Memorandamu yekunzwisisa (MOU) yakasainwa neGenScript ProBio kuti igadzire hukama hwehukama neACT Therapeutics kugadzira mishonga mitsva yeCAR-T cell.

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July 2022: On July 12, 2022, GenScript ProBio (Brian Ho-sung Min, CEO), a global CDMO, and ACT Therapeutics (Seogkyoung-Kong, CEO), developing a next-generation chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-T cell therapy platform targeting solid cancer, announced that they had entered into a strategic partnership MOU concerning the development of a new CAR-T cell therapies. The MOU was in regard to the development of new CAR-T cell therapies. Through the use of this memorandum of understanding (MOU), GenScript ProBio and ACT Therapeutics have come to an agreement to further their collaboration in the field of cell therapy.

ACT Therapeutics uye GenScript ProBio vari mushishi kusaina kondirakiti yekuvandudza nekugadzirwa kweplasmid uye hutachiona mavheji epombi yekutanga yeACT Therapeutics 'Advanced CAR-T Platform (ACT papuratifomu), iyo ichapihwawo basa rekugadzira zvigadzirwa. kune ACT Therapeutics 'inozotevera mapaipi. Kondirakiti ichavhara kugadzirwa kwemaplasmids uye mavhairasi mavhairasi epombi yekutanga yeACT Therapeutics 'Advanced CAR-T Platform.

Nekuda kwechibvumirano ichi, GenScript ProBio yakasimudzwa kusvika pachimiro chemudiwa wepasi rose anokwanisa kutsigira ACT mapuratifomu eACT therapeutics.

Iyo ACT chikuva chinotevera-chizvarwa sero uye gene therapy tekinoroji inonangana nemaantigen egomarara nekuisa majini akagadzirirwa kunanga iwo maantigen mumasero ekudzivirira. Aya majini anounzwa mumaseru anodzivirira muviri kuburikidza nekushandisa mavhairasi mavhairasi. GenScript ProBio ine yemhando yepamusoro hutachiona hutachiona hurongwa hwekuvandudza uye imwe-yekumira sevhisi chikuva chekugadzira GMP, ese ari maviri anodiwa pakuvandudzwa kwesero uye gene therapy.

ACT Therapeutics’ ACT platform is an advanced CAR-T technology that has a next-generation structure that goes beyond the second-generation CAR-T cell therapy and targets existing gomarara reropa. This is accomplished by overcoming the immune suppression microenvironment of solid cancer and activating the immune cells that are surrounding the cancer. Several studies have also used animals to test the ACT platform to see how well it works and if it is safe. These studies have also confirmed that the platform can be used to treat solid cancer while staying in the immunosuppressive environment of that cancer. Additionally, it complements the shortcomings of the existing second-generation CAR-T, which makes it a competitive technology for the treatment of solid cancer.

ACT Therapeutics is a Korean bio venture company that has received initial investment through DAYLI Partners, Korea’s leading bio and healthcare venture capital, since its establishment in 2020, and has been recognized for its technology such as receiving pre-series A investment in Samho Green Investment. DAYLI Partners is Korea’s leading bio and healthcare venture capital since its establishment in 2020. At the moment, investment consultations are being held with various securities firms and venture capital companies in order to entice Series A investment.

Brian H. Min, CEO of GenScript ProBio, said, “We are very happy to cooperate with ACT therapeutics in strategic partnership, and we are looking forward to support ACT Therapeutics’ ACT platform as a global partner through our accumulated technology.”

Seogkyoung-Kong, CEO we ACT Therapeutics, akati, "Tapedza gadziriro dzekuti ACT puratifomu ibude pasi rose kuburikidza nekudyidzana kwakanaka neGenScript ProBio. Tichasimudzira kuvandudzwa kwemishonga inonangana negomarara rakasimba uye risingagoneke. ”

Nezve GenScript ProBio

GenScript ProBio is a subsidiary of GenScript Biotech Corporation, proactively providing end-to-end CDMO service from drug discovery to commercialization with proactive strategies, professional solutions and efficient processes in cell and gene therapy (CGT), vaccine discovery, biologics discovery and antibody protein drug development to accelerate drug development for customers. GenScript ProBio has established companies in the United States, the Netherlands, South Korea, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Nanjing and other places to serve global customers, and supported customers in the United States, Europe, Asia Pacific and other regions to obtain more than 30 IND approvals.

Pachinangwa che "Innovation kuburikidza nekubatana", GenScript ProBio yakazvipira kubatsira vatengi kupfupisa nguva yekugadzirwa kwemishonga yebhayoloji kubva pakuwanikwa kusvika pakutengesa, ichidzikisa zvakanyanya mutengo weR&D uye kuvaka ramangwana rine hutano.

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CancerFax ipuratifomu yekupayona yakatsaurirwa kubatanidza vanhu vakatarisana negomarara repamberi nekurapa kwesero seCAR T-Cell therapy, TIL kurapwa, uye miedzo yekiriniki pasi rese.

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