo zvinogona kutungamira kune yakadzika hutachiona uye yakadzika hutachiona, izvo zvinogona kukonzeresa kugomarara.

Kenza yechiropa inorapwa sei uye ndeipi mishonga mitsva?

Liver cancer treatment is mainly based on surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy.

Kenza yechiropa-yakanangwa zvinodhaka

zita rakajairika Product zita chipfuro Nguva yekutengesa China yakanyorwa Yekutanga mutsvagiri Mhando yezvinodhaka
Sorafenib Nexavar, Dogemei KIT, VEGFR, PDGFR 2005 Ehe Bayer Mamorekuru madiki
Regorafenib Stivarga Multi-chipfuro 2012 kwete Bayer Mamorekuru madiki
Ramucirumab Cyramza VEGFR2 2014 Ehe Eli Lilly MAb
Lenvatinib Lenvima Multi-chipfuro 2015 Ehe Esai Mamorekuru madiki


Iko kusanganiswa kwe atejizumab uye bevacizumab kuri nani pane monotherapy

Recently, the European Society of Oncology 2019 (Asian Congress) held in Singapore announced the phase III of the tumor immunotherapy Tecentriq (atezolizumab, atuzumab) combined with Avastin (bevacizumab) first-line treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Clinical study IMbrave150 (NCT03434379). Compared to sorafenib, the first-line combination of atrezumab and bevacizumab has statistically and clinically improved progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS). The risk of death was reduced by 42% in patients receiving combination therapy, and the progression-free survival rate was 41% (no progression or risk of death).



In addition, in December 2018, the US FDA approved atezolizumab combined with bevacizumab + chemotherapy (carboplatin and paclitaxel) as first-line treatment for adult patients with metastatic non-squamous isina-diki kenza yemapapu kenza without EGFR or ALK genome tumor aberrations. Based on data from group B of the IMpower150 study, compared with bevacizumab + chemotherapy, atezolizumab combined with bevacizumab + chemotherapy significantly prolonged patient survival (19.2 months vs 14.7 months).

Atuzumab is a PD-L1 antibody and belongs to tumor immunotherapy. The drug can bind to a protein called PD-L1 expressed on tumor cells and tumor infiltrating immune cells, blocking it from PD-1 and B7. .1 receptor interactions. By inhibiting PD-1, atuzumab can activate T cells, which has the potential to be used as a basic combination therapy for cancer immunotherapy, targeted drugs and various cancer chemotherapy.

Bevacizumab inonzi angiogenesis inhibitor iyo inosunga kusunga kune vascular endothelial kukura chinhu (VEGF). VEGF inoita basa rakakosha muangiogenesis uye kugadzirisa muhupenyu hwehupenyu. Avastin inokanganisa kuwedzerwa kweropa remamota nekuzvisunga zvakananga kuVEF, ichidzivirira kubva mukubatana neanogamuchira masero etsinga. Ropa rekupa bundu rinoonekwa seye
kiyi yekukwanisa kwayo kukura uye metastasize mu vivo.

Pane hwaro hwakasimba hwesainzi hwekubatanidza atelizumab uye bevacizumab, uye kusanganiswa kwemishonga iyi miviri kune mukana wekusimbisa immune system kurwisa mamota. Pamusoro peyakagadzika anti-angiogenic mhedzisiro, bevacizumab inogona kuwedzera kuwedzera atezumab kudzoreredza kushomeka kwemuviri nekudzivirira hutachiona hweVEGF-hune hukama, kusimudzira T-cell tumarara kupinda, uye kutanga T-cell mhinduro kune tumarara maantigen. Kenza kudzivirira.

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